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Everything posted by Spike
i can fly
meeting off year coventry driver off season mav and bigal for there efforts so far
kev he should be working
Results: Heat 1: 561 112 39 315 391 262 291 399 1 3 Heat 2: 391 561 262 399 1 107 112 315 291 3 A-Final: 561 391 399 164 16 112 107 39 1 291 GN 1: 391 39 262 1 315 561 291 363 112 399 Points: 52 pts 561 MURF 44 pts 391 CORNY 26 pts 399 GOING IN STYLE 24 pts 112 TOM 24 pts 39 LEEK 20 pts 1 DAZZA 18 pts 262 HARMEN 16 pts 164 JARRY 14 pts 16 JK 13 pts 291 MARTEN 13 pts 315 MIKE 13 pts 107 JOHN HARM 4 pts 363 WALKER 2 pts 3 JOHNO 0 pts 151 DODE 0 pts 172 SPIKE JNR 0 pts 221 SPIKE 0 pts 365 TRAV 0 pts 527 FT
19 booked in RUNNING ALL IN 4 RACES
Results: Heat 1: 881 87 315 46 313 488 212 688 774 221 Heat 2: 112 313 41 516 136 380 774 164 688 488 550 363 Heat 3: 599 212 87 41 315 46 112 363 136 380 516 2 550 A-Final: 87 881 164 1 41 112 774 315 599 516 380 212 363 313 221 GN 1: 599 164 41 688 488 516 315 46 363 87 380 550 212 112 774 Points: 39 pts 87 ROBIN 35 pts 41 DRUMB 28 pts 881 AUB 28 pts 164 TOSH 24 pts 112 TOM 24 pts 315 MIKE 24 pts 599 HAROLD 15 pts 46 NEZZA 15 pts 313 BUDGE 14 pts 774 LEECH 14 pts 1 LEE 14 pts 516 STEPPY 13 pts 212 PEDZ 12 pts 488 DAVE 12 pts 688 FORDY 8 pts 136 KRUIZ 6 pts 380 DB 5 pts 363 WALKER 1 pts 221 SPIKE 0 pts 172 SPIKE JNR 0 pts 550 LARS 0 pts 870 MART 0 pts 904 PETE 0 pts 2 PUSHER THX FOR RACING and sorry for the server tonight
in chat for 820pm start 830pm sharp
hi all, Tonight we are racing at Buxton for the third meeting of the season!! wqr We will be running 2/3 formats in heats with all in final and gn 26 cars booked in ht1 172 313 870 904 2 221 599 46 212 488 774 688 881 87 164 315 1 steward 41 ht2 313 550 641 870 221 516 380 774 488 136 688 363 112 164 41 1 steward 315 ht3 172 550 641 904 2 516 599 46 380 212 136 881 363 87 112 315 41 steward 488 all in final and gn drumb will steward them
booking closed mi up shortly
Results: Heat 1: 399 527 391 516 112 262 531 291 31 3 17 363 221 Heat 2: 262 561 112 315 399 291 527 31 1 488 39 525 515 Heat 3: 391 3 17 16 1 363 221 561 315 516 515 525 39 A-Final: 17 112 1 561 315 39 3 221 291 363 31 488 516 515 527 525 GN 1: 527 112 561 16 262 1 315 516 3 488 221 291 391 17 31 Points: 40 pts 112 tom 33 pts 561 murf 31 pts 17 munis 29 pts 1 dazza 25 pts 315 mike 21 pts 3 johno 21 pts 527 ft 18 pts 262 harmen 14 pts 391 corny 13 pts 16 jk 12 pts 399 going i style 12 pts 39 leek 10 pts 291 marten 10 pts 221 spike 10 pts 516 steppy 7 pts 363 walker 3 pts 488 dave 2 pts 531 lee 2 pts 31 skeet 0 pts 61 wan jnr 0 pts 515 big al 0 pts 525 mav
Evening all, Tonight we are racing at Buxton – the second Tarmac meeting this season. 22 People are booked in so you have to race 2 out of the 3 heats. Meeting Format: Heat 1 Heat 2 Heat 3 A Final Grand National HT1 399 17 31 221 262 391 527 516 61 531 3 291 363 112 SERVER 90 HT2 399 515 31 39 262 525 527 488 61 561 16 291 315 112 1 SERVER 90 HT3 515 17 39 221 391 525 516 488 561 531 3 16 363 315 1 SERVER 90 ALL IN FINAL and GN tonight all in chat for 825 first race 830 sharp
spike jnr booking out
i had 3 on my pad not 5 must be going mad
thx aub forgot left dave out
HT1 164 136 561 688 221 1 488 641 881/ 912 365 172 HT2 688 313 136 315 1 904 18 221 112 488/774 641 HT3 188 164 599 1 41 365 112 18 774 561/ 912 904 313 363 FINAL 188 688 599 1 41 136 112 912 561 164/ 641 18 391 46 488 363 172 39 GN 164 688 912 112 46 1 221 881* 315 136/ 488 313 363 641 POINTS WHITES 29 NO SHOW 172 0 313 9 641 3 904 5 YELLOWS 221 13 599 24 912 15 391 0 BLUES 18 7 46 6 365 5 488 5 688 44 774 2 881 37 REDS 561 13 136 28 363 0 39 0 SS 112 21 164 31 315 16 41 18 1 30 WD AUB ON FINAL AND HT WIN TOSH AND FORDY FOR THERE WINS TOO
corny murf and gazza added
hi all, Tonight we are racing at Birmingham for the First meeting of the season!! The heats in daylight and final gn will be under lights. We will be running 2/3 formats in heats with all in final and gn 25 cars booked in ht1 29 172 641 / 221 391 912 / 7 46 365 488 688 881 / 39 136 363 561 164 41 1 steward 112 ht2 172 313 641 904 / 221 599 / 18 46 488 688 774 / 39 136 112 315 1 steward 41 ht3 29 313 904 / 391 599 912 / 7 18 365 774 881 / 363 561 112 164 315 41 steward 488 all cars in final and gn