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Posts posted by stig727

  1. i found some templates of the merc 600 limo and a cadillac limo and cant find the .car files anywhere could some1 please post them up


    also some ideas for new tracks - barford reverse (with new steel plate fence) and aycliffe


    :2: stig727

  2. have been searchin the forums for legends templates and cannot find barker.tga bourne.tga finn.tga mellor.tga powles.tga taylor.tga tyldesley.tga wainman.tga war.tga welt.tga willtwo.tga :banghead2: if any one has them please post them up

  3. have been lookin everywere for


    templates for - 57mercury

    A60 camper


    Mk1 granada coupe limo

    Mk1 granada hearse


    merto invalid


    xj6 estate

    Mk1 transit icecream van


    .car files for - cadillac 1962 limo

    merc600 limo

    mk1 transit ice cream van


    if anyone has them or knows were i can find them let mo know :2:

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