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About Freddy55

  • Birthday 13/09/1978

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  1. Wrighty give me a shout if you want to do the Cival War, share petrol from Sheffield?
  2. Happy Birthday mate!
  3. Happy Birthday mate!
  4. Nice one, cheers!
  5. Cheers Marc
  6. I am thinking of re-launching the old site, just as an archive, but after going through serveral backup disks I am missing a few files which I am wondering if anyone on here may have? Namely the Simon Needle Hearse and Mick Gedney Laurel addon cars, plus that 'bigdirt' addon track I made? They seem to have got lost somewhere amongst the X number of HD failiers I have had over the years. so If anyone has them please could you post them up? Cheers Freddy
  7. Happy Birthday mate!
  8. Thats Michael Carrols/Gypsy Krews Lorry, heard they are stocking up with his money lol, they have bought a load of Grannys off the Bears a believe.
  9. Happy Birthday Mac!
  10. Shocking news what can I say, RIP Beech Thats 4 deaths in under a year, whats going on?
  11. Cheers Guys!
  12. Aussie, if you are still after cars I have quite a few left, not had time to put them on ebay yet, I bought loads ages ago to make banger models from but lost interest... Can't remember off the top of my head but I have various Matchbox/Vanguards/Corgi stuff, depends on the car but most are available for about a fiver, let me know if you are interested and I will post up a list... Cheers Freddy
  13. Happy Birthday mate!
  14. great stuff put me down for a copy of both Chris what meetings you doing next?
  15. Cheers for the clips! when this crash compilation comming out? lol
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