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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Laptop mate. Haven't really the space or desire to have a PC setup at home.
  2. Thank you for your kind words Aub. My budget is certainly no more than £1000. We only use it for casual Internet browsing. The above were advised as lasting a long time and being virus free. Any advice gratefully appreciated as always mate.
  3. Is the next worth the extra £500 and more likely to run RFactor?
  4. My Wife and her company are doing something for Prince's Trust and I thought this may be something that a lot of you would be interested in. So I have copied this from her work email. Let me know what you think
  5. Bugger it's this - http://hypem.com/track/918978/Santero+-+Reminisce Could Admin please put in the original post. Thanks for pointing it out to me Knobby.
  6. Go to this link, and if you like download the song. But most importantly click on the love heart thing to say that you love the track, you probably have to register, but that will only take a moment. The more people that click that, the more attention he gets. There are some other tracks up there if you search for Santero. It will only take you a couple of minutes and I would be most grateful.
  7. Happy Birthday mate
  8. 40 is sooooooooooooooo old. Explains why you drive like a Sunday driver. Applied for your bus-pass yet? All the best mate
  9. Happy Birthday Walker. Also Happy Birthday Budge, no wonder you don't hit so hard with ageing bones. You will soon be able to collect your bus pass.
  10. http://owlstalk.co.uk/media/mjrehearsals.mp3
  11. Congratulations on your hard work Tosh, get your feet up now and leave it all to the mother as mothers know best.
  12. I've heard that he's had a nasty Motorbike accident, injuries include two broken wrists. All the best mate
  13. LeeK suggested a solution in last nights F2 meeting, however I didn't make a note as I'm not experiencing any problems. Perhaps he can help.
  14. God you two are very old Happy birthday guys
  15. Happy Birthday Neil and FT. Mind you, are they the same person? Never seen them in the same room together, and both have equally poor driving skills! Hope you have both had a good day, and have a nice evening too.
  16. Welcome to The Championship Newcastle
  17. Its a really good new website a friend of mine has just launched, its genuinely brilliant, but his budget is small so he's relying on word of mouth to help it grow. Basically its a souped up version of igoogle or something, but way better - much more customisable for niche interests, so you can link interests and news websites in order to get instant updates. Have a look - http://www.fingertips-uk.com/ Please send it on to your mates via email, Facebook, Twitter etc if you like it.
  18. Thank you all very much, I am definitely feeling the love! Although not from the 40 odd (and rising) people that opened this thread and thought "Na, stuff him, I'm not wishing him owt". Thanks again everyone, I am now officially old
  19. I am so disappointed at the lack of people signing this petition. I can see no reason why you wouldn't want to. Please
  20. Hopefully your opinions won't stop you from signing though lads.
  21. Skin cancer is now the number one form of cancer amongst young women, and the concentrated harmful rays from sunbeds have been cited as the reason for this increase. UK women in their 20s are diagnosed with malignant melanoma at a rate of almost one a day, twice as common as breast cancer. St. Tropez is leading a Parliamentary Lobbying Group campaigning for stricter regulations on sunbed usage in the UK. We are proposing a ban on all unmanned, coin-operated sunbeds in the UK preventing under-18s from using sunbeds, to help reduce the number of unnecessary cases of skin cancer cases. To demonstrate your support, simply sign the St. Tropez SkinSmart online petition - http://sttropezskinsmart.org/sign-the-st-t...nsmart-petition. An email will be sent to you asking you to confirm your signature before you’re added to the petition. Please pass this on to encourage more sign ups.
  22. Happy birthday mate.
  23. Happy Birthday lads
  24. Sam

    Adobe - Firefox

    Java is turned on. I can watch them through IE but it runs slowly and defeats the object of having Firefox in the first place really.
  25. Sam

    Adobe - Firefox

    Anyone please?
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