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Posts posted by Mav

  1. Car is my most confident, so I was really happy after the first two German stages.

    The third I made a schoolboy error and that blew that one, but overall I was pleased with my runs.


    Greece I was too confident in this car and just kept going too fast at the wrong times and making errors.

    Had a good third run tho, was happy with that, but I find that the stage goes on too long when I am doing well and when the finish doesn't come I end up making an error right near the end :banghead2:


    Never mind, got the car to the end and not too far behind those that have done it so far, but I still think I will be last overall :thumbs_up:

  2. Well to quote JoshW - "Another rubbish meeting".


    W&Y : Spun after first bend contact, was well down got back into it only to be spun again. Finally caught up but too late but happy with 6th after all that.

    Heat 1 : Was spun into a tyre on the first bend, broken wheel - End of race.

    Heat 2 : Was spun on lap 2 now last, got back into the race and finished 8th.

    Consi : Passed Spike for the lead, was determined to win, stuck to my racing line causing JoshW to hit tyre and although I won I wasn't happy about the nature of how I won.

    Final : Drove really well until DannyKing spun in front of me (we were 2nd and 3rd) I put Danny right again, he disappeared off and I went backwards. Was 6th entering last lap finished 16th!

    GN : DanW got first bend wrong and was sideways, didn't want to hit him so braked and lost the back end finally hitting the same tyre as heat 1. I got wedged and lost 2 laps getting out so quit.


    So not a great night, but that's Stock Car Racing!

    Happy that my PC was sound all night.

    I am sorry for JoshW in the consolation, it wasn't a deliberate move or ploy, I was just trying to stand my ground as I had been spun so many times earlier.




  3. That was the worst it could get. Did not enjoy it one bit :thumbs_down:

    However, I do think my PC is not playing ball anymore as rFactor has suffered and now this is suffering too. So it might not be all down to my driving!


    I had a lot of trouble staying on the road in wet wales, and eventually just drove around in 3rd at 40-50mph, yet I still slid off the course at several points!

    Car was fine at half way, so no major repairs required but very slow as it turned out not surprisingly!


    Despondent, I set off in the 1st German course and nailed it - so chuffed with myself, but as I crossed the line the pc froze and when I rebooted I found it didn't count! :banghead2:

    Even more despondent now I set off again, but by the time I had three crashes I just gave up and quit - Yes I quit :rofl:


    Won't do anymore until I can figure out why my PC has decided to loose performance, been running all sorts of diagnostics, but to no avail as yet.

    Will keep an eye on what's going on though :thumbs_up:

  4. Just decided to continue my Championship and Dirt Rally went into update mode.

    Its updated a new section RallyCross which sounds good.


    Anyway, I went to do my championship but when I clicked on the first track the game said loading,

    then a black screen with the music still playing and then went back to the desktop ending the game.


    I have been on Steam, Rally Dirt Forum and someone has posted the exact same problem as me.

    Wondered if anyone else has had similar problems since the update?

  5. I'm Done!!!!!


    In all 6 stages I only crashed once, but due to not being able to see enough I was far too cautious!

    Car handled well for me, so happy with that but just annoyed at the graphics.


    Was consistently around 35 secs off the leader which meant I finished 2nd to last at this point but only just!

    Close run thing Aub :)

  6. Third week running now I have had a bad run. :o


    My pc wasn't playing ball and when I finally got to practice, I knew right away that it wasn't going to be a good night.

    The car was not performing and no matter what tweaks I did it just didn't settle.


    Onto the European and as last year it was over on lap 1 - How does it always seem to be only me that get spun round and then battered to pieces! :banghead2:

    So sat and watched it from the infield and it was clear that Dan wasn't going to be denied once the race settled down. Congrats Dan.


    Well the Euro set the tone of the meeting for me as every race, I was hit on bend 1 lap 1 and it was race over. I just tootled round at the back.

    Obviously I wanted to have a go at the GN, but same story found myself at the back after a few laps, just hoping that others dropped out but crossed the line 11th an no points! :thumbs_down:


    Its seems Ricky's sudden rise to stardom is my demise to bargain basement!

    Feel as if I should have a few weeks out its been that bad, and especially how Jake has won 5 GN's so far this season, I doubt I will hold onto that lead anyway :-(

  7. Congratulations to LeeK #39 - 2015 F2 European Champion!!


    As practice went on I actually worked out how to drift the car and improve my lap times, so I was happy that I could handle the car.

    Only downside was that if I drifted too much my backend was available to hit and I'd be spun.


    Euro race started really well, actually got to 10th from 23rd but it was short lived as I was half spun and lost several places.

    Nevertheless happy to have finished in 14th and not be lapped!!!!


    Enjoyed the meeting although I was dreading it :o Thanks all :thumbs_up:

  8. Having not used the car before (although I have bought it and not raced it, but should have) I found it very light and gears were not what I was used too!!

    Therefore on both Stage 1 & 2 I crashed several times including within the first 3 bends!!!

    From then on I drove like I was on a Sunday School outing but slowly got used to how it handled.

    Stages 3 to 5 got gradually better, but looking at the leader board I resigned myself to being last, as I was after Stage 5.

    Stage 6 and it was going well until three quarters when my back wheel hit a rock and spun me; I was close to the edge and took an age to turn it around without going over the edge.

    Finally crossed the line in disappointment but when the final leader board came up I couldn't believe I was 4th and just 8 seconds off claiming 3rd!! (Dam that spin!!!)


    So overall not a bad performance seeing how I really dislike Greece and was not prepared with the car as much as I would have liked. :king:


    NEXT PLEASE!!! :thumbup:

  9. Terrible night all round :banghead2:


    W&Y's lost the win on the last bend, three heats last in all but one despite being in contention with a few laps left in a couple.

    B Final fought for it and got criticised for trying too hard, but just wasn't quick enough against Stox.

    GN led after Stinjy tried to remove me on first bend, only to see he who criticised me catching in my mirrors!

    Let him through, then Jake caught me and forced me wide allowing the red top train catch up. Got spun and corrected.

    Lost several places and lost a few more when the leaders crashed on the home straight causing me to spin again! (God my car is light when it hits others!)

    Crossed the line in 8th for my only points of the night - A few more for the GN Champs :thumbs_up: but a lot less for the World of Shale Champs :thumbs_down:


    Chalked up tonight to experience and looking onward to the Euro's next week (might have dropped out of an automatic qualifying place now too!)


    Well Done to DanW for the final win :appl: , not easy to come by these days, be really nice to be in with a shout of one myself!

  10. Congratulations to all of tonight's winners, especially DBecks! Its nice to see your efforts pay off again so keep it going!!


    Been looking through the points charts, and I noticed Mav has a massive lead in the GNC points! Its awesome to see the lower graders leading the way :rolleyes:


    Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention :rofl:


    Obviously GN's are a target nowadays but in the main, I just keep trying at every meeting in the hope I can pick up a few decent results, so we will see at season end how successful I have been. Just have this feeling that I will be pipped to the post but it won't be for not trying :thumbs_up:


    As for Hednesford, that was really hard work. I cannot get my car to drift so have to go in tight, wait and boot out again. In practice I was ok on my own, but found it difficult in the meeting to be around other cars. I hung in there most races and was pleased with my heats even tho I did go flying in my third heat whilst 3rd. Final was over in 2 laps but no shock there and the GN was the hardest race of the evening but I survived for an excellent 5th place.


    Congrats to Stan, DBecks and Kizza ( who should have won the final but for two inconsiderate bacmarkers fighting for 14th and 15th), you all drove exceptionally well all meeting.


    Ricky, who has given you their setups? You suddenly are driving well and you have stopped asking people for setups in practice.

    Good to see you going well, although it is more of an achievement to do it yourself !

  11. ERM Scratch that what I just wrote!


    Just seen Grasser's first run, and he goes faster round the hairpins than I take turn 3 & 4's!!!

    That video was amazing - really wish I could do that :)


    I will be lucky to be within 2 minutes of that time lol


    Oh well - Not to be last should be my ambition then :rofl:

  12. I wonder if I will get an advantage here!!


    Been running the Impreza in the Championship today and did really well in the Germany tracks, (actually finished in 2nd once!), hate Greece and Wales tho but went quite well at Monaco.

    I have actually got promoted out of the Clubman to do my Impreza runs so hopefully as it was harder to do - Snowing in Monaco, I hope to be able to go well this time.


    One thing I have trouble with (well one of many lol) is that sometimes its hard to see where I am going, especially Greece, it is very dark, hence why I crash a lot there!


    Either tomorrow or Thursday I should be able to give it a go, so we shall see :)

  13. Having watched the video, I can see why I loose so much time.

    I am very tentative on the corners and still struggle with handbrake turns.

    Other thing that stood out was that when I get up into 4th gear my car starts wandering and I cannot go flat out otherwise I spin.

    Jake was very stable at high speed and even more stable under braking for the bends.

    I tend to go cautiously in 3rd gear, but as soon as I get confident and put it into 4th, there is suddenly a bend and I'm off! lol


    Will do some more championship races this afternoon then onto the other rounds remaining.


    Lloydy, I am not giving up that last place easily!!! :rofl:

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