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About psyko75

  • Birthday 14/11/1975

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  1. does it feature 4WD also? lol
  2. wow nice pic.... always cool to see a bit of history
  3. this is how it looks now but still no car.. expect a pace car
  4. still need help
  5. ok don´t get it C:\Program Files\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\F1Stockcar\Shale insert them here now but still no cars in game this is what is now in that folder another folder shale that contains dds and veh datas elites.cam - .hdv - .MAS also cockpitinfo.ini elites_spinner.gen elites_upgrade.gen elites_upgrade.ini F1S.tbc F1S_R.tbc Bri_damage.ini why is it so difficult or am i just an damn idiot
  6. hi everybody.. downloaded and installed the F1 but i can not find any car within the game Don´t know if i installed right but this is how the program did it
  7. psyko75

    NSU Hotrod

    Pics of the NSUs with Nerf bars are from Baarlo so think this was a different class "Reminds me of those mad German racer's that used to make up the numbers at Ipswich spedeweekend in the early 80's" So think it was great that the old guys make the trip over to UK in that days even with not being that competetive (like today also most times)
  8. double this
  9. its a great idea as me (only one racing on field - see my post in real live racing) got no clue what i´m doing in the setup folder Also there must be a point to start for the pros that we (novices) even don´t know. So it would be interesting to know what to setup to start like everything on 50%, tires on 23 and so on. Most changing part in my view are the weights and the sway bars but most times i thing making this softer or harder should change the car to something but it handles the opposite For example i got no clue why my changing the front sway effects mostly the back of the car (so this is how it feels for me) Also with me not been able yet to be at every racetrack we got in ukdirt it would be good to know what tracks are a bit the same to maybe take a setup over to the other track and just do little changes. IN F2 the setups that came with the game mostly give a good start but sometimes they are that worse that i don´t got a clue where to start the changes to make it better as everything i do still result in a nearly undrivable car. I know the long time players did some hard work seting up there car.. but mostly these guys "moan" about the novice driving to bad... maybe we will get better practicing year for year but till we got to drive a good style you like we may ruin and ruin your races and more and more of you will leave... so please help us novices out
  10. think this is one of my better racing pictures
  11. small Akka Raze class video http://www.myvideo.de/watch/2361497 small Bangers Video http://www.myvideo.de/watch/2361475
  12. a small clip from the local newspaper http://www.bocholter-report.de/bronline/wp...akkaraze08.html
  13. ok here some pics of me 1. Heat - DNF 2. DNF 3. Finished... yiepiieeee DD: DNF it was awesome fun and will definatly do it again before After first Heat Got T-Boned in the corner on the drivers door after second Heat After third Heat after Meeting Some pics me on the track
  14. it simply sounds better (my2 cents)
  15. Yeah see ya and Limbo already told me about your awesome car.. If there is a best paint trophee you will get it as he told me you spent quit some time with lettering. I´m happy to meet an greet you and your son again there and this time we can meet on the track also..lol
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