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About welly

  • Birthday 26/05/1963

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  1. Great stuff Si, and it sounds like you were unlucky too!!! Keep it up fella.
  2. Trav, have you tried ringing your ISP, they should be able to check your line, or might even have reduced your speed if you have broken the unwritten usuage rules. Also have you tried changing your ADSL filter (the little gadget that plugs inot your phone socket) as it is quite common for these to go faulty. Also most ISP's reccomend you put a filter on each box (the main one and any that are fitted to extensions) i have found that in reality it is best to have just the one, and place in the socket you actually plug your wireless router into. Like Nezza i dont have a problem with Heat and Vista. Hope you get it sorted matey
  3. Really good video, cracking choice of music and a great drive / race.
  4. The guy talking at the end sums him up perfectly lmao. Great find
  5. And slacken it off too!!! Tight links ya reckon pmsl Loose leg if ridden like that!!
  6. And slacken it off too!!!
  7. Title says it all
  8. Happy Birthday chap
  9. Happy Birthday Budge m8, have a good un. You have a good un too Walker
  10. Stunning!!!
  11. Pedz, can you remember somebody having the same problem with parts of the cars missing during play? I'm sure I've seen it on here and wondered what the solution was. Could it be a graphics card problem? I know you're pretty clued up when it comes to graphics cards etc. Not sure Woka, but do you mean this thread?See last post
  12. Hope you had a good one young man
  13. Hope you have had great day mi owd chum.
  14. Glug Glug x 50. Happy Birthday Carp.
  15. Happy birthday bud, have a good un.
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