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Everything posted by Matt174

  1. ^^ in a nice wolzy! << goin out in tooz next yr... might do some bangers this yr
  2. yeah wud be good to have standlake done lol... i hope they wudnt charge as much as standlake do in entry fee LMAO
  3. looks like a Bombs hit it lol ^^ is that pic when it was closed... or was it always that messy
  4. CoventryR would be good, could someone not edit cov and make it R???
  5. turn ure firewall off wen u goto race mate ;-)
  6. Matt174

    Mav #325

    buy a cheap handmade car u can pick em up for 400!
  7. Jb nice site, but havnt u evewr fort of doin a real site rather then on msn!! msn sites do my head in but its a good lookin site dotn get me wrong lol, if u need any help if uw anna set a real site up get in touch with me
  8. witch one am i lookin at lol im dumb
  9. cheers bud ;-)
  10. kev do you wanna sell ures i cant find one anywhere lol?
  11. what engine does the mini have?
  12. kewl and i bet its well easy to race wid ps2 controller do u need drivers or anything for it
  13. kev do you think u could change my username to Rage plz? much appreciated Matty
  14. rotfl thats a goodone mate how do u wire up a ps2 controller to pc mate (i have normal pc)
  15. i might take a trip up there!
  16. nice to see some keen people to help out knobby!! *thumbs up*
  17. lol.. well who ever sends u the stuff tell them to ZIP wot eva there sendin
  18. wot lumps that mini got in it??
  19. just zip everything ure sending and it works fine
  20. psst goto flyinsi.com
  21. i really miss racin in outlaw series.. its a shame i dont have time nemore keep it up u guys
  22. im making a genral website, online racing related and for personal use would any one be willing ot host me?? much appreciated matty
  23. ^^ yeap
  24. nah.. i wont to make a proper site if you know what i mean.. somthing that will host php,flash and perl not just html i did have www.lookcreative.co.uk it its expired.. and i cant afford domain/hosting atm
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