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Everything posted by Jrusselluk

  1. Tonight's meeting will be held at Ipswich. We currently have 10 drivers booked and will be running ALL IN! Meeting Information 4 Heats A Final 1 Allcomers Chat Ukdirt members use their normal UKDirt chat Points Heats: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 A Final: 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 Allcomers: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Start Procedure The starting procedure used for all races is as follows unless otherwise stated: When the lights go green (or the final buzzer has gone and countdown timer completed) drivers will make there way at a speed of less then 20mph to their starting position, as listed below and line up 2-a-breast. You must not pass drivers of your own grade. You must line up correctly without making contact with other cars, incidents will be dealt with the same way as if it were part of the race. Previous race winners during the meeting must start at the back of the grade. Once drivers are in position the steward will ask if anyone is not ready. If nobody replies, 'Roll at 20' is called and the leader of the whites will roll at a steady 20mph for the rolling lap. Drivers at the front of each grade are to drive at approx. 20mph but ensure they keep their 4 to 6 cars distance to the grade in front. Anytime after the leading white reaches the apex of turns 3 & 4 the steward will call 'GO GO GO' and the race will be on. If for any reason the grid does not form properly after rolling, then a restart may be called. If there are persistent offenders that stop races being started they will be sent to the back of the grid or excluded. Starting positions approximate - always follow instructions from meeting steward Whites: At the start / finish line Yellows: Exit of Turn 4 Blues: Exit of Turn 3 Red: Entry to Turn 3 Champions: Entry to Turn 3 Anyone starting in the wrong place will be removed from the result, unless they have been specifically granted permission. On Track Behavior - Drivers must drive in the correct direction (clockwise) at all times. - No use of the infield at any time, using the infield during a race will be classed as cutting. - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished accordingly. - Drivers found guilty of consistently lap down attacks will be punished accordingly. - No talking once the race has started, and until all drivers have crossed the finishing line. - If your car is damaged you may leave it on track but off the racing line. - Do not leave the server during a race as this will cause warp. However if your car is sat on the top of the fence please press escape. - Care is to be taken when rejoining the racing line following a spin and persistent carelessness in this respect will be punished. - Individual drivers with a bad connection may be banned from the rest of the meeting if it causes a problem for other drivers. - Wall riding is NOT permitted. If you are hit into the wall, you must back off the throttle and gain full control. You must not use the wall to steer the car around the turn, nor use it to gain a race advantage. Anyone found to do so may be docked places, excluded from the results, or have their meeting points removed. - Jump-starts will be penalised by docking, 2 places or 2 places per car they jump. Grades Drivers are graded at intervals throughout the season, please make sure you know what grade you are. Novice drivers to rFactor have been graded as white, where a driver races in another UKDirt rFactor mod they start from one grade below there highest grade i.e. Mike is red in F1s so drops to blue grade. If anyone believes they have been graded incorrectly please just say and we'll sort it out. Skin Packs Please ensure you have the latest Skin Packs that can be found on the UKDirt Website.
  2. Any Late Bookings for tonight's meeting at Ipswich, please post below.
  3. Hi all, I will be making a new Tarmac Skin Pack in time for the meeting on the 07/10/15 Cowdenbeath Scottish Championship If you want / need to upload a SSC tarmac skin, please upload your skins to this thread ANYONE RACING IN A NOVICE SKIN WILL NEED TO SUBMIT A SKIN, ANYONE WHO DOES NOT DO SO MAY HAVE THEIR BOOKINGS REFUSED The deadline is Monday 5th October Mid Night PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE INCLUDED EACH ROOF GRADE - THERE WILL NOT NECESSARILY BE A SKIN PACK AFTER GRADING CHANGES. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE CORRECTLY NAMED YOUR FILES AND HAVE FILLED OUT YOUR VEH FILE PROPERLY PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL 2015 SKINS MUST HAVE BLACK NUMBERS ON WHITE BACKGROUND, NUMBERS HAVE TO BE CLEARLY SEEN ON YOUR CAR!!! If you want to change your chassis/colour scheme this is now the time to do it as there are no more chassis/colour scheme changes throughout the season, 1 car per season. The following screenshots will show you all how to name the files put in the folder, also regarding the roof colours being painted on cars. PS Skins can be sent in at the default size of the template but no BIGGER This is how the roof should be painted although if you wish you can have your grade down the pillers on the car. This is how the main files should be named. This is how the files in the skins folder should be named Skins received so far: 84, 238, 848 Cheers, James
  4. Hi all, I will be making a new Shale Skin Pack in time for the meeting on the 07/10/15 Cowdenbeath Scottish Championship If you want / need to upload a SSC shale skin, please upload your skins to this thread ANYONE RACING IN A NOVICE SKIN WILL NEED TO SUBMIT A SKIN, ANYONE WHO DOES NOT DO SO MAY HAVE THEIR BOOKINGS REFUSED The deadline is Monday 5th October Mid Night PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE INCLUDED EACH ROOF GRADE - THERE WILL NOT NECESSARILY BE A SKIN PACK AFTER GRADING CHANGES. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE CORRECTLY NAMED YOUR FILES AND HAVE FILLED OUT YOUR VEH FILE PROPERLY PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL 2015 SKINS MUST HAVE BLACK NUMBERS ON WHITE BACKGROUND, NUMBERS HAVE TO BE CLEARLY SEEN ON YOUR CAR!!! If you want to change your chassis/colour scheme this is now the time to do it as there are no more chassis/colour scheme changes throughout the season, 1 car per season. The following screenshots will show you all how to name the files put in the folder, also regarding the roof colours being painted on cars. PS Skins can be sent in at the default size of the template but no BIGGER This is how the roof should be painted although if you wish you can have your grade down the pillers on the car. This is how the main files should be named. This is how the files in the skins folder should be named Skins received so far: 238, 848 Cheers, James
  5. Thanks all for racing, nice fast track with plenty of contact! Well done to wardieee # 180 for winning the meeting final and also for Top Scoring! See you all next week where we will be racing 30/09/15 Ipswich Meeting Results: Heat 1: 180, 236, 800, 182, 653, 238, 39, 550, 376, 188 Heat 2: 180, 236, 653, 39, 411, 238, 182, 237, 671, 800 Heat 3: 180, 236, 550, 182, 188, 238, 671, 376, 411, 653 Heat 4: 236, 180, 238, 39, 182, 411, 188, 376, 550, 671 A Final: 180, 236, 39, 800, 411, 238, 653, 550, 671, 182 Allcomers: 180, 236, 653, 238, 39, 188, 182, 237, 550, 977 (411 Docked 4 Places For Cut) Meeting Points: wardieee # 180 - 69 DanSkin # 236 - 64 LeeK # 39 - 40 Kane_M # 238 - 40 Ryan Simpson # 653 - 31 shaymurphy # 182 - 30 ReeceWinch # 411 - 25 BenChambers # 800 - 23 Lars # 550 - 21 Aub # 188 - 16 Spike # 671 - 11 seneschall # 376 - 8 rickyljames # 237 - 6 James # 977 - 1 The Replays Are Here!
  6. Any Late Bookings for tonight's meeting at Ringwood, please post below.
  7. Tonight's meeting will be held at Ringwood. We currently have 13 drivers booked and will be running ALL IN! Meeting Information 4 Heats A Final 1 Allcomers Chat Ukdirt members use their normal UKDirt chat Points Heats: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 A Final: 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 Allcomers: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Start Procedure The starting procedure used for all races is as follows unless otherwise stated: When the lights go green (or the final buzzer has gone and countdown timer completed) drivers will make there way at a speed of less then 20mph to their starting position, as listed below and line up 2-a-breast. You must not pass drivers of your own grade. You must line up correctly without making contact with other cars, incidents will be dealt with the same way as if it were part of the race. Previous race winners during the meeting must start at the back of the grade. Once drivers are in position the steward will ask if anyone is not ready. If nobody replies, 'Roll at 20' is called and the leader of the whites will roll at a steady 20mph for the rolling lap. Drivers at the front of each grade are to drive at approx. 20mph but ensure they keep their 4 to 6 cars distance to the grade in front. Anytime after the leading white reaches the apex of turns 3 & 4 the steward will call 'GO GO GO' and the race will be on. If for any reason the grid does not form properly after rolling, then a restart may be called. If there are persistent offenders that stop races being started they will be sent to the back of the grid or excluded. Starting positions approximate - always follow instructions from meeting steward Whites: At the start / finish line Yellows: Exit of Turn 4 Blues: Exit of Turn 3 Red: Entry to Turn 3 Champions: Entry to Turn 3 Anyone starting in the wrong place will be removed from the result, unless they have been specifically granted permission. On Track Behavior - Drivers must drive in the correct direction (clockwise) at all times. - No use of the infield at any time, using the infield during a race will be classed as cutting. - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished accordingly. - Drivers found guilty of consistently lap down attacks will be punished accordingly. - No talking once the race has started, and until all drivers have crossed the finishing line. - If your car is damaged you may leave it on track but off the racing line. - Do not leave the server during a race as this will cause warp. However if your car is sat on the top of the fence please press escape. - Care is to be taken when rejoining the racing line following a spin and persistent carelessness in this respect will be punished. - Individual drivers with a bad connection may be banned from the rest of the meeting if it causes a problem for other drivers. - Wall riding is NOT permitted. If you are hit into the wall, you must back off the throttle and gain full control. You must not use the wall to steer the car around the turn, nor use it to gain a race advantage. Anyone found to do so may be docked places, excluded from the results, or have their meeting points removed. - Jump-starts will be penalised by docking, 2 places or 2 places per car they jump. Grades Drivers are graded at intervals throughout the season, please make sure you know what grade you are. Novice drivers to rFactor have been graded as white, where a driver races in another UKDirt rFactor mod they start from one grade below there highest grade i.e. Mike is red in F1s so drops to blue grade. If anyone believes they have been graded incorrectly please just say and we'll sort it out. Skin Packs Please ensure you have the latest Skin Packs that can be found on the UKDirt Website.
  8. Thanks all for racing, good fun around the bumpy stoke tonight! Well done to wardieee # 180 for winning the meeting final and to DanSkin # 236 for Top Scoring! See you all next week where we will be racing 16/09/15 Crimond W&Y Meeting Results: Heat 1: 411, 97, 236, 653, 39, 180, 376, 238, 230, 977 Heat 2: 236, 376, 39, 180, 238, 97, 411, 653, 237, 230 Heat 3: 800, 236, 411, 977, 653, 238, 39, 376, 97, 671 Heat 4: 376, 236, 653, 800, 238, 39, 237, 411, 97, 180 A Final: 180, 39, 411, 236, 238, 800, 671, 237, 977, 376 Allcomers: 236, 653, 180, 376, 39, 238, 411, 237, 671, 25 Meeting Points: DanSkin # 236 - 60 LeeK # 39 - 47 ReeceWinch # 411 - 45 wardieee # 180 - 41 Kane_M # 238 - 37 seneschall # 376 - 35 Ryan Simpson # 653 - 33 BenChambers # 800 - 27 HamsterJnr # 97 - 18 rickyljames # 237 - 15 James # 977 - 12 Spike # 671 - 11 RyanDean # 230 - 3 saam # 25 - 1 MurrayAdams # 203 - 0 The Replays Are Here!
  9. Tonight's meeting will be held at Stoke. We currently have 14 drivers booked and will be running ALL IN! Meeting Information 4 Heats A Final 1 Allcomers Chat Ukdirt members use their normal UKDirt chat Points Heats: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 A Final: 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 Allcomers: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Start Procedure The starting procedure used for all races is as follows unless otherwise stated: When the lights go green (or the final buzzer has gone and countdown timer completed) drivers will make there way at a speed of less then 20mph to their starting position, as listed below and line up 2-a-breast. You must not pass drivers of your own grade. You must line up correctly without making contact with other cars, incidents will be dealt with the same way as if it were part of the race. Previous race winners during the meeting must start at the back of the grade. Once drivers are in position the steward will ask if anyone is not ready. If nobody replies, 'Roll at 20' is called and the leader of the whites will roll at a steady 20mph for the rolling lap. Drivers at the front of each grade are to drive at approx. 20mph but ensure they keep their 4 to 6 cars distance to the grade in front. Anytime after the leading white reaches the apex of turns 3 & 4 the steward will call 'GO GO GO' and the race will be on. If for any reason the grid does not form properly after rolling, then a restart may be called. If there are persistent offenders that stop races being started they will be sent to the back of the grid or excluded. Starting positions approximate - always follow instructions from meeting steward Whites: At the start / finish line Yellows: Exit of Turn 4 Blues: Exit of Turn 3 Red: Entry to Turn 3 Champions: Entry to Turn 3 Anyone starting in the wrong place will be removed from the result, unless they have been specifically granted permission. On Track Behavior - Drivers must drive in the correct direction (clockwise) at all times. - No use of the infield at any time, using the infield during a race will be classed as cutting. - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished accordingly. - Drivers found guilty of consistently lap down attacks will be punished accordingly. - No talking once the race has started, and until all drivers have crossed the finishing line. - If your car is damaged you may leave it on track but off the racing line. - Do not leave the server during a race as this will cause warp. However if your car is sat on the top of the fence please press escape. - Care is to be taken when rejoining the racing line following a spin and persistent carelessness in this respect will be punished. - Individual drivers with a bad connection may be banned from the rest of the meeting if it causes a problem for other drivers. - Wall riding is NOT permitted. If you are hit into the wall, you must back off the throttle and gain full control. You must not use the wall to steer the car around the turn, nor use it to gain a race advantage. Anyone found to do so may be docked places, excluded from the results, or have their meeting points removed. - Jump-starts will be penalised by docking, 2 places or 2 places per car they jump. Grades Drivers are graded at intervals throughout the season, please make sure you know what grade you are. Novice drivers to rFactor have been graded as white, where a driver races in another UKDirt rFactor mod they start from one grade below there highest grade i.e. Mike is red in F1s so drops to blue grade. If anyone believes they have been graded incorrectly please just say and we'll sort it out. Skin Packs Please ensure you have the latest Skin Packs that can be found on the UKDirt Website. 2015 UKDirt Saloons Tarmac + Shale Skin Pack 6
  10. Any Late Bookings for tonight's meeting at Stoke, please post below.
  11. 2015 UKDirt Saloons Tarmac + Shale Skin Pack 6 Everyone will need to install these skin packs before tomorrows meeting at 09/09/15 Stoke
  12. Hi all, I will be making a new Tarmac Skin Pack in time for the meeting on the 09/09/15 Stoke If you want / need to upload a SSC tarmac skin, please upload your skins to this thread ANYONE RACING IN A NOVICE SKIN WILL NEED TO SUBMIT A SKIN, ANYONE WHO DOES NOT DO SO MAY HAVE THEIR BOOKINGS REFUSED The deadline is Monday 7th September Mid Night PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE INCLUDED EACH ROOF GRADE - THERE WILL NOT NECESSARILY BE A SKIN PACK AFTER GRADING CHANGES. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE CORRECTLY NAMED YOUR FILES AND HAVE FILLED OUT YOUR VEH FILE PROPERLY PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL 2015 SKINS MUST HAVE BLACK NUMBERS ON WHITE BACKGROUND, NUMBERS HAVE TO BE CLEARLY SEEN ON YOUR CAR!!! If you want to change your chassis/colour scheme this is now the time to do it as there are no more chassis/colour scheme changes throughout the season, 1 car per season. The following screenshots will show you all how to name the files put in the folder, also regarding the roof colours being painted on cars. PS Skins can be sent in at the default size of the template but no BIGGER This is how the roof should be painted although if you wish you can have your grade down the pillers on the car. This is how the main files should be named. This is how the files in the skins folder should be named Skins received so far: 84, 230, 376, 550, 653, 800 Cheers, James
  13. Hi all, I will be making a new Shale Skin Pack in time for the meeting on the 09/09/15 Stoke If you want / need to upload a SSC shale skin, please upload your skins to this thread ANYONE RACING IN A NOVICE SKIN WILL NEED TO SUBMIT A SKIN, ANYONE WHO DOES NOT DO SO MAY HAVE THEIR BOOKINGS REFUSED The deadline is Monday 7th September Mid Night PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE INCLUDED EACH ROOF GRADE - THERE WILL NOT NECESSARILY BE A SKIN PACK AFTER GRADING CHANGES. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE CORRECTLY NAMED YOUR FILES AND HAVE FILLED OUT YOUR VEH FILE PROPERLY PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL 2015 SKINS MUST HAVE BLACK NUMBERS ON WHITE BACKGROUND, NUMBERS HAVE TO BE CLEARLY SEEN ON YOUR CAR!!! If you want to change your chassis/colour scheme this is now the time to do it as there are no more chassis/colour scheme changes throughout the season, 1 car per season. The following screenshots will show you all how to name the files put in the folder, also regarding the roof colours being painted on cars. PS Skins can be sent in at the default size of the template but no BIGGER This is how the roof should be painted although if you wish you can have your grade down the pillers on the car. This is how the main files should be named. This is how the files in the skins folder should be named Skins received so far: 84, 230, 376, 550, 653, 800 Cheers, James
  14. The below grade changes come in with immediate effect. Up to Blue: rickyljames 237 Up to Red: ReeceWinch 411 Down to Blue: wardieee 180 Down to Yellow Dode 151 Down to White shaymurphy 182
  15. The next skin pack will be after the World Final Meeting this Wednesday
  16. Thanks all for racing, great meeting tonight, proper saloon racing!! Well done to Montangoo # 89 for winning the meeting final and to ReeceWinch # 411 for Top Scoring! See you all next week where we will be racing 26/08/15 Nutts Corner Meeting Results: Heat 1: 411, 236, 89, 977, 653, 39, 1, 800, 691, 758 Heat 2: 800, 411, 237, 236, 89, 653, 1, 39, 691, 758 Heat 3: 411, 653, 236, 89, 1, 39, 800, 237, 167, 758 Heat 4: 237, 411, 236, 977, 89, 653, 691, 39, 758, 1 A Final: 89, 411, 653, 236, 800, 1, 39, 977, 182, 167 Allcomers: 411, 653, 236, 89, 39, 800, 977, 182, 691, 237 Meeting Points: ReeceWinch # 411 - 66 Montangoo # 89 - 54 DanSkin # 236 - 54 Ryan Simpson # 653 - 50 BenChambers # 800 - 34 LeeK # 39 - 30 Kane_M # 1 - 25 James # 977 - 24 rickyljames # 237 - 22 Jakeeey # 691 - 10 shaymurphy # 182 - 7 Don witherall # 758 - 5 CB # 167 - 4 The Replays Are Here!
  17. Tonight's meeting will be held at Coventry. We currently have 13 drivers booked and will be running ALL IN! This meeting is also a W&Y round. Meeting Information 4 Heats A Final 1 Allcomers Chat Ukdirt members use their normal UKDirt chat Points Heats: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 A Final: 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 Allcomers: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Start Procedure The starting procedure used for all races is as follows unless otherwise stated: When the lights go green (or the final buzzer has gone and countdown timer completed) drivers will make there way at a speed of less then 20mph to their starting position, as listed below and line up 2-a-breast. You must not pass drivers of your own grade. You must line up correctly without making contact with other cars, incidents will be dealt with the same way as if it were part of the race. Previous race winners during the meeting must start at the back of the grade. Once drivers are in position the steward will ask if anyone is not ready. If nobody replies, 'Roll at 20' is called and the leader of the whites will roll at a steady 20mph for the rolling lap. Drivers at the front of each grade are to drive at approx. 20mph but ensure they keep their 4 to 6 cars distance to the grade in front. Anytime after the leading white reaches the apex of turns 3 & 4 the steward will call 'GO GO GO' and the race will be on. If for any reason the grid does not form properly after rolling, then a restart may be called. If there are persistent offenders that stop races being started they will be sent to the back of the grid or excluded. Starting positions approximate - always follow instructions from meeting steward Whites: At the start / finish line Yellows: Exit of Turn 4 Blues: Exit of Turn 3 Red: Entry to Turn 3 Champions: Entry to Turn 3 Anyone starting in the wrong place will be removed from the result, unless they have been specifically granted permission. On Track Behavior - Drivers must drive in the correct direction (clockwise) at all times. - No use of the infield at any time, using the infield during a race will be classed as cutting. - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished accordingly. - Drivers found guilty of consistently lap down attacks will be punished accordingly. - No talking once the race has started, and until all drivers have crossed the finishing line. - If your car is damaged you may leave it on track but off the racing line. - Do not leave the server during a race as this will cause warp. However if your car is sat on the top of the fence please press escape. - Care is to be taken when rejoining the racing line following a spin and persistent carelessness in this respect will be punished. - Individual drivers with a bad connection may be banned from the rest of the meeting if it causes a problem for other drivers. - Wall riding is NOT permitted. If you are hit into the wall, you must back off the throttle and gain full control. You must not use the wall to steer the car around the turn, nor use it to gain a race advantage. Anyone found to do so may be docked places, excluded from the results, or have their meeting points removed. - Jump-starts will be penalised by docking, 2 places or 2 places per car they jump. Grades Drivers are graded at intervals throughout the season, please make sure you know what grade you are. Novice drivers to rFactor have been graded as white, where a driver races in another UKDirt rFactor mod they start from one grade below there highest grade i.e. Mike is red in F1s so drops to blue grade. If anyone believes they have been graded incorrectly please just say and we'll sort it out. Skin Packs Please ensure you have the latest Skin Packs that can be found on the UKDirt Website.
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