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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by Ryano

  1. Ryano


    try 3 what do you think of the car *its the same one from both sides* and truck come to think of it
  2. turning into a great slagging match that thread on the ftooz site
  3. Apart from at the tracks mentioned **cough** WORLD CUP **cough** thinking (not my best characteristic) about it seeing marc kiss a small scot would be rather funny.......... Leave me out of it
  4. Ryano


    There are no problems from what i can see.These are my first attempts ( i need 3ds file for a mk2 granny by the way and some wheel 3ds's)
  5. can somone post the mk2 saloon 3ds file please
  6. Better than any of the banger hits yesterday shame that Chris Bradbury got loaded what for ? perfectly alright hit (maybe not in the right class) but didnt Mr Darby do that to Steve Webster in the European and was allowed to carry on
  7. Well don to eddie darby for becoming the new saloon european champion and niel hooper for becoming the F2 English open winner
  8. So am i (i went crazy with my team btw)
  9. Ryano


    I thought it was meant to have both his rear wheels around his ears
  10. Ryano


    Sorry can someone post the 3ds wheels and tga for a mk1 please
  11. Ryano


    can someone post the 3ds file for a mk1 granny please and how do you make tga's??
  12. Ryano


    Has anyone or can anyone make or give me a guide on how to render using 3d max 8 please THANKS
  13. Ryano

    My renders

    If anyone wants the skin just ask
  14. Ryano

    My renders

    Another of lennys renders but my bona skin (effed the roof up tho)
  15. thanks
  16. Can some one make a bullet hole decal thing for me as i like them also can some one do a Union Jack Decal like on mr happy's hearse at last year firecracker please
  17. Ryano

    My renders

    Well he is doing my renders (although i cant race em YET)
  18. Ryano

    My skin

    This is my 2nd or 3rd skin i have selfpainted thanks to lenny for the renders I did take my time comments appereciated
  19. http://www.stuartbishop.20megsfree.com/index.htm heres some pics from crasharama with the rated train and other great hits
  20. Best 2 hits from crasharama i think were lips huge jacking on andrew jones and jones was no where near the fence but it still got all 8 wheels off the ground and Ash's hit on Jimbo in the allcomers that nearly rolled both cars had they hadnt been near the fence then they would have had rolled
  21. David can i meet up with you at Crasharama please as i have something to tell you before everyone gets jelous? I am the one taking pictures with RYANO on the back of his jacket
  22. Heres mine from Boneshayker (my own photo)
  23. ahhhhhhh sorry about that!
  24. ouch 81 CARS NOW also Steve i would hazard a guess that you will be working with Team Mental (as it says on your signature) but does that mean that you and pikey vs the bears,Team mental and Pikeys vs Posh Wash?
  25. It is now on 74 cars
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