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Everything posted by Dave488

  1. here is skinpack 10 it includes the very discreet gold stripe on LeeKs cars plus a few updates to cars and new cars you will all need this for tomorrow at Hednesford for the semis as always: **IMPORTANT INFO PLEASE ALL READ** PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ THE INSTALLER BEFORE YOU RUN IT AS ALL XP USERS WILL NEED TO REMOVE THE (X86) FROM THE DIRECTORY LINE SO IF YOU ARE ON XP THE INSTALLER LINE SHOULD READ: C:\Program Files\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\F2Stockcar\Skins Folder >>PACK 10<< This is now on both servers and server 48 is set to hednesford now
  2. i have photos of the whole thing from the workshop if you need any give me a shout
  3. some bits missing from that but looks alright mate saves me doing it now lol
  4. How about reading the installer before just clicking next? I'm sure if you read it it will explain it to you.
  5. SEMI 2: Even tho this race may be seen by some as the "easier" race of the 2 it is by no means an easy race at all, it contains the current irish champion/current national points leader and a ex british chmapion, not to mention multipul "heat" champions that will be hoping to make their mark in rfactor ROW 1 TomD-112 Currently leading the national points by 213 Points is TomD#112, Sitting on pole position for Semi-2, Tom must be favourite to win this semi-final he is really unstoppable this season! I am sure Tom will be all out to win it to gain that big front row position in the World Final! Prediction: win Green-115 Green#115 has had a good first season of racing in UKDirt, Sitting in 6th In the national points charts but aswell as having a good season he has managed to make a few enemy’s along the way With Trav#365 sitting behind him will he be able to get away? Prediction: top 3 ROW 2 Southy-277 Its been a good year for Southy#277 so far this season will his luck continue for the Semi-Final on Monday evening, Inside row 2 should see Southy with a good finish, only having done 13 meetings this year currently sees Southy sitting in 13th in the National Points Chart. Prediction: top 5 Trav-365 Trav#365 will be sitting on Row 2 outside this Monday evening at Hednesford raceway, He tells us that Tarmac is not his preferred surface to race on, but with his recent performance on tarmac could see him in with a good shout!, with the world final being on shale, he should be aiming high! Prediction: top 10 ROW 3 Nezza-46 Nezza#46 has been going well this season keeping the red roof grade all season! He is the only person in a Higman Chassis in this Semi and inside of Row 3 should see him going well… he has the pace and race craft if everything goes right he should be in for top 5 finish. Prediction: top 10 Mike-315 The first and only Dutch driver on the grid is Mike, he has had a up and down season so far, he will be hoping the luck Is on his side for this meeting I am sure, with only doing 12 meetings this season and a average of 28.67 shows that he has the pace…. He also knows how to use the bumper if it is needed! Prediction: top 5 ROW 4 Gary-131 The 3rd blue top on the gird is Gary#131, with recently getting a new wheel to race on he is on the pace, I am sure he will be giving it his all to at least get a top 10 finish, He is not very lucky in the race meetings but if he knuckles down and gets a good start he could get a decent finish. Prediction: just to miss out Aub-188 Aub#188 has not done many meetings this season, Will he be making his semi-final this year?... only time will tell, if he does then I am sure he will be pushing hard and using the bumper to get passed the few cars infront of him, a top 5 finish I would of thought! Prediction: top 3 ROW 5 Cobbers-155 Cobbers#155, a new comer this season has not had the best of seasons and only doing 9 meetings but still getting onto row 5 Inside can’t be bad! He is not 1 of the quicker drivers in the Semi-Final so i think he will be hoping for a crash in front of him so he can get away from the drivers above him! Prediction: top 10 Mav-641 Mav#641 Sitting on the outside of row 5 Behind top dog Aub#188, If Aub decides to race I am sure Mav will try and stick behind Aub to try and to the front of the pack as quick as possible, Mav#641 is a trier and will not give up this position without a fight. Prediction: just to miss out ROW 6 Kendo-912 Kendo#912 was a very quick racer in the ‘Heat’ days and he is slowly but surely getting quicker and quicker each week in rFactor, with the recently new bought RCE and Race Engine, I am sure kendo will never be far away from the front on the leading pack, Will he scratch this new car at this meeting!? Prediction: just to miss out James-560 James#560 had only just recently joined UKDirt again and giving rFactor ago, it is fair to say he has picked everything up and is going really well and on pace, I’m sure he won’t be losing that red roof anytime soon with only doing 6 meetings and still this high up on the grid, will he be able to fight his way to the front? Prediction: top 10 ROW 7 Spike-221 Row 7 inside of the semi-final we have Spike#221, former ex F2 driver so he has the knowledge how to set these cars up and using the bumper very hard, the rows infront of him should be holding on tight, if Spike has the right setup on the night he should be in with a top 10 finish. Prediction: top 10 SpikeJNR-172 Here we have son of Spike#221, SpikeJnr#172 2nd yellow top on the gird, he has not been racing much lately so will he make a re-appearance for the Semi-Finals? He is a trier and will not give up to easy, im sure he will be hoping for a top 10 finish, but time will tell! Prediction: just to miss out ROW 8 Ryano-760 Here we have Ryano#760, he is more than just a banger man and does know how to get a F2 around the raceway when he really wants too, but as you can imagine he is not afraid to use the big steel thing at the front of the car. Will Ryano be able to knock his way to get a top 10? Prediction: just to miss out Marky-18 Marky#18, Real life driver Mark Clayton, He has only done 3 meetings all season and that was at the start, we have not seem him for quite some time now, will this be another driver re appearing to race the semis to try and get onto the World Final grid? Prediction: just to miss out ROW 9 Craig-122 Craig#122 not so long ago joined UKDirt but has shown he already knew how to drive a F2! With Craig comfy at blue with a average of 28.33 he should be hoping to score some points and work his way up the grid but from this far back will he be able to make the world final gird? Prediction: just to miss out StoxJack-249 Stoxjack#249 is of yet another one who has recently joined the UKDirt online race scene but with previous experience else where saw jack come into Ukdirt at blue top and has kept it with the recent grading period, I think he will find it hard to get to the front starting this far back on the grid but I may be wrong? Prediction: just to miss out ROW 10 Waqar-199 Wagar#199 the only white grader on the grid! I am sure he is very pleased to be here, Wagar doing 21 meetings and only scoring 42 points shows that he hasn’t quite yet got to grips with the F2’s, he will never stop trying and is improving week in week out, I don’t think wagar will make the world final grid but will give it a good go! Prediction: just to miss out DaveBoy-380 Daveyboy#380 will be starting on the last row outside, im sure he will be giving a big ol push going into turn 1 but with his recently new Randall Motorsports car will he change his mind get this head down and battle his way through the pack, as from previous experience we all know that he is quite use to started from the back and working his way to the front, will he be able to do it?! Prediction: just to miss out CARS BOOKED SO FAR: booked in bold not racing in red SEMI 1 236 - 1 151 - 164 39 - 488 256 - 495 531 - 318 632 - 87 129 - 165 31 - 954 599 - 774 79 - 473 SEMI 2 112 - 115 277 - 365 46 - 315 131 - 188 155 - 641 912 - 560 221 - 172 760 - 18 122 - 249 199 - 380 RESERVES IN ORDER ARE: 550 - Lars 351 - BFD 848 - BullyJnr 313 - Budge 233 - Grasser 185 - PickworthNZ 94 - Tom-brad 808 - Bobdejong 136 - Kruiz 363 - Walker 496 - Wrighty 220 - Dougieford 2 - Pusher 33 - Jakie 114 - Shane Thepain 429 - SammyT so thats all the runners in both semi finals, hope to see you all booked in for monday night on the ukdirt site, hednesford should produce some cracking racing all night, SO GET BOOKED IN NOW!! IF YOU ARE NOT RACING AND YOU ARE IN A SEMI PLEASE COULD YOU LET A ADMIN MEMBER KNOW ASAP!
  6. great meeting i thought shame about the kerbs but kept you on ya toes lol, thanks for running it again johno and well done jase what webster template si?
  7. book me in please (blue top)
  8. thanks to all that raced tonight, i think the clutch starts etc worked well mostly only a few moans i think, a big well done to LeeK#39 on winning the GOLDEN HELMET after winning the final the only other winners tonight were skeet (1 heat) and jase (4 heats) jase also top scored so well done to them all RESULTS: Heat 1: 756, 365, 249, 256, 46, 112, 1, 39, 31, 233 Heat 2: 318, 39, 756, 112, 249, 1, 560, 365, 236, 221 Heat 3: 756, 39, 1, 236, 249, 495, 112, 560, 46, 221 Heat 4: 756, 318, 233, 495, 112, 39, 115, 560, 236, 1 Heat 5: 756, 31, 1, 236, 39, 112, 256, 115, 318, 560 Final: 39, 1, 756, 318, 31, 115, 560, 233, 912, 256 POINTS: Driver - Points 756 - 64 39 - 52 1 - 44 318 - 35 112 - 27 31 - 23 249 - 20 560 - 19 236 - 18 115 - 17 233 - 15 256 - 13 365 - 12 495 - 12 46 - 8 912 - 4 221 - 2 277 - 0 hope to see you all and more next week where we will be racing at hednesford for the SEMI FINALS more details and grids will be posted in the week, (all points on ukdirt site are up to date so you can sort of work the semi grids out yourself if you cant wait)
  9. Gary#79 - Following the meeting @ Barford 1/8/11 Gary#79 has been issued with a warning Ryano#760 - Following the meeting @ Barford 1/8/11 Ryano#760 has been issued with a warning Jedd#165 - following the meeting @ Barford 1/8/11 Jedd#165 has been banned for 2 weeks (+2 weeks suspended) - he will miss the meeting at sexbierum 8/8/11 and hednesford 15/8/11
  10. dont think people power works in f1s tosh so i wont get opening photoshop just yet
  11. i have been asked to paint alot of f2s lately and i have been saying no because a, i have no time or b, i cant be bothered but i have looked through my old f2s and found these 3 cars that i am willing to change the name and numbers on if anybody fancies them? i do ask that you are a ukdirt paid member (hence why i posted them here not in skins forum) and that you do or will race f2s, having said that i dont know when the next f2 pack will be lol, i will give these to 1st come 1st served etc (PLEASE PM DONT POST BELOW)
  12. format added to the original post its something different we hope you like it and it produces some good racing
  13. what mod is this for mate? all of um or just a certain 1?
  14. westworld should be fun i reckon so that gets my vote
  15. great pics tosh anychance we could use some and add them to the ukdirt site?
  16. well done Trav
  17. Travs cars will look proper horrid with it mind lol
  18. this monday we are racing at the NEW version of sexbierum for the 2011 golden helmet, the new version of the track can be found >>ON THIS THREAD<< you will need this version NOT the 1 on the ukdirt site please get booked in now format for this meeting will be something a bit different and will be as follows: 5 heats each ( 3 abreast CLUTCH starts) final (3 abreast ROLLING start)
  19. me please
  20. Dave488


    nope its up theres a few in it now
  21. I will add this here aswell this is the new skinpack that you need for TONIGHT >>PACK 9<<
  22. here is skinpack 9 you will all need this for TONIGHT AT BARFORD and as always: **IMPORTANT INFO PLEASE ALL READ** PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ THE INSTALLER BEFORE YOU RUN IT AS ALL XP USERS WILL NEED TO REMOVE THE (X86) FROM THE DIRECTORY LINE SO IF YOU ARE ON XP THE INSTALLER LINE SHOULD READ: C:\Program Files\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\F2Stockcar\Skins Folder >>PACK 9<< this pack is now on both servers
  23. there is 1 up now
  24. Lol sorry deffo barford
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