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UKDirt Admin
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Everything posted by Dave488

  1. Last year's please
  2. With only 1 meeting left of the 2018 season we start to look forward to the 2019 season. There are going to be changes within the admin team for next season with 1 or more members leaving and as i'm sure you are aware there wasn't many to start with. We are now looking for any new members who wish to be involved in running the F2s next season. In general we would be interested in members who would like to try and help with: - running meetings - assessing disciplinary incidents - promotion materials (previews, posters, videos, etc) - contribute to general organisation and running (season planning, grade reviews, etc, etc) Without extra admin members there is a real risk of the F2 mod not running next season (depending on what other existing members decide to do) which would be a shame, its sad to write but it is unfortunately where we might be. This is the worst case and again depends on what other members decide to do, the mod needs at-least 3 dedicated people to move on and at the moment i'm not sure we even have 1! I am sure the 2019 plans for UK Dirt as a whole will be announced soon and some of you may wish to wait until then to decide on your commitment but if you feel you could add to the F2 admin team and help to keep/move this mod forward please message either myself or Wardy and let us know what you would be willing to do, I must stress the mod needs dedicated people NOT people that just want to say yes I am an admin, ideally you really need to have at-least 2 free nights a week (Mondays and 1 other to look at replays etc) I would like to end by saying I wish any new members and any old existing members that may remain all the best, I hope the mod gets to move on forward as it should.
  3. Skinpack 8 is now available above and MUST be installed for tomorrows gala meeting at Birmingham (it will be added to the servers at some point today)
  4. whites and yellows qualifiers *(CURRENT GRADE) 671 (B) 306 (B) 479 (Y) 488 (B) 627 (W) 221 (B) 4 (Y) 947 (B) 3 (Y) 641 (B) 599 (B) 909 (W) 454 (Y) 100 (B) 64 (W) 482 ® 663 (W) 552 (W) the grid for this race will depend on bookings champion of champions qualifiers (2018 champions and final winners) 39 100 167 180 184 229 236 238 455 482 488 621 777 889 981 random grid, 10 lap race RED = banned/not racing PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST SKINPACK INSTALLED (8) FOR THIS MEETING, IT CAN BE FOUND >HERE<
  5. Below is a list of all 2018 winners/champions etc, well done to all World - DanSkin, #236 National Points - MartinB, #981 National Series - MartinB, #981 British - Wardieee, #180 European - DanSkin, #236 UK Open - CB, #167 F2 Nationals - Jack Ward, #184 World of Shale - Jack Ward, #184 English Open - MartinB, #981 Scottish - CB, #167 Irish - DanSkin, #236 Grand National Championship - LeeK, #39 World Cup - MartinB, #981 F2 Challenge - CB, #167 Novice of the Year - Lexboxone, #947 Top of World Qualifying Points - CB, #167 Semi Final Winners - Tsjalle, #229 and DanSkin, #236 Most Race Wins/Final wins - MartinB, #981 (25 and 7) Whites and Yellows - Ginger, #482 Champion of Champions - MartinB, #981
  6. Thanks all for racing tonight, well done to all race winners and to #184 Jack Ward for top scoring, well done also to Martin#981 for winning the shootout with jack putting up a brave fight to close to within 9 points this evening, thanks as always to stumpy and Lee for the help Results: Heat 1: 777 889 981 39 184 246 472 671 488 924 627 100 Heat 2: 100 472 184 39 981 889 627 671 488 // 246 924 777 A-Final: 488 184 777 924 472 889 981 246 39 100 671 627 GN 1: 100 777 889 924 39 184 246 472 981 488 671 627 Points: (shootout points) 37 pts 184 Jack Ward (74) 35 pts 777 HGR 32 pts 889 Ellis Rogers 28 pts 472 MarkF 26 pts 488 Dave 24 pts 39 LeeK (48) 24 pts 981 MartinB (48) 22 pts 100 Tom Davison 22 pts 924 Tosh 15 pts 246 Stox (30) 6 pts 671 Bryan Lee 4 pts 627 PeteC Replays Are Here! Final Shootout Points 981 - 274 184 - 265 39 - 175 167 - 165 246 - 120 482 - 59 180 - 0 236 - 0 See you all next week for the Gala Night CoC W&Y Finale etc
  7. evening all, tonights meeting will be ALL IN! 2 heats a final and gn as usual shootout drivers are reminded this is a double points scoring round points going into this round are: 981 - 226 184 - 191 167 - 165 39 - 127 246 - 90 482 - 59 180 - 0 236 - 0
  8. Any late bookings/cancellations for tonight's meet8ng please post below Please state Your name Your number Your grade Bookings close at 8pm
  9. points after round 7 981 - 226 184 - 191 167 - 165 39 - 127 246 - 90 482 - 59 180 - 0 236 - 0
  10. These come into effect now. up to red 777 924 down to blue 100 down to white 627Â
  11. points after round 6 981 - 185 167 - 165 184 - 148 39 - 109 246 - 79 482 - 59 180 - 0 236 - 0
  12. Thanks all for racing, well done to all race winners and to #229 Tsjalle for top scoring, thanks as always to Stumpy and LeeK for the assistance Results: Heat 1: 981 229 455 39 184 889 472 246 167 671 488 627 941 479 Heat 2: 229 455 167 981 39 671 488 246 627 889 472 479 184 941 A-Final: 229 184 246 981 671 167 889 455 39 472 479 627 488 GN : 472 246 39 981 488 184 671 889 229 455 627 167 479 Points: 43 pts 229 Tsjalle 38 pts 981 MartinB 31 pts 246 Stox 29 pts 184 Jack Ward 25 pts 39 LeeK 24 pts 455 Kbarker 22 pts 671 BryanLee 20 pts 167 CB 17 pts 889 Ellis Rogers 16 pts 472 MarkF 10 pts 488 Dave 2 pts 627 PeteC 0 pts 941 Jaymo 0 pts 479 KevHarbord Replays Are Here! NO SHOWS 0 pts 777 HGR 0 pts 100 TomDavison 0 pts 4 BigDan See you all next week at Hednesford for shootout round 7
  13. tonights meeting will be ALL IN please be in the server for 8.25 for a prompt 8.30 start
  14. bookings closed 229 in 924 out
  15. any late bookings/cancellations for tonights meeting please post below please state: your name your grade your number bookings will close at 8pm
  16. shootout points after round 5 981 - 147 167 - 145 184 - 119 39 - 84 482 - 59 246 - 48 180 - 0 236 - 0
  17. shootout points after round 4 167 - 109 981 - 106 184 - 90 482 - 59 39 - 52 246 - 33 180 - 0 236 - 0
  18. Thanks all for racing, well done to LeeK#39 for winning the GNC, CB#167 for winning the meeting final and Wardy#184 for top scoring, also well done to all other race winners as always thanks to Stumpy and LeeK for their assistance this evening Results: GNC: 39 184 167 482 229 924 246 455 488 627 100 777 981 Heat 1: 455 229 167 184 621 981 777 246 482 488 627 100 39 924 Heat 2: 777 981 924 167 488 184 39 455 229 246 482 100 627 621 A-Final: 167 184 777 924 621 981 100 482 246 488 627 229 39 455 Allcomers: 184 924 621 981 455 229 246 39 482 167 488 100 777 627 Points: 40 pts 184 Jack Ward 37 pts 167 CB 31 pts 924 Tosh 31 pts 981 MartinB 30 pts 777 HGR 26 pts 621 Jouke Heddema 19 pts 455 Kbarker 16 pts 229 Tsjalle 12 pts 246 Stox 10 pts 482 Ginger 9 pts 488 Dave 8 pts 100 Tom Davison 7 pts 39 LeeK 0 pts 627 PeteC Replays Are Here! see you all next week at Taunton for a w&y round and shootout round 5
  19. tonights meeting will be all in race 1 will be the Grand National Championship race then a full meeting will follow please be in the server for 8.25
  20. Please post below any late bookings/cancellations for tonight's meeting Please state: Your name Your grade Your number Bookings close at 8pm
  21. shootout points after round 3 981 - 75 167 - 72 184 - 50 482 - 49 39 - 45 246 - 21 180 - 0 236 - 0
  22. shootout points after round 2 184 - 47 167 - 45 981 - 40 39 - 35 482 - 29 246 - 17 180 - 0 236 - 0
  23. Thanks all for racing. well done to Wardy#184 for winning the national championship, Tom D #100 for winning the meeting final and EllisR#889 for top scoring, thanks as always to Stumpy and Lee for their help tonight Results: F2 Nationals: 184 981 472 482 167 889 246 924 488 627 100 39 Heat 1: 100 777 472 167 889 184 924 246 482 39 981 488 627 Heat 2: 777 472 100 889 482 246 981 167 184 488 924 627 39 A-Final: 100 889 472 924 777 482 167 184 39 981 246 488 627 GN: 981 924 889 167 777 184 482 246 472 488 100 627 39 Points: 39 pts 889 Ellis R 38 pts 100 TomDavison 37 pts 777 HGR 35 pts 472 MarkF 27 pts 924 Tosh 25 pts 167 CB 22 pts 482 Ginger 18 pts 184 Jack Ward 16 pts 981 MartinB 11 pts 246 Stox 5 pts 39 LeeK 2 pts 488 Dave 0 pts 627 PeteC
  24. tonights meeting will be ALL IN! race 1 is the F2 nationals race (random grid) - 777, 472, 184, 924, 981, 100, 167, 39, 488, 889, 627, 246, 482 after this a full meeting will follow shootout drivers staring grid for final - 246, 482, 167, 981, 184, 39 please be in the server by 8.30
  25. Please post below for any late bookings or cancellations for tonight's meeting Please state Your name Your grade Your number Bookings close at 8pm
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