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Everything posted by Fritz215

  1. Thx Lads nice one Gogs worked ma ass off all day some birthday
  2. Happy Birthday Mekky best prezzie you could have is yer team winning in russia lmao you don't always get what you want on your birthday but such is life have a gr one m8
  3. Nice photo Tracey i hope you both had a brilliant day
  4. Tracey And Dave i hope you both have a superb day
  5. ya old git hope you have a gd un m8
  6. When i am in rFactor practicing or racing i get a screen freeze for about 1 to 2 seconds and i have been told i vanish in game when it happens till screen unfreezes i thought it was a graphics problem and i bought and fitted an nvidia 9500 Gt 1GB card today and it still freezes any ideas ThxFritz
  7. Congrats on the latest arrival Mr & Mrs Bathy i hope mother and baby are doin well
  8. Have a gr day M8 (your dad should have took you with him )lol
  9. Happy Birthday Gogs ya old Fart it's not sore bein 40 honest hope you have a gr day
  10. Aye but to do it he'd need to cheat
  11. Well Done Chevy on your final win stick in there m8 it comes gd in the end lol
  12. Hope you have a gr day m8
  13. Lol Dave cheers m8 better late than never
  14. Hi lads i was wondering if someone could do me a render anyone interested could you pm me please Thx Fritz
  15. Thx lads and no jarry i've sharpened the points for the superbowl m8 1. i bet you hope it's no raining m8 and 2. your no standing next to me lmao
  16. Well said Cod could'nt have put it better myself (but u got more bottle than me ) lol, MC for as long as i have been a member of ukdirt you've been here sorting out problems and helping ukdirt run smoothly it's a shame it has come to this you've been the back bone of this league ,we'll miss you m8
  17. Happy Birthday Mac ya old Fart
  18. Any way enough of the serious stuff i bought a voice activated cd player for the car today and when i shout COUNTRY it plays Dolly Parton when i shout ROCK it plays Guns & Roses and some one cut me up in the road today on the motor way and i shouted YA CHEATING B-----D it played THE MOODIE BLUES
  19. Admit it martin yer mans been caught for cheating he should take it like a man not the little whinging eye rubbing laddie he is" WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND " serves the little twerp right
  20. yea ditto here too lads keep up the good work all involved
  21. Hope you have a good day mekky
  22. whoopi doo lets go racin
  23. Have a gr day m8 hope that old miserable git buys you something gd for it
  24. Hi Budge i was on telewest before virgin took it over and i'm on 20mb and never had any problems racing online in ukdirt or rfactor and i have the xl phone package and the 20mb broadband for 37 quid a month so it's up to you m8 hope you make the right choice
  25. wye aye man have a great day m8 hope joyce got a big surprise
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