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Everything posted by martwisely

  1. There no wheels in the folder that i downloaded thats the problem and couldnt find on nicks site
  2. Hi this is what i mean And no this isnt finished!!!! Does any1 know how to change tyres from red to looking like real tyres??? Any help would be appreciated
  3. Hi again have found site sparky one question?? Do i leave the tyres red or how do i change them to look like real tyres??
  4. Quoting dazza 'but i cant see the point in posting up a pic of a render of a car that still has the damage on it along with the straight panels or on that trailer where the car is obviously out of proportion' ^^^^^^^^^^ There Plus i didnt get help tombop did so of course his skins would look better because he has got the wheels aswell All i am looking for is wheels so if any1knows where to find them could you please say and just forgot about the above renders!!!!
  5. I did search for wheels but cannot find them that is y i asked but what do i get in return alot of abuse back over a render
  6. well if youz would all stop moaning at me, and tell me where to get the wheels from then maybe they wud look better!!!!
  7. there is something there is a render not everybodys perfect first time round!! And yes i did post that to see what people thought on my first render, didnt expect ppl like u to have a moan that i shudnt b posting pics!!! And that render is of my car in the u2l skinpack for BWS
  8. oh ok.... and dazza you didnt get ur first ever render damage free did u ?? And neways i was wanting views on it not for u to moan....
  9. cheers Heres another pic... Andrew im still waiting on wheels....
  10. hi skins looging good!! Wish i could do as good as that
  11. another pic with wheels... well not right ones
  12. another pic with wheels... EDIT: Forgot to attach picture
  13. Thats a very large "van". I have the 3d files for the bangers and F2s, I will send them over MSN if you want. Shus van truck same thing.... lol Yeh ok cheers if you could Got any floors vans trailers???
  14. Heres it with a van Could someone please tell me where to get the 3d files from plz and trailers etc ?? is there a website??
  15. Hi every1 heres my first render tell us what u think of it. I know theres no wheels havent got any atm
  16. imhaving same probs im with wanadoo broadband i can create a game but no1 can connect
  17. skins are looking good keep it up people!!
  18. My missing wheel , my best wreck to date loosing a wheel
  19. Hi i will search through , Do you know how i would find this ip ???
  20. Hi Could someone please tell me how it wont let people connect to my server when i create a game?? It used to work but as soon as i got a wireless connection it dont! Help would be appreciated
  21. looks like its been photographed from ur comp lol
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