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Everything posted by hotrod331

  1. yer have to admit there the tts with the mig! please t ake this as tongue in cheek young chapettes
  3. brown nose bum pokers....
  4. fronts now been rounded by mr cortina aka fbf! cheers mate! ill start damaging her tomorrow
  5. hotrod331


    my rod!!! bit big in top render lol
  6. hotrod331


    double post :S
  7. hiya lads heres my latest tool! alot of people kept asking me to do it(mainly nick m!) the insides are paintable on the template! Comments please! will be called a differnt name then the old mk5 cortina so the other modeller doesnt take offence! i still need to add door lines at the top of the doors!!! rodder159
  8. thats the biz!
  9. check the welds!!!
  10. nice one m8 looks epic!!!
  11. LMAO so wrong to laugh!
  12. looks to be on the temp to me
  13. here she is lads!!! she passed ukdirt and will be used at the winter open! template will be available after that... the skin included is the reallife one of pavaroti! mk1_coke_bottle_coupe.zip
  14. thank god i jumped ship! dont know whats up with them pikey bazzas probs out on the rob till late at night!
  15. 2 door aswell!
  16. looks great! but is that a hole along the middle of the roof? looks like you might of accidently pulled a bit?
  17. just thought id update you the coke bottles finished and awaiting results from admin to see if it passed and itll be released soooooooon
  18. hotrod331


    my newest one!
  19. very big welldone!
  20. hotrod331


    anyone know what he means?
  21. yes jamesy i hope so!
  22. sorted some wheels out for it
  23. any pics you have please post up.. the only pic i had was of a crusty one with the bonnet up higher then the wing ends hense why its like that..
  24. Well lads i thought it was time we had a "proper" mk1 in game,so instead of remodelling an old car i thought id make a new model and go for a varient of the mk1 coupe! Comments welcome please! Cheers Rodder159
  25. anywill be nice m8 insides back and front front pic back erm steering wheel seat?
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