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Everything posted by Mav

  1. Finally got to drive an F2 today, snow and all NIR Track wet and greasy but put in about 50 laps or so in four sessions. Car went really well for what I asked it to do, managed to keep it on the track with only one huge snake but held it and carried on. Being tall, or dumpy or clostrophobic is not handy for Daz's car as it seemed very enclosed and until he took all the seat padding out my helmet kept getting wedged on the roof ! Daz also gave me a tester to what its like to be hit by another F2 - "Bloody Hell" - is all I can say, the clanging of metal, the forward thrust and the jolt it gives you is unbelieveable - then he told me he only tapped me !!!! God knows what its like at full chat into a bend (he hit me on the straight ) Although I was very confident in driving the car and keeping it under control to my standards, I am still apprehensive as to what it will be like with cars all around me, as I only had Daz on track with me (Never dared to go on track when Lee Robinson #107 was going round - Smart Car by the way ) So its a big and now looking forward to Hednesford on April 24th, where with more pre-meeting practice (hopefully in the dry), I may take up Stuart Ralph's #782 (Daz's helper today) suggestion that I could start at the front with the whites We shall see The pic is the car I practiced in today, and it had the red aerofoil on !! Unfortunately due to the adverse weather, none of my photographers would come !!!!
  2. Nice to see you out there Spike My turn on wednesday to get some praccy in my first ever time in an F2 seat ! Hope the weather holds off, need it to be dry for me to potter around
  3. True picture of what happened after Venray 2004, on the way home through Holland when Paul Hines spots a wagon driven by H24.
  4. Hope all is well - Congratulations All the best to you all.
  5. I did think about buying Mart's F2 for £750 but in my situation David, I have no where to store a car, most of all I have no mechanical knowledge or engine knowledge, no spare cash to actually run the car or maintain it if I had damage. No-one I know would have the cash for sponsorship, or the need to sponsor me. No means of transporting the car to the tracks, any financial needs for fuel have to be met etc etc. So in my situation, if I want to race, hiring is the only option
  6. Not if you prang it in your first race !!!!! If you are confident that you wont damage it and incur, who knows what value, then I think £250 per race is good value for an F2 cos I paid FWJ £250 in 1990 for a go in his F1 and only had 2 laps in ht1, 16 laps in consi & 25 laps in Final - GN was cancelled ! So hopefully I will get at least 3 (4 if very lucky) races of full laps for my money in one meeting !
  7. Mart I hope it does come soon as I would like to go for Practice Session at NIR, prior to the start of the season, as without it I wouldn't be insured to drive on the track ???? TRAV Daz e-mailed Graham Bunter on whether I can hire a transponder for each meeting rather than buy one, but Graham didn't reply. I am intending doing some practice at NIR, so I sent for my licence and have paid for a transponder. Daz said that its the driver who is registered to the transponder not the car. Again I have sent a letter in with my licence form asking if I can hire one rather than buy it, so again we shall have to wait and see. BWP Daz has negociated a deal with me at present. He doesn't know me or hasn't seen me, so until I have some practice, I would imagine the terms are not set in stone. We have agreed a price in principle, on a race to race basis. Daz might as a form of rebate buy my transponder off me at the season end !
  8. £250 without insurance of damage - but I will be paying more than that to have all damage included cos you have seen me race online !!!! So you have made Mr.Kitson mor than a grand m8 No need to cheer for me to crash, you can cheer WHEN i've crashed !!!! Would definately try to see you race if you did hire a V8 and cheer you on Thanks for the info on the number, I will have to wait and see (I am hoping 525 wasn't Tom Louth's first choice number and that he may change, but we will have to wait and see Cheque has cleared so licence should be on its way back!)
  9. No - Going to hire Daz Kitson's car for four meetings in 2005. At the moment my fixtures are : April 24th - Hednesford QR May 30th - Skegness August 6th - Coventry September 18th - NIR BWP - yeah I know someone had the number but I don't know what the rulings are, regarding allocation of numbers. Will wait to see what F2 grading guy gives me, although 641 would have been my first choice, 525 my second then 841 then 832. I really don't know who has what number in 2004 and cant find a list, so just waiting for my licence to be sent then I will know ! So Ali Forsyth 251 is the only one ?
  10. Trav - Question for you (and any other F1 & F2 buffs!) If I am granted 525 as my F2 number for 2005 (I have asked but someone was previously regisitered), I will have held a licence in both F1 & F2 with the same number. Anyone else done this in there racing career between F1 & F2 ????? I am struggling to think of anyone as the F2 numbers in days gone by were always over 500, and F1's under 500, hence making the early years difficult to do. Just asking as I could create a very tiny bit of history in Brisca !
  11. VERY NICE Shame he broke his front wheels doing it
  12. Thank you - It means alot to us all, to be able to stage this meeting in Mikey's Memory, with your blessing. And Thank you for taking the time, to reply to us on this forum. Best Wishes.
  13. Looking through the dates, my first options are :- MAV's F2 GRAND Tour - (Revised!) April 24th - Hednesford May 30th - Skegness August 6th - Coventry September 18th - Northampton With the possiblilty if the previous went well and I have enough dosh left is :- October 29th - Cowdenbeath. All subject to availability (except Cowdenbeath) of Daz Kitson's car being available on those dates. Dealings have been started with Daz, new helmet purchased, borrowed overalls on there way to me ! Fingers crossed it pans out
  14. Crewesaders shale car went for a respray - and came out with a new roof colour too ! Good Luck to Crewe this season, and here's hoping he gets to use it !
  15. Have a very Sober birthday - Prydie Have a good birthday - Mickey
  16. lol And no it is not mine cos its got the wrong number on
  17. Congratulations on your 100th Birthday Dino & you can still drive bloody well too !!!! Have a great day m8 !
  18. Happy New Year to all UK Dirters & Happy Birthday to Dino
  19. Surprise Surprise Congratulations Chuck (Said in my best Cilla voice !) All the best to you and your new family
  20. Thanks Gaz ps (I was too late m8 for BH 2005)
  21. Thanks Pete, Have forwarded the picture onto Julia. Hope all went well on monday.
  22. Scrapman53 is dealing with this issue. Thanks.
  23. In memory of Mikey on this day - RIP.
  24. Hi Grasser, Did download about 5 different angles of his tar car, none were at the correct angle to cut and paste anything so its all done by hand (apart from Teng Tools). The cars colours look fine from a replay but when taking a screen shot it seems to change the colours due to the lighting
  25. Here is the real life car I was working on. Not quite 100% accurate (lack of psp knowledge at the moment) and also an obvious one, not a fully correct chassis. Please allow a difference in daylight/night time and on screen colours as all the pictures I worked off seemed to have different shades ! Took alot of work to get it this far and learnt a few new things on the way. As they say "It can only get better!"
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