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About Rod132

  • Birthday 03/02/1972

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  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Location
    West Sussex, England
  • Interests
    Oval motor sport....Spedeworth 1300 stock car pilot
  1. Thanks guys. I see that Rfactor is the future , but my mates all have Heat and we have "practice" eves. so need to stay with that too! Cheers again Mark
  2. Quality!! Big smiley face here now......but which files do I need for offline?!!!
  3. Can somebody help me?! Basically, my PC died ( :-( ) and wiped everything. Want to get the new one up to speed etc and wanted to load the offline versions of our favourites, but everytime I click on the link in these forums, it leads nowhere. Is it a dead link? And can somebody please send me a good link. I need my F2 fix!! Thanks all Mark
  4. Thanks guys. Will give it a go tonight and see if it is the ui. If it solves it I'll let you know. If not...I'll be back!!!
  5. Hi guys, Hoping someone can help. Am doing a favour for a mate, by trying to get the offline version of F2 going for him (bit of practice before he "goes live"!) Have loaded Nascar Heat Essentials up and then the Offline pack for F2's (both version 1.0 and 1.1) This brings up the desktop icon etc, but when you click on it the opening screen shows the nascar names etc and it won't run the game. when you click on a name to try and go through the game just crashes. WHAT NEXT????!!! Any suggestions of what files I'm missing to complete this switch....and where to find them! Cheers chaps
  6. Gotta back my home track.....Arlington. It's tight and it's fast. Oh, and it's te second best thing you can do on a Wednesday night in the summer?!!! Whichever tracks are chosen to be added, I'm in awe of those who make them possible!
  7. Can anyone do me a pair of blue capris, with silver roof and door tops. Lemon632 & Fruitsquad on one, Melon633 & Fruitsquad on the other. Need to upload them tonight for TNB Please PM me with Tex & Txt files. Thanks all! MJ
  8. This is the absolute mutts!! I can't wait for the "season" to start and would like to say a huge thank you to all those involved in setting the wheels in motion and getting us this "formula". The offline game is a must....?? Thanks MarkJ132
  9. two more for you please.... MarkJ 132 SimonJ 57 Skins will be with you.....when I find someone to do them!!
  10. Hi guys, Hope someone can help. Just sorting out MIRC on my bruv's PC and when you try to go in and connect, all it does is say "unable to resolve server"....over and over and over! ???
  11. From what I understand, the 1300's stole the show again....but then I would say that, being a 1300 pilot!!
  12. Well, I'm a Spedeworth boy and always have been.....but they're being made to look a bit silly! Well done Jack....deserved!
  13. Hey all, Yes...I'm stoopid! Or, at least, I don't really know what I'm doing and need help as I love my racing but not so hot on the PC!! Basically I have paid up and downloaded all the banger files, but only Lakey appears when it comes to choosing a car. Tried to go into jolt for a practise and all the cars wers Nascars in red? Can somebody please tell me what I need to do or wat I'm doing wrong?? PM me Thanks a lot Mark
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