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  1. Well done to Stox #246 for winning the final and LeeK #39 top scoring! Congratulations to LeeK #39 for winning the 2018 UKDirt F1 Champion of Champions! Both tonight, and throughout the season - thanks to everyone for racing and Stumpy for his stewarding assistance! The UKDirt F1 league will continue in 2019 under FastTrack and LeeK. I wish the guys (and the league overall) every success in the coming years. Results: Heat 1: 281 39 112 151 527 246 8 244 454 582 645 341 63 Heat 2: 112 151 527 582 8 645 244 39 246 281 63 454 341 Heat 3: 8 39 645 281 151 112 527 244 246 582 63 341 A-Final: 246 39 645 151 8 244 527 281 63 341 112 582 GN 1: 112 151 39 8 527 244 281 645 341 246 63 582 Champion of Champions: 39 246 244 527 341 8 151 Points: 82 pts 39 LeeK 75 pts 151 Dode 64 pts 8 Tosh 63 pts 246 Stox 59 pts 645 SKint 50 pts 527 fast track 45 pts 244 Toff 43 pts 112 Tom D 41 pts 281 d_dickson 10 pts 63 JohnH 9 pts 341 BryanLee 9 pts 582 ginger 2 pts 454 Frans The replays are here!
  2. Good evening folks! Heat 1: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 236 ) Heat 2: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 236 ) Heat 3: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 236 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 236 ) GN 1: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 236 ) Champion of Champions: 341 8 151 454 244 527 39 server .164 ( steward 236 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  3. Well done to Tosh #8 for winning the final and top scoring! Congratulations to LeeK #39 for winning the UKDirt F1 2018 Shootout Championship! Congratulations to BryanLee #341 for winning the UKDirt F1 2018 Whites and Yellows Championship! Thanks to all who raced tonight and thanks to Stumpy for his stewarding assistance! Results: Whites & Yellows: 341 Heat 1: 777 582 341 246 39 8 454 229 527 100 Heat 2: 582 341 39 229 777 454 8 100 246 527 Heat 3: 8 100 229 777 582 39 527 246 454 341 A-Final: 8 229 777 341 527 582 100 246 39 454 GN 1: 582 341 39 527 246 454 229 8 100 777 Points: 81 pts 8 Tosh 71 pts 341 BryanLee 71 pts 229 Tsjalle 70 pts 582 Ginger 65 pts 777 HGR 51 pts 527 fast track 45 pts 39 LeeK 39 pts 246 Stox 37 pts 100 Tomdavison 26 pts 454 Frans The replays are here!
  4. Good evening folks! Whites and Yellows: 341, 504 server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 1: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) GN 1: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  5. Well done to Tsjalle #229 for winning the final, sweeping the meeting and top scoring! Thanks to all who raced tonight and thanks to Stumpy for his stewarding assistance! Results: Whites & Yellows: 504 341 63 Heat 1: 229 527 39 504 454 341 63 8 Heat 2: 229 39 8 527 246 454 504 341 63 Heat 3: 229 39 246 527 504 8 341 454 63 A-Final: 229 8 246 39 527 454 504 341 63 GN 1: 229 527 39 246 504 454 8 341 63 Points: 100 pts 229 Tsjalle 77 pts 39 LeeK 71 pts 527 fast track 69 pts 8 Tosh 68 pts 246 Stox 49 pts 504 CharlieBoast 49 pts 454 Frans 33 pts 341 BryanLee 22 pts 63 JohnH The replays are here!
  6. Good evening folks! Whites and Yellows: 63, 341 server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 1: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) GN 1: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  7. Well done to Tsjalle #229 for winning the final and top scoring! Thanks to all who raced tonight and thanks to Stumpy for his stewarding assistance! Results: Whites & Yellows: 341 381 Heat 1: 229 8 527 246 341 244 39 454 381 Heat 2: 229 8 39 246 527 454 341 244 381 621 Heat 3: 229 527 8 244 246 39 454 341 381 A-Final: 229 39 246 527 8 454 244 341 381 GN 1: 8 39 229 527 246 244 454 381 341 Points: 96 pts 229 Tsjalle 80 pts 39 LeeK 76 pts 8 Tosh 72 pts 246 Stox 72 pts 527 fast track 45 pts 244 Toff 45 pts 454 Frans 32 pts 341 BryanLee 22 pts 381 kevharbord 1 pts 621 jouke heddema The replays are here!
  8. Good evening folks! Whites and Yellows: 381, 341 server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 1: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) GN 1: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  9. At half way Toff #244, Stijneman #589, DanSkin #236 and HGR #777 are eliminated.
  10. Well done to Tinman #48 for top scoring! Thanks to all who raced tonight and thanks to Stumpy for his stewarding assistance! Results: Tarmac Masters: 236 39 48 482 888 8 246 244 545 341 527 Heat 1: 236 48 888 39 582 527 8 246 244 454 341 Heat 2: 48 39 8 246 341 244 888 527 582 236 454 Heat 3: 236 48 888 527 39 8 582 454 246 341 244 A-Final: 236 48 582 246 39 8 888 527 454 244 341 GN 1: 236 48 888 39 246 527 582 341 244 8 454 Points: 91 pts 48 Tinman 91 pts 236 DanSkin 66 pts 39 LeeK 60 pts 582 ginger 59 pts 246 Stox 56 pts 888 EllisR 44 pts 8 Tosh 40 pts 527 fast track 16 pts 244 Toff 14 pts 454 Frans 13 pts 341 BryanLee The replays are here!
  11. Good evening folks! Tarmac Masters: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 1: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) GN 1: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  12. Grade changes for November 2018. UP TO SS 246 UP TO RED 454 DOWN TO BLUE 8 DOWN TO WHITE 381 Congratulations to those drivers upgraded and commiserations to those downgraded.
  13. Congratulations to LeeK #39 for winning the World of Shale Championship! Well done to Tinman #48 for winning the final and Tsjalle #229 for top scoring! Thanks to all who raced tonight and thanks to Stumpy for his stewarding assistance! Results: World of Shale: 39 621 777 527 112 8 229 888 246 167 48 100 454 589 341 4 941 381 Heat 1: 341 112 777 454 39 100 527 8 229 246 621 167 888 4 381 63 48 589 941 Heat 2: 229 454 621 112 341 888 777 527 39 8 167 246 589 100 4 381 63 941 48 Heat 3: 621 229 112 341 167 39 527 246 777 589 48 381 888 454 8 63 100 4 941 A-Final: 48 229 888 341 621 454 246 39 112 589 8 777 100 167 63 527 381 4 GN 1: 341 888 229 39 8 246 621 527 48 112 167 100 454 63 589 777 381 Points: 82 pts 229 Tsjalle 78 pts 341 BryanLee 63 pts 888 Ellis_Rogers 58 pts 48 Tinman 56 pts 621 jouke heddema 42 pts 39 LeeK 41 pts 454 Frans 36 pts 112 Tom D 34 pts 246 Stox 17 pts 527 fast track 16 pts 8 Tosh 14 pts 777 HGR 6 pts 167 CB 6 pts 589 Stijneman 5 pts 100 Tomdavison 0 pts 63 JohnH 0 pts 941 Jaymo 0 pts 4 BigDan 0 pts 381 kevharbord The replays are here!
  14. Good evening folks! World of Shale: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 1: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) GN 1: ALL IN server .164 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  15. Well done to Tsjalle #229 for winning the final and Frans #454 for top scoring! Thanks to all who raced tonight and thanks to Stumpy for his stewarding assistance! Results: Whites & Yellows: 454 381 Heat 1: 454 8 48 39 381 527 246 167 244 621 Heat 2: 48 454 167 39 527 246 244 8 381 621 Heat 3: 48 229 454 39 8 167 527 621 244 246 381 A-Final: 229 454 167 39 527 381 246 8 48 244 621 GN 1: 229 48 454 246 39 8 381 244 527 167 Points: 88 pts 454 Frans 79 pts 229 Tsjalle 68 pts 39 LeeK 58 pts 167 CB 56 pts 48 Tinman 49 pts 527 fast track 44 pts 246 Stox 43 pts 8 Tosh 41 pts 381 kevharbord 19 pts 244 Toff 5 pts 621 jouke heddma The replays are here!
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