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About DannyG267

  • Birthday 18/07/1995

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Just shale for now if this is ok? 20UKD267_DannyS.zip
  2. Pete C? Have you got got confused Dane lol, 267 it’s meant to be mate. Grid is on the post below..
  3. 267 White
  4. Danny 267 White
  5. A amateur white top already bored of you droning on.. god help the others listening to it all season
  6. Happy with result in Semi, only thing I was happy with lol. Really tricky track I find, could put the odd decent lap in but nothing consistent at all. Massively apologise in the final to whoever clipped me whilst I was trying to get off track, Thanks Kane + Dps. Bore off Beckett lmao
  7. DannyG267


    i agree with what you say too so the numbers would be an issue for a final so then it would turn out to be the attitude of each of us racing and thats something that each individual wont address Trouble is there's too many people that are on the high horse I find on this game. They only need something little to trigger them and they start taking you out and lunging like goons. Can't just take it on the chin and get over it and race normal (thinking he may still be getting to grips with the game maybe?) All in races are 100% better from my experience, it's all about respect so to speak, and less cars is boring.. youll find that out, after all it is stock cars and not hot rods :-)
  8. DannyG267


    Thanks all for tonight, some decent racing! Could've scored better if I hadn't lengthed Jake in heat 2 but it's all good haha, as for the final.. thanks #479 2nd time leading more than half of the final to get took out by back markers, ah well, I apologise to anyone else I may of got in the way of, still getting used to the contact on this game and getting the hang of it.. Thanks admins, enjoyable meeting! See you soon #102.. ;-)
  9. DannyG 267 White Although i don't have a white grade in pack, back of grid starts?
  10. Good meeting again, enjoyed it! Bar my Error in the final haha, it's all good fun! Thanks to the back makers for letting me go by easily in the final too! Thanks Kane + Others involved, appreciate it as always!
  11. Why don't you retire from ukdirt for good.Hoped we had seen the last of you you act like a 12 year old child. No respect for anything or anyone.Go away and grow up. Quality, maybe if you'd watched the race before without them rose tinted glasses you'd have seen he tried to do the exact same to me in the final, but did you see that? Leave it between the two people, don't get involved in others rivalry. Behave, you tried taking me out first? You had a couple of go's at doing it, and let's not forget we was both on the lead lap then.. for you to do it to a Rookie Yellow top lapping you, I must say is Embarrassing hahaha
  12. Really good first meeting back, proper enjoyed it! Some good racing, Thanks everyone involved! I love you #691
  13. Does anyone have the Bingley Downbar (shale) template they could send please? Struggling to find it for some reason, (isn't in the F2 skin templates folder) thanks in advance.
  14. I look forward to returning next week Lol
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