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crash happy

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Everything posted by crash happy

  1. can someone post up the lincoln town car template as when i click the lnk on tnb it say the page you requested can not be found cheers
  2. what font did you use to get the 09 i think that looks just right for the stinkys writing
  3. i use psp7 but why dont you try going on the bright pink and moving the lightness up so it gos lighter dont know if psp9 is the same but its worth a try
  4. sorry might of helped if i said psp7 should of got photoshop i thinking
  5. sorry if this has been posted like a million times but can some one give me an idiots guide to painting cars white and keeping the outlines of door handles etc ive been trying to do this for about a week now and i just cant get it right cheers if anyone can help
  6. while we are on the subjet of templates has anyone got the lada estate template
  7. cheers for that m8 thats very helpful
  8. how can i make a picture of any thing in to a decal because most of the pics i save i cant save them as jpeg so i cant put them on cars cheers
  9. crash happy


    yeah soory about that nicks site where did i get davieg from duh
  10. Cheers guys very helpful much appreciated and fbf where did you get that electrox font that looks great oh and hows standlake coming along cant wait to have a blast round there
  11. can any one tell me how i can get multi coloured text to put on skins thanks in advance
  12. crash happy


    you need to download them from davieg's site and it shows you how to add them the links on the the main page
  13. cheers cheers lol
  14. if i want to have say the front pillars 1 coulor and the back another how do id this and can someone tell me how to paint a car white and keep all the detail on psp7 cheers in advance
  15. cheers for that there great just what i need
  16. has anyone got any promoter decals they could post up i.e spedeworth autospeed startrax etc
  17. cheers mate all sorted now i didnt put a date in there but i have it working
  18. ive tried this and still nothing any other ideas
  19. im not sure cos i hve put a drivers.txt but i cant find it it my bangers car manager
  20. i didnt know where else to put this so can any one help im just getting started painting skins and stuff so im trying to make my own skin pack but how do i get my skin pack in to the banger car manager so i can play it off line thanks in advance
  21. oh my god you are kidding right the amount of times ive selected the wand and wondered what i could use it for but i know now
  22. im in need of help when i paint a skin i can change all the panels except the "bits" i.e roll cage,seat etc how do i get them so i can paint them seprate thanks in advance
  23. i ment that rip through where can i get it
  24. great job mate how did you get the body to look like that?
  25. aussie you have a pm on the skin painting forum (your site lol)
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