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Everything posted by MiNi_TeTz

  1. For other people port 2001-2005 (so 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005) Set the ports on TCP and UDP how 2 Forward your ports? Go to Portforward nearly every brand router and every model
  2. MiNi_TeTz


    Thought i could share these, done em up with a gradient look pretty cool on a car IMO. Save it and you will see it has no BG as it is a PNG file
  3. Was making some skins and ot a cool idea why not make a movieclip? So i got Fraps and started Got some shots and made something of it in windows movie maker .. What do you think? Click here to watch Littledevil-goes-briscaheat
  4. port 2001-2005 (so 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005) Set the ports on TCP and UDP Worked for me
  5. Never mind I did some research and i noticed they are made in photoshop also,, and i was like wtf why didn't i know this earlier LOL I learn photoshop basics and trics @ school.. so i made my own Cheers anyway
  6. could you do me a ministox skin? i will post the pics if you like to
  7. http://files.filefront.com/ministoxheatV1r...;/fileinfo.html there it is HF Could you pin this topic aswell please ? because my filefront wont expire..
  8. Got my hands on it m8 and i'll upload it!!
  9. Hey, I would like to have ministox heat,I have used the search button on the forum but all has ended to a dead line.. Is there someone who could send me a link or send it me trough MSN? Would be very pleased if someone could help me because I drive Ministox in real life aswell(dutch ministox). My msn = tetzke_hrdcre@hotmail.com Thanks
  10. well i can't download them
  11. Made a new video This time SSC theme Have fun http://www.pac2002.nl/Video/SSCFilm.wmv
  12. To race on Jolt? or someones private server? To race on Jolt it's £25 a year, or when you sign up on the UK-Dirt site you get a 2 week trial. To race on a private server you will need to check the server announcements part of the forum and when someone sets one up then they'll post the IP address. 22079[/snapback] ah i see ty
  13. Well everyone is playing online i guess but i dont know what i must do i press multiplayer and then i have 2 fill in host ip but i don't know that.. Any help???
  14. Me making a promo video??Well I would really apreciate it But I dont know how 2 play online...Cant get it started online Then I could have video of real stockcar racing
  15. I've made a UK-dirt video today and i just wanted 2 post it here and hear the comments http://x302.putfile.com/videos/17514153539.wmv So what do you think??
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