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Everything posted by Jrusselluk

  1. Happy Birthday James
  2. Have a good one Dan James
  3. It was an excellent weekend of racing again at Taunton. Well done to Neil Hooper and Eddie Darby There are some pics of Jamesys car here
  4. Can you not just open the ppt file? I havent used viewer but I guess the file would just open in viewer ?? James
  5. This any use?? James
  6. UF1s are faster if you can get away tho
  7. Happy Birthday m8 Have a great day Dont have too much or too little to drink... James
  8. I havent heard of a program to convert it but iam sure I have seen you can apply it to a plane, put that in the game then take a screen shot? James
  9. Happy Birthday m8 Have a great day James
  10. Make sure your on S2 then click join specific game, make sure its on internet then its called --UKDirt LFS Bangers-- James
  11. It costs £24 Website: http://www.liveforspeed.net/ I would try the demo first to check it all works Cya in a server soon James
  12. Great vid Cap Heres some old videos I have uploaded. http://www.jrusselluk.500servers.net/LFSBangerRacing.wmv http://www.jrusselluk.500servers.net/LFSBa...12-19-36-23.mpg James
  13. Heres a better quality ukdirt logo I made if ya want to use it James Ukdirt_Hi_Res_Logo.zip
  14. I’ve had that before and I had to restore an earlier version of the registry. James
  15. Yes very good fun. The server seems to be full alot James
  16. Jrusselluk


    and a shadow James
  17. Just to let all you people with live for speed know I have rented and setup a 23 person server for the lfs bangers Its called --UKDirt LFS Bangers-- cya in there soon! Cheers, James
  18. Cheers nice videos James
  19. Jrusselluk


    lol well spotted Nick.. Also the van could do with being road legal.. get some lights and number plate on the skin James
  20. Jrusselluk


    I tried to make the van look like it was moving in Rikards render, what you think? [attachmentid=7378]
  21. Jrusselluk


  22. Happy Birthday m8 Have a great day James
  23. Happy Birthday Have a great day James
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