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crash happy

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Everything posted by crash happy

  1. hi all TADS421 ere, i have Rfactor on my spare pc and i was using it as a dedicated server for a few friends and after it was open for 3 hrs rfactor crashed i couldnt get it to load again so i uninstalled it from add/remove in control pannel and deleted the folder in program file downloaded Rfactor again from www.rfactor.net and installed it i have not put any mods in as of yet but still will not load see below for error i got this was the 1st pop up error [attachmentid=18013] then 2 of these [attachmentid=18014] if anyone can help it would be gr8 THANKS TADS421
  2. crash happy


    soz the above post was from TADS
  3. crash happy


    just done my 1st rfactor skin [attachmentid=17960] [attachmentid=17961] ok alot is pasted on but not all and i did make 50% od the decals
  4. hi TADS ere im just wondering if some one out there that can explane hoe u make the driver and wheel.mods for the game so they move ect just a lil sumthing im looking at but it is not to do wiv bangers or adding anything to bangers its sumthing diffent would just like to know how to make the mods to work in game THANKS TADS
  5. You'l probably find that there is no side damage to keep the model within the poly limit. Basically you could add side damage, but you would have to detach polys from the main undamaged model first, which will make it look less detailed. Ok. Cheers. Dnt reeli matter anyway its a cracking model and much respect 4 the lads who made it SORRY I AINT REPLYED but yes allstar is right the model may be small but is very high in polly so to have the car running in game i was unable to put the door damage on it same goes for the windsor i made now wiv the minster i have made im gonna try and change it alot to bring the pollys down to get door damage ( i hope) and wen is dun will be posted on here THANKS TADS
  6. thanks for replying kev this is the error i get everytime i try logging in on my account (tads) The following errors were found: Username or password incorrect if my pc messes up or the kids delete my remember list for websites (history) i can not log in to ukdirt forum for sum reason says my password is not right strange!!! if u culd reset my password plz and email me would be much appreciated THANKS TADS
  7. HI TADS421 here!!!!!! can you plz unlock my account and reset password pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i did email kev149 ages ago but still nothing and im having to post on someone eles account THANKS TADS
  8. hi all TADS again i damaged this and got it in game model made by RODDER#159 [attachmentid=17625] thanks TADS sunny_hatch.zip
  9. hi all TADS ere i have dun a windsor fot heat it has no door damage but is in game with rear and front damage i have seen few bugs but i have lost the max file for it and im not good enuff to change it from the car file 3ds i have got of it but here it is anyways for u all to use!! if u want to lol!!! [attachmentid=17602] [attachmentid=17604] i used a few bits off the mk2 est temp for this!! THANKS TADS windsor_car.zip
  10. tads here i had same error m8 it was well ova polly with the damage on try deleting the door damage and try again or make betta pacecars and i know its hard to do on high polly models as my windsor was hard!!! THANKS TADS
  11. crash happy


    here is my 2ltr for ukdirt this week..... [attachmentid=17336] [attachmentid=17337] [attachmentid=17338] all ready to go wrecking TADS still on crash happys account
  12. ok i have it in game now with boot n hood damage with no errors i found a few more verts to collapse and it got the polly down enuff to run in game just need to find around 1000 more pollys from no where to make sum door damage.... i think it would of been alot easyer if i askjed nickm to allow me to strech his mk2 est but less fun to make lol damage is something like this at the mo [attachmentid=17334]
  13. i have now managed to get it in game but wiv only boot damage on it so its the damage thats stopping it i think i may have to make model again but with less pollys if i can...... i have never had this amount of probs b4 putting cars ect in game i have dun quite a lot for ova ppl but wen its yourself u can never sort ya own probs out lol THANKS AGAIN TADS
  14. this is wot im getting 51.09.187: ghost: Loading trackline *FleetRv2.trk/FleetRv2.gcf (TADS421) [15.250496 sec] 51.09.281: setting driving video mode = 4 51.09.796: vid: triple buffer on 51.09.968: records: using actual track length: 256.000000 m 51.09.968: skill_range_fudge! 51.10.031: Warning: using default pit stall, which is inappropriate. 51.10.390: paintjobs: ~last#421.tex does not exist 51.10.437: paintjobs: ~last#421.tex does not exist 51.10.500: telem: loading telem.dll...51.10.500: failed (0x7e) 51.10.500: joy 0: EnableForceFeedback(1) 51.10.500: replay: Allocing 60:00s frames and 4605K data (61440K avail) 51.10.984: Texture: 52 @ 9.84 Megs (0 other) 51.11.015: except: dec: exe 6b06c38 51.11.015: ============================================================ 51.11.015: EXCEPTION: Task "BGTask" @ 004480A9 : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION 51.11.015: ( 004480A9 , EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION , ? ) 51.11.015: ( 00447BBD, call-stack , ? ) 51.11.015: ( 0043046F, call-stack , ? ) 51.11.015: MemException: Task "BGTask" read from location 0x17 51.11.015: ============================================================ thast it ok i damaged rodders sunny hatch friday and if i had the ldoor and rdoor damaged it would give me same error so i took them off and attched it to the main body and all works fine but cant seam to do the same with this one and the minster :S thanks TADS
  15. hi all this is tads crash happy allowed me to use his account to post this up as mine has been blocked again im not sure of the prob wiv my p/w it seams to change on its own anyways i have made 2 new cars for the game but having probs getting them to run in game as they are a lilttle high polly but i think i have the pacecars right!! i have only damaged the boot and hood and full maodel is 2900 pollys and i have tryed following nickm's guide on the ova pacecars but my game crashies wen i go to race or test if any modelers out there would like to assit me in getting these in game i would be very gratefull and we can get them in action this is one i have made [attachmentid=17322] and i didnt mod nickm's est i tryed making from scratch if anyone could help me out would be gr8 THANKS TADS421
  16. Can anyone help me im using psp8 and i cant figure out how to get the detail showing through fonts any help much appreciated
  17. great skins mate top job well done
  18. crash happy


    and my 1st ever renders with a lot of help from tads nice render there too erik
  19. great work swindy knocking out some top models at the moment keep it up
  20. posting this on behalf of Tads 421 a skinpack made of standlake drivers http://files.filefront.com/STANDLAKE_skin_...;/fileinfo.html Enjoy
  21. Looking good Swindy keep up the good work
  22. parry
  23. In my opinion id much rather see heats roddy and finals allcomers dd with some action that way you get your racing and your crashing and cars last all day. I mean whats the point of buying stripping building painting a car only for half a lap waste of time money and effort.As adam says if you want to see big lossy hits go to firecracker!
  24. cant wait to try it out in my own colours cheers
  25. there ya go mate
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