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Everything posted by JK16

  1. JK16c Pleease
  2. Love to race this, Wil be there next time! WD to the winners and the hard hitters
  3. Sorry i whasnt there. Instal xp again because rfactor didnt work anymore. And whas not ready on time.
  4. Yea m8. rfactor dont work at the moment need to get new xp but just pick a car for me number 16 if thats possible.
  5. WD TomD
  6. Great pictures!
  7. For the ppl dont understand whats on that. It says online that the network isnt right but got notthing to do with the network with the game loading..
  8. Hello Boys, I got a problem hoop sombody can help me. Im getting a problem if i click on the rfactor icon. Im getting this: Already tryed to set back the pc a week. and reinstal rfactor. Cheers, JK
  9. And one thing for me. I mis the newsletters. Always looked out every month to read it! Its it comming back or no time? Same with pictures every meeting Cheers, JK
  10. My Things: Season Length: Its fine Double Headers: Some times fun to do but sometimes just to long. Wednesday meetings: I Hate Wednesday racing at ukdirt because some other leagues are on Wednesday also or ppl cant race on that day. So just stay on the normal day. National Series: I love to see that you need to race for the points hole the year and not last 8 meetings. Just count the first till the last meeting and who is first then is Points champion World Final Qualifying Rounds: Don’t do it a year before that’s give new ppl no change to get some points. and just don’t like it Anything else: Yeas. 1.I think there’s to many skin packs. I know you all wane have ppl cars in but 18 skin pack is much 2.I think replays needs to be better controlled and given penalties. Sorry about my spelling. lol Cheers, JK
  11. WD TomD for winning the World of Shale and im almost sure the silver roof. Got lucky that i whas away because im not a shale driver. WD everybody who won a race. Cheers, JK
  12. WD Mike for winning the Tarmac Masters. And the rest who won a race. See you all next time Cheers, JK
  13. JK white pleas.. or red?
  14. Nice pics tosh Cheers, JK
  15. Booking in red pleas
  16. jk red
  17. Im missing in the final?
  18. JK Red pleas
  19. Some great racing, Got lucky i whas away from the reds, WD to all winners. Cheers
  20. Can i do a late booking pleas. whas only seeing sheffield. Im only racing Northamton pleas Zcheers, JK
  21. WD Dazza
  22. Always love to read these things! Great again! Cheers, JK
  23. Booking In Pleas
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