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Posts posted by MikeyBoi08

  1. some nice renders here, does any one fancy doing a racing scene render for my website if any one is intrested, my website is not complete but will contain all the online banger racing stuff will be done in a few weeks :thumbup:

  2. hiya i just went to download the brisca heat game from the brisca heat website with the real skins and its gone, does any one know where i can download it thank you :2:

  3. why is it selfish asking people to post up other peoples work? yer it would be nice for some one to post them up but ive decided to look for them through the forum.


    sorry if i pissed people off by my first comment.

  4. I was uninstalling my nascar heat and i was going to to put it on my faster pc then after i uninstalled it i got up off my chair and suprise suprise the cd had snapped :( does any one know where i can buy a new one at one point i heard that they have ran out of this cd? if some one can point me in the right direction be good thanks cause its been like ywo years when i bought this cd so i have forgot cheers :banghead2:

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