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Everything posted by hotrod331

  1. hotrod331


    very big weldone for trying mate, unlike some....mine seems to be on every other car now...bit annoying after spending ages on it...
  2. hotrod331


    rofl jamesy! was speedys saying not "had to be done" ?
  3. hotrod331


    thats my way of thinking too!
  4. hotrod331


    never untill i use her again! shes mint lol! hard to get nowadays! spent hours boxing that up!
  5. hotrod331


    My mk10 for TNB icebreaker! get booked in!
  6. wow didnt think the crash scene would look as good as that! wd m8!
  7. been so busy converting all the ukdirt cars to new physics any spare time ive had has been taken up with those Not too keen on this model really anymore or the volvo i hear swindys making one anyway so maybe wait for that!
  8. rofl i sent him it thinking he wouldnt show anyone... LOL
  9. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL never seen that pic in my life!!! cheeky bazza! *thinks up cunning plan!!!*
  10. nice one jay!!! i like it shame the clears re-acted lol!
  11. wow shes looking nice m8! be sure to get pics of my klyns work!!!
  12. hotrod331


    gd for a first render m8!
  13. savage!
  14. hotrod331


    my latest skin and renders for ukdirt! scales a lil off but cba!
  15. ah right ok cheers john for clearing that up! am a southerner see dont see many northern stuff like you lot probably dont see alot of southern stuff!
  16. looking good swindy! never been there only seen videos but hasnt it got a bit of a raided kurb round the infield?
  17. WOW mate thats stunning! very very good
  18. i felt my bed shaking bout ten but that wasnt no earthquake!
  19. i think thats wicked m8! weldone!
  20. and shale beast!
  21. wont let me upload to site sorry! heres my skins! hope its right! Rodder159_skins.zip
  22. brilliant!
  23. your keen!
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