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Everything posted by Dave488
dont forget there is a new skinpack for this meeting (skinpack 4) >>SKINPACK THREAD IS HERE<<
i pretty much agree with this, we have had this issue before with top heavy grids (when aub was admin i think) we had to be pretty radical to level it then from then on people only ever went up if someone came down etc so 2 go up to red 2 have to come down and so on, regardless of if people may be undergraded, (thats what the final win upgrade is for)
There's a Tarmac skin available in the skin painting section if your still looking for 1 next month
the link for skinpack 4 is below, you will all need this for the meeting at Buxton tomorrow night for the F2 nationals >>SKINPACK 4 HERE<< THERE WILL BE NEW GRADES FOR THIS MEETING SO KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THEM WHEN THEY ARE POSTED This pack is installed on both servers and server 48 should be set to Buxton now IN THIS PACK: new cars: 43 tar only 632 tar and shale 981 tar and shale chassis changes: 624 tar - rce to randall 08 new paint schemes: (taken as a chassis change) 238 tarmac title wings: 87 from british roof to red/scottish roof 480 british roof added REMEMBER IF YOU HAVE RACED A NOVICE SKIN BEFORE AND YOU DIDNT PUT A SKIN IN THIS PACK YOU CAN NOT RACE THIS MONTH!!!
the deadline for this skinpack has passed mate sorry, but you are more than welcome to use a novice skin this month but then you must upload a skin for skinpack 5 at the end of the month
stokie your cars show up in my game (bright green and black?)and only has 1 of each file in my folder so dont know whats gone on there with yours but maybe delete and install the packs again? anyone else not able to load the 101 cars?
Should have them both but if not I will give leek a shout
ok then we are now taking f2 skins for the 4th skinpack of 2013, PLEASE READ BELOW BEFORE SENDING IN YOUR SKINS!!! A FEW SIMPLE RULES 1: NUMBERS - numbers must be BLACK ON WHITE the white outline MUST be big enough to make the BLACK stand out (no fancy inlay colours please) 2: CAB PANELS/ROLLCAGE - cab panels and cage MUST BE YOUR GRADE OR NEUTRAL COLOUR (ie if you are a red roof you CANT have a white, blue or yellow cage or panels, if you are a blue roof you CANT have red, white or yellow cage or panles and so on) THE COLOUR GOLD CAN NOT BE USED FOR ANYONES CAGE OR CAB PANELS EXCEPT THE WORLD CHAMPION (236) - A NEAUTRAL COLOUR MEANS ANYTHING BUT GOLD, RED, BLUE, YELLOW OR WHITE 3: SAVING - YOU MUST SAVE ALL F2 FILES IN DXT1 NOT DXT5 4: CHASSIS CHANGE/PAINT CHANGE - you can have 1 chassis change per surface a year then back again if you wish, THAT IS ALL, if you wish to change your paint scheme on your car THAT IS CLASSED AS YOUR CHASSIS CHANGE no more changes paint wise or chassis wise will be accepted 5: FILE NAMES - please name your car files based on these templates main file/veh - 13UKD488_DaveT for tar and 13UKD488_DaveS for shale (your name and number not mine!!) other files - use the above but just add the grade colour to the end ie 13UKD488_DaveTred or 13UKD488_DaveTyellow etc if you are unsure of veh files leave them to me as its easier for me that way 6: NOVICE SKINS - if you have raced in a novice skin this season at any time YOU MUST UPLOAD A SKIN FOR THIS PACK OR YOU CANNOT RACE UNTIL YOU SEND 1 FOR PACK 5 (end of next month) 7: SENDING IN FILES - please send in your files via THE UKDIRT WEBSITE UPLOAD TOOL or BY PMING ME ON THIS FORUM, DO NOT upload to this thread i think you will find these are very simple rules but many seem to struggle with them, if i have to go through and fix skins to fit these rules myself i can not promise the results will be pretty - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED having said all that the deadline for this pack will be MIDNIGHT SATURDAY 1ST JUNE any later and you miss this pack any questions regarding any of the above please PM me and ask BEFORE sending your skins in, the skins for the last 2 packs have been shockingly bad regarding these rules so lets try and get this 1 done properly P.S WE DO NEED A SKIN FROM ROBIN#87 WITHOUT THE BRITISH WING AND A SKIN FROM LEIGHTON#480 WITH A BRITISH WING FOR THIS SKINPACK PLEASE thankyou skins received so far: 43 tar only 87 tar and shale 238 tar only 480 tar and shale 624 tar only 632 tar and shale 981 tar and shale
Same here never knew there was a issue
i do understand what people are saying about the hard hits that are within the rules and lack of respect etc, but i do hope that some of the comments above dont put people off making legitimate complaints when needed (most complaints we have had this year were justified) it may be a long process for admin but if something needs looking at thats why we are here i dont think there has been any lack of respect towards admin whatsoever this season (may be wrong) so dont know why people are saying if so and so was to leave or so and so gives so much time up etc etc, as the only issue is lack of respect to fellow racers not admin, and to say if 1 or 2 people were to leave the league would be dead is a joke really, admin members leave all the time someone else takes over its always been like that (who thought f2s would survive after bathyboy left?), all the people that do race with a stupid attitude need to ask themselves is this, would they do it and have to deal with people driving like they do week in week out? fair play if you would
the link for skinpack 3 is below, you will all need this for the meeting at Barford tomorrow night >>SKINPACK 3 HERE<< THERE WILL BE NEW GRADES FOR THIS MEETING SO KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THEM WHEN THEY ARE POSTED This pack is installed on both servers and server 45 should be set to Barford now IN THIS PACK: new cars: 65 tar and shale 74 tar and shale chassis changes: 79 tar - rce to dk 122 tar - dk to rce 188 tar - bing to rce 188 shale - bingS to randall 10 691 tar - randall 08 to rce new paint schemes: (taken as a chassis change) 115 tarmac fixes: 116 tar and shale REMEMBER IF YOU HAVE RACED A NOVICE SKIN BEFORE AND YOU DIDNT PUT A SKIN IN THIS PACK YOU CAN NOT RACE THIS MONTH!!!
list updated and deadline passed, those that have not sent in a skin but have raced before in a novice can no longer race until pack 4 IF they enter a skin then
dont forget the deadline is midnight tonight for skinpack 3, REMEMBER IF YOU HAVE RACED IN A NOVICE CAR THIS YEAR YOU MUST SUBMIT A SKIN TO CONTINUE RACING
ok then we are now taking f2 skins for the 3rd skinpack of 2013, PLEASE READ BELOW BEFORE SENDING IN YOUR SKINS!!! A FEW SIMPLE RULES 1: NUMBERS - numbers must be BLACK ON WHITE the white outline MUST be big enough to make the BLACK stand out (no fancy inlay colours please) 2: CAB PANELS/ROLLCAGE - cab panels and cage MUST BE YOUR GRADE OR NEUTRAL COLOUR (ie if you are a red roof you CANT have a white, blue or yellow cage or panels, if you are a blue roof you CANT have red, white or yellow cage or panles and so on) THE COLOUR GOLD CAN NOT BE USED FOR ANYONES CAGE OR CAB PANELS EXCEPT THE WORLD CHAMPION (236) - A NEAUTRAL COLOUR MEANS ANYTHING BUT GOLD, RED, BLUE, YELLOW OR WHITE 3: SAVING - YOU MUST SAVE ALL F2 FILES IN DXT1 NOT DXT5 4: CHASSIS CHANGE/PAINT CHANGE - you can have 1 chassis change per surface a year then back again if you wish, THAT IS ALL, if you wish to change your paint scheme on your car THAT IS CLASSED AS YOUR CHASSIS CHANGE no more changes paint wise or chassis wise will be accepted 5: FILE NAMES - please name your car files based on these templates main file/veh - 13UKD488_DaveT for tar and 13UKD488_DaveS for shale (your name and number not mine!!) other files - use the above but just add the grade colour to the end ie 13UKD488_DaveTred or 13UKD488_DaveTyellow etc if you are unsure of veh files leave them to me as its easier for me that way 6: NOVICE SKINS - if you have raced in a novice skin this season at any time YOU MUST UPLOAD A SKIN FOR THIS PACK OR YOU CANNOT RACE UNTIL YOU SEND 1 FOR PACK 4 (end of next month) 7: SENDING IN FILES - please send in your files via THE UKDIRT WEBSITE UPLOAD TOOL or BY PMING ME ON THIS FORUM, DO NOT upload to this thread i think you will find these are very simple rules but many seem to struggle with them, if i have to go through and fix skins to fit these rules myself i can not promise the results will be pretty - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED having said all that the deadline for this pack will be MIDNIGHT SATURDAY 4TH MAY any later and you miss this pack any questions regarding any of the above please PM me and ask BEFORE sending your skins in, the skins for the last 2 packs have been shockingly bad regarding these rules so lets try and get this 1 done properly thankyou skins received so far: 65 74 79 tar only 115 tar only 116 122 tar only 188 691 tar only
whats the rush? im sure they will be made public once admin have decided on whos moving, its not a 5 minute job!
Name: Dave Number: 488 Grade: Blue
the link for skinpack 2 is below, you will all need this for the meeting at bristol tomorrow night >>SKINPACK 2 HERE<< DONT FORGET THE NEW GRADES ALSO COME INTO EFFECT FOR THIS MEETING, THEY CAN BE FOUND HERE This pack is installed on both servers and server 45 should be set to bristol now IN THIS PACK: new cars: 23 tar and shale 58 tar and shale 131 tar and shale 244 tar and shale 419 tar and shale 464 tarmac only 494 tar and shale new paint schemes: (taken as a chassis change) 274 tarmac fixes: 17 2013 shale added 21 fixed tarmac 72 fixed tar and shale 116 rollcage painted to rules
Should've left the red stripe on
Please can you read the f2 rules page on the ukdirt site and re upload a car that is within the skin painting rules thank you i haven't raced on tarmac yet so does that count for me too? I have not seen what you have sent in this time yet it would all depend on how big the changes are if I'm honest
can everyone please remember you only get 1 chassis change for each surface and a paint scheme change/upgrade classes as a change (same as last season) so if you wish to use that change now thats it for the year
well done to Tommy for winning the final and also top scoring, he will also be going up to the blue grade for next week, thatnks to the stewards stumpy and dode see you all next week at sheffield Results: Heat 1: 74 84 494 87 291 249 315 691 473 760 90 31 131 46 21 589 Heat 2: 6 17 274 39 338 624 92 41 238 116 246 380 954 236 79 Heat 3: 17 274 31 291 92 249 90 6 760 338 691 236 238 494 87 198 473 31 Heat 4: 74 624 84 41 315 116 46 380 246 131 39 79 473 954 21 Consi 1: 236 624 238 246 131 473 954 760 21 79 A-Final: 74 236 249 246 87 116 274 291 315 46 41 84 31 380 39 338 494 92 17 90 238 691 624 6 GN 1: 17 494 92 87 291 236 46 31 274 116 473 338 GN 2: 84 624 315 39 238 41 246 249 380 90 74 79 21 Points: 40 pts 74 Tommy 29 pts 17 Aza 29 pts 249 Jack 27 pts 84 Timm 27 pts 274 Big Dave 26 pts 87 Robin 25 pts 291 Marten 23 pts 624 Ray 23 pts 236 Danskin 22 pts 315 Mike 20 pts 246 Stox 18 pts 92 Hoggy 17 pts 494 Cooper 17 pts 116 JK 15 pts 41 Drumb 14 pts 39 Leek 13 pts 6 Lunny 11 pts 31 Simon 10 pts 46 Nezza 8 pts 238 Kane 7 pts 338 Evnos 5 pts 380 Liam 5 pts 90 Liam 3 pts 760 Ryano 3 pts 691 JakeC 2 pts 473 Rudeboy 1 pts 131 gary 0 pts 21 Louis 0 pts 198 Aaron 0 pts 79 Ryan 0 pts 954 Samwit Replays here!
well done to tim for winning the final and now going up to blue for the next meeting also well done to lunny on top scoring Results: Heat 1: 17 624 238 41 274 380 315 249 31 760 116 221 198 21 954 494 39 Heat 2: 87 691 246 74 291 92 84 6 51 14 46 131 90 338 236 761 Heat 3: 315 87 84 116 6 691 624 17 291 51 41 380 274 198 338 760 74 Heat 4: 221 92 238 46 249 246 31 39 14 131 21 954 90 494 236 Consi 1: 236 51 338 380 31 39 760 90 131 589 21 954 494 B-Final: 494 31 131 39 90 589 954 760 21 473 198 A-Final: 84 116 6 74 92 238 624 221 41 51 291 87 246 46 380 691 338 274 236 249 17 315 GN 1: 274 198 494 315 41 291 338 131 624 221 238 84 39 691 31 954 589 GN 2: 51 6 249 46 92 74 90 116 246 87 17 236 14 21 760 473 380 Points: 34 pts 6 Lunny 32 pts 84 Tim 32 pts 92 Hoggy 28 pts 116 JK 26 pts 74 Tommy Vaes 26 pts 238 Kane 23 pts 624 RayDick 21 pts 315 Mike 20 pts 87 Robin 17 pts 221 Spike 17 pts 249 Jack 17 pts 41 Drumbstick 16 pts 274 Bigdave 15 pts 51 Alex Taylor 15 pts 246 Stox 14 pts 691 Jakeeey 14 pts 46 Nezza 13 pts 17 Aza 13 pts 291 Marten 12 pts 494 Cooper 9 pts 198 Aaron_J 9 pts 31 Si 6 pts 131 Gary 5 pts 380 Liam Powell 5 pts 90 LiamB 4 pts 338 Evnos 4 pts 39 LeeK 3 pts 14 DRay 1 pts 589 Stijneman 1 pts 760 Ryano 0 pts 21 LouisH 0 pts 761 DannyGrady 0 pts 473 RudeBoy 0 pts 236 DanSkin Replays here!
Read old threads before posting
depends what 1 he had atleast 10 lol