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Everything posted by spikey167

  1. Spikey167 booking out
  2. Spikey167 booking out, sorry lads
  3. thanks for the input lads, 130 laps last night and im still .2 off the times lol, read some more setup stuff and in I go again then!! Kris
  4. spikey167


    Hiya People, anyone fancy putting up their times for other to compare again? Its really appreciated as Im racing all these Rfactor tracks/meetings for the first time so have no idea how close (or far!) i am. At the moment im around the 14.3 mark
  5. Spikey167 booking out, cant get the track to run right on my computer, all others are fine except Lelystad! See you all next week!
  6. anyone any ideas why Lelystad wont run smoothly on my puter? all other tracks run smooth with no problem but Lelystad is awfully glitchy!
  7. darn that last corner in the GN! well done, lads, will try and make the internet connection better for next time whenever that may be!!
  8. spikey167


    ok thought i had this all sorted but it seems i need a code, I have emailed from the website but as it is soo last minute i thought it may be a good idea to mention it on here too! Sorry for all the daft questions this week Kris
  9. My Tar F2 and Shale F2 for my start in UKDirt tonight! Sorry the quality is poor.
  10. spikey167


    Thanks again Drumbstick, I've just finished reading your set-up guide for the 4th time! i think its starting to accidentally make sense!!!!
  11. spikey167


    Does everyone pay the $20 for the secure chat registration?? EDIT - forget that i didnt realise there was a 30 day trial! Im assuming everyone just re-downloads it!!
  12. spikey167


    What a dumb***!! I never saw it!! Thanks!
  13. spikey167


    Hiya, probably a stupid question but what chat does this league use? I see there is a MIRc password but im unfamiliar with that and how to use it! cant find anything about it on the site either!!! Thanks Kris
  14. Spikey167 White!
  15. 2 quick questions, do you have to have white/yellow/blue grades done if you are just starting here? and is there a preferred file name sequence or just zipped into a folder with correct name?
  16. Thanks Drumstick, I shall put it to good use!!
  17. Hi everyone, I know setups are valuable as gold when racing so I wouldn't ask for them but I did once see a setup guide to what does what, there used to be one for heat too that was fantastic if you didn't understand all the elements to setting up your car! Hope someone can point me in the same direction, or is the heat one still valid in Rfactor?
  18. You gonna be racing down here? or did u just buy it of wade down here!
  19. spikey167


    AWESOME! thanks Sparky nice job dude!
  20. spikey167


    Hi everyone, could someone render my red top Rankin for me? Would be really appreciated thanks. Drop me a line on msn or pm me on here! Thanks!
  21. spikey167


    Just copied them and put em side to side as thought he might have redrawn them, but im afraid if he redrew it then he needs a medal, its perfect down to the original.
  22. Mine, changes regular tho lol
  23. spikey167


    What happens with all these skins leech?! You make like one a day! and there are all your number........ Agree with what someone else said, that last one has too many signs on it, dosent look like a banger, more an f2!
  24. spikey167


    Noooooooooooooo the f2 looked better in the game lol
  25. No bad Walks! Try putting some movement in those checks, and like earache says fade them out into the paintwork. Id personally rotate those stars on your number a tad as well as they look a little copy and pasted. Apart from that mate it looks good, alwats remember we have all started somewhere! Keep looking for new fonts so that you can make your own graphics/decals/artwork as a custom RCE ( for example ) is better than one everyone has been caught using at some point ( myself incl) I personally like Olive antique, with a arched look, and some nice colour fades, always look at Brian Evans colours his are always spot on fantastic! Anyway enough rubbish lol Spikey
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