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Everything posted by nocturnalpulse

  1. Nice one Reg! It looks spot on in game! Keep these classics coming mate!
  2. No probs
  3. put num lock on,4 and 6 are left and right, all the numbers move the cam around including a few others in that area on the keyboard,try it out
  4. Awesome!! Keep up the good work mate! I can only recall one thats raced? http://www.tim-catley.co.uk/Mildo2/photo20.html "the blue bit with holes" is how the chassis looked when stripped,see pic The fin plate looks great btw Is it possible to have a model with a standard fin plate as well,so ppl wouldnt have to use the steve hemmings type one all the time?
  5. use the mod launcher and set it on free cam,then move the camera around with the number keys Also on bangers,use the free cam mode,set the AI on something silly like 799 and go and watch from the tight bend at aldershot
  6. That would be so cool! I first went there in 85 at the age of 5 lol, and remember them hosing the shale down before the start of every meeting,Also the old concrete flower beds in the middle of the straights could be brought back,That would be insane on the figure 8 track,Less grip in general and Going into the bends with less grip would surely mean epic crashes esp with the post and wires like the track has but isnt used to its full potental on the tarmac version,Would it be possible to edit down the current version we have now? Taking away the blue hordings around the outside and off the dog track etc? Another stadium style shale track with proper fencing would be wicked, pics from various sites
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar_S-type_%281964%29
  8. Isnt that an S-Type?
  9. I`d appreciate it too Also the mondeo est and A55 van pretty please,ta,
  10. A55 van and Mondeo est Templates havnt been released yet mate,car files are found in the tnb updates and skinpacks, While we`re on the subject,can anybody shed any light on the P5bc.car file to be found in,i believe the tnb updates? ta
  11. Wicked!! Epic first car reg! Looks surperb!
  12. Awesome! A superb first car! Great job mate
  13. Wicked!! Keep up the Awesome Work Mate!
  14. Warneton sounds like a good idea for proper european championships etc
  15. Looking Good! I dont think the Rcbanger site works anymore tho?
  16. Epic to the Max!!! Thanks Swindy!!
  17. Top Job!!! cant wait to see it snapped!
  18. OMG!!!!!! Dude!! That is the T*ts!!!! EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Select the fin plate layer,choose the eraser and rub them bits out,
  20. Good Job Dude!!!!
  21. Fair enough asking a question,but maybe ask it in a different way next time,try not to be so abrupt and demanding and you will get a more positive answer
  22. If anyone wants them PM me
  23. ok,cant seem to upload the files for some reason? they are all zipped up and well under the size limit, and the file type ends in .zip weird, It just keeps telling me "Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload a file with that file extension" Anyone help?
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