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Everything posted by Dave488

  1. Thanks all for racing, well done to all race winners, a huge well done to Wardieee#180 for winning the British for the 3rd time in a row! and for top scoring, once again thanks to Super Stumpy and LeeK for all their help tonight Results: Heat 1: 236 889 180 777 981 184 100 503 229 671 599 306 909 102 39 Heat 2: 180 236 889 221 184 39 100 482 102 503 229 671 599 246 488 909 Heat 3: 180 306 236 246 102 503 39 981 482 100 777 184 599 221 909 488 Heat 4: 180 236 777 246 671 488 229 482 981 503 889 306 100 221 909 102 39 Heat 5: 180 306 671 184 488 39 221 889 246 981 100 229 777 909 482 599 Heat 6: 236 306 221 889 229 981 503 488 671 599 777 184 246 482 102 A-Final: 180 236 184 981 889 39 306 503 246 100 482 229 671 909 488 777 102 599 221 Points: 68 pts 180 Wardiee 64 pts 236 DanSkin 39 pts 889 EllisR 35 pts 306 PiercyB 34 pts 184 Wardy 31 pts 981 MartinB 24 pts 39 LeeK 20 pts 246 Stox 20 pts 503 Dane 19 pts 221 Spike 17 pts 671 Ironside 15 pts 777 HGR 14 pts 488 Dave 12 pts 229 Tsjalle 11 pts 100 Tom Davison 8 pts 102 ChewyJnr 8 pts 482 Ginger 1 pts 599 Harold 0 pts 909 Hooso NO SHOWS 0 pts 627 Pete C see you all next week at Birmingham for another WCQ round
  2. British championship MI you will each race in 5 heats each tonight please make sure you are listed iin 5 heats below Heat 1: 306, 621, 627, 671, 909, 100, 102, 599, 777, 889, 39, 503, 180, 184, 229, 236, 981 Heat 2: 621, 627, 671, 909, 100, 102, 221, 488, 246, 599, 889, 39, 503, 180, 184, 229, 236, 482 Heat 3: 306, 621, 627, 909, 100, 102, 221, 488, 246, 599, 777, 39, 503, 180, 184, 236, 482, 981 Heat 4: 306, 627, 671, 909, 100, 102, 221, 488, 246, 777, 889, 39, 503, 180, 229, 236, 482, 981 Heat 5: 306, 621, 671, 909, 100, 221, 488, 246, 599, 777, 889, 39, 180, 184, 229, 482, 981 Heat 6: 306, 621, 627, 671, 102, 221, 488, 246, 599, 777, 889, 503, 184, 229, 236, 482, 981 ALL IN FINAL please be in discord for 8.20 for a prompt 8.30 start Below is a quote from the UKDirt website, with this rule in mind 454, 455 and 504 will not be permitted to race tonights meeting Championship Formats To enter any UKDirt F2 championship you must have completed at least 1 meeting in the current season.
  3. bookings closed
  4. If my memory serves me rite no novice skins allowed. However as there will be no pack before then. If you send them me so I have them as proof you intend to have skins before then I can't see why you can't race
  5. Just to let you all know the British Championship meeting at Mildenhall next week will be ran on a new version of the track, This is available to download on the UKDirt website or by clicking the link Here. You will all need this for that meeting. Get booked in to see if you can be the 2018 British champion and take the title away from Wardieee#180
  6. Thanks all for racing tonight, couldve done with some more cars but seemed mostly OK from where i was, well done to all race winners, Wardiee#180 for top scoring and to ChewyJnr for top scoring, Thanks as ever to Stumpy for his help tonight Results: Heat 1: 102 599 39 184 229 981 671 889 246 479 236 482 167 180 Heat 2: 180 102 39 671 246 981 184 599 482 167 889 236 479 A-Final: 180 102 229 184 981 671 167 246 482 39 889 479 599 236 GN : 102 599 246 229 981 39 671 184 777 100 889 180 479 236 482 167 Points: 47 pts 102 Chewy Jnr 30 pts 180 Wardieee 29 pts 229 Tsjalle 28 pts 184 Wardy 28 pts 981 MartinB 25 pts 671 ironside 23 pts 39 LeeK 22 pts 246 Stox 21 pts 599 Harold 9 pts 167 CB 6 pts 482 Ginger 3 pts 889 EllisR 2 pts 777 HGR 1 pts 100 TomDavison 1 pts 479 KevH 0 pts 236 DanSkin Replays Are Here! Hope to see you all next week for the British championship at mildenhall, a few details will be posted in another thread
  7. Tonights meeting will be ALL IN please be in discord for 8.20 for a prompt 8.30 start
  8. Bookings closed mi will be up soon
  9. Please post below for any late bookings/cancellations State Name Grade Number Bookings close at 7.30 any bookings after this may be refused
  10. Skinpack 2 is now available above, Please make sure you have this installed for Tomorrows meeting at Belle Vue
  11. We are now collecting skins for the 2nd skinpack of the 2018 season, please read all of the below: A FEW SIMPLE RULES PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ ALL OF THIS POST BEFORE SENDING ANY FILES 1: NUMBERS - numbers must be BLACK ON WHITE the white outline MUST be big enough to make the BLACK stand out (no fancy inlay colours please) 2: SAVING - YOU MUST SAVE ALL F2 FILES IN DXT1 NOT DXT5 3: FILE NAMES - please name your car files based on these templates: main file/veh - 17UKD800_BenT for tar and 17UKD800_BenS for shale (your name and number not mine!!) other files - use the above but just add the grade colour to the end ie 18UKD800_BenTred or 18UKD800_BenTyellow etc if you are unsure of veh files leave them to me as its easier for me that way 4: SENDING IN FILES - PLEASE SEND IN YOUR FILES VIA THE UPLOAD TOOL ON THE WEBSITE. DO NOT ATTACH TO THIS POST 5:RE-USING OLD SKINS - If you wish to re-use your skin from the 2017 season, let me know on this thread please and i will add them to the pack 6: ROOF GRADES - roof grades are red, blue, yellow and white, no brown, purple or green wings will be excepted! i think you will find these are very simple rules but many seem to struggle with them, if i have to go through and fix skins to fit these rules myself i can not promise the results will be pretty - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED any questions regarding any of the above please PM me and ask BEFORE sending your skins in DEADLINE FOR THIS PACK IS MIDNIGHT 30TH MARCH Skins received so far:
  12. Thanks all for racing, well done to Wardiee#180 for winning the meeting final and to Ginger#482 for top scoring, also well done to all other race winners, Thanks to Stumpy and LeeK for all their help this evening, Next week we are back on tarmac at Westworld for a WCQR and another W&Y round hope to see you all there Results: Heat 1: 479 482 777 229 599 180 238 184 889 39 167 671 246 306 488 909 981 100 Heat 2: 479 981 482 229 909 238 306 167 889 246 100 671 777 184 488 180 39 599 A-Final: 180 482 981 100 599 184 229 889 777 167 246 671 479 909 39 238 488 306 GN: 229 599 482 184 981 39 100 889 238 777 167 180 488 306 671 909 479 246 Points: 43 pts 482 Ginger 32 pts 229 Tsajalle 31 pts 981 MartinB 27 pts 599 Harold 25 pts 180 Wardieee 20 pts 479 KevH 20 pts 184 Wardy 18 pts 100 Tom Davison 13 pts 777 HGR 13 pts 889 EllisR 11 pts 238 Kane 6 pts 909 Hooso 6 pts 39 LeeK 5 pts 167 CB 4 pts 306 PierceyB 1 pts 246 Stox 0 pts 488 Dave 0 pts 671 Ironside NO SHOWS 621 Jouke Heddema Replays Are Here!
  13. F2 MEETING INFO: Sheffield 19/03/18 TONIGHTS MEETING WILL BE ALL IN! 2 heats a final and a GN we will be running the meeting from server .45 Please be in Discord by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start time
  14. Dave488


    Please post below any late bookings/cancellations for tonight. State your name grade and number. Bookings close at 7.30
  15. Thanks all for racing tonight, well done to all race winners, Big well done to Ginger on winning the final and Tsajalle for top scoring, Thanks to LeeK and Super Stumpy for their help tonight, see you all next week at Ringwood Results: W&Y: 599 482 627 221 671 909 479 316 306 552 488 Heat 1: 981 482 184 777 180 39 167 889 671 909 221 552 306 316 627 Heat 2: 479 599 981 229 482 503 889 627 246 488 39 306 909 316 Heat 3: 599 184 180 229 167 503 479 488 777 246 671 552 221 A-Final: 482 229 981 39 777 246 184 167 180 503 306 479 599 671 488 889 909 552 221 627 GN 1: 599 229 180 306 39 246 777 167 184 909 488 889 627 981 479 482 552 221 627 503 Points: 41 pts 229 Tsajalle 35 pts 482 Ginger 34 pts 981 MartinB 29 pts 599 Harold 27 pts 184 Wardy 26 pts 180 Wardieee 25 pts 777 HGR 25 pts 39 LeeK 19 pts 167 CB 18 pts 246 Stox 14 pts 479 KevHarbord 12 pts 503 Dane Bell 7 pts 306 PiercyB 7 pts 889 EllisR 4 pts 488 Dave 3 pts 627 PeteC 2 pts 909 Hooso 2 pts 671 Ironside 0 pts 552 Counter 0 pts 221 Spike 0 pts 316 BigDan No Shows: 621 Jouke Heddema 776 Gilky 454 Frans Replays Are Here!
  16. F2 MEETING INFO: Kings Lynn 05/03/18 season opener - WCQR + W&Y W&Y: 306, 479, 552, 599, 621, 627, 776, 909, 221, 316, 454, 482, 488, 671 Heat 1: 306, 552, 627, 776, 909, 221, 316, 482, 671, 777, 167, 184, 889, 981, 39, 180, Heat 2: 306, 479, 599, 621, 627, 909, 316, 454, 482, 488, 246, 503, 889, 981, 39, 229, Heat 3: 479, 552, 599, 621, 776, 221, 454, 488, 671, 246, 777, 167, 184, 503, 180, 229, A-Final: ALL IN GN: ALL IN You each should have 2 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 2 heats. Please be in Discord by 20:15 for a prompt 20:25 for the whites and yellow race, the full meeting will follow
  17. bookings now closed
  18. All 2018 skinpacks will be posted in here, please install them in order, please make sure you delete the 2017 packs before you add these >>SKINPACK 1<< >>SKINPACK 2<< >>SKINPACK 3<< >>SKINPACK 4<< >>SKINPACK 5<< >>SKINPACK 6<< >>SKINPACK 7<< >>SKINPACK 8<<
  19. all updated to this point, if you have sent skins but they are not on the list please PM me ASAP i have extended the deadline to midnight TONIGHT any skins sent after then will be in the next pack
  20. It all starts this coming Monday, Get booked in for the first meeting via the website now!
  21. It all starts this coming Monday, Get booked in for the first meeting via the website now!
  22. LIST UPDATED a few of you have PMs
  23. Last year's please
  24. Last year's please
  25. Last year's please
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