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Everything posted by nocturnalpulse

  1. Hmmm,Ive been racing online for over 3 years,I originally started out at uk dirt,moved on to free leagues,built up a rep and im currently in the position i am now,I recently thought id make a return to uk dirt,since ive been back ive done 2 meetings in about 3 months, £7.50 a meeting,all i see day in,day out on this forum is crap,if i wanted to sit here and listen/read an absolute load of garbage id go sit in a nursery all day,But i dont so im off again,Theres some great people here but theres also a lot of twats,I doubt ill be returning........
  2. Its so hard to resist the urge to reply to this with some Abuse!
  3. All credit for this goes to Reg126 @ BWS.Just so you know,
  4. just what cal said also wimbledon old skool on shale,new aldershot,yarmouth,wisbech (posts!) or warneton would be good, Lowline DS420 Hearse Humber Series3 Snipe Saloon or Hawk Daimler Majestic Zodiac/zephyr mk4 MG Magnette za/zb Some Aerobus lol Caprice Saloon Sheerline saloon/limo Jag S-Type Camaro 80`s Trummy 2000 mk1 wolseley 16/60 w/chrome Re-working some of the old stuff would be great too,mk2 hearse,ds420 limo for a start
  5. lol Crewie,Cheers Swindy! Top Man!
  6. No.... lol,Driven to Destruction is as close as it gets mate.
  7. Sad news,Living in london i knew of this early this afternoon when it happened,Only just heard through Ryano on msn it was David Leslie,Always good fun to watch in the BTCC driving the Nissans & Mazdas,Wrecked quite a few motors with style too R.I.P http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30100-1311171,00.html
  8. LMAO ^
  9. nice one Swindy! Fire Extingusher is a nice touch!
  10. Surprise Surprise! Its actually vectra
  11. Grr Cant Edit Posts! Hitmen car was used Last Night at TNB Icebreaker,Haadee Prep!! Thanks Mate The Damage is Superb and Looks Epic all Smashed up Still Dishing out the Punishment!
  12. 1962 Caddy Limo was made by Parry281 and Released the other week for TNB Ignore the wheels lol,they aint the ones that come with it,
  13. Im sure Haadee will confirm this if true as he made it,The Bentley was a one off and never intended for release as the dimenstions of the model were out of scale,it was too narrow etc
  14. LOOOOOOOOOL!!! Quality tads mate!! keep up the good work!! Its Epic!!!
  15. One Word mate! EPIC!!!!!!!!!
  16. Good Stuff Mate! Keep up the good work!
  17. If its the U S pro stock heat your after,check the mod squad links,it will tell you where to go,im sure its hosted on FFSracing,Ave a word with a guy called Budman,He`ll sort you out
  18. All ok here,Cheers swindy,its a rated little car
  19. Top Bombing! As someone already said you are indeed on a role mate! Long may it continue!
  20. keep up the good work rodder! cough*taunus*cough lol
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