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Mart 870

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Posts posted by Mart 870

  1. One or two of you already know i`m building a new F2 for this season and i thought it was time i shared a couple of pics with you. It`s been a long time in the making due mostly to the fact that i`ve built all the suspension parts etc myself to save cash but its coming along nicely now.


    The chassis is a higgy copy built by Rob Scott of elite fame using his own style of rolll cage and has been stood around unfinished for a few years until i got hold of it where it stood around for another 12 months lol


    Second pic is when i bought it and the first taken today after me making the brake pedal and master cylinder mounts and the steelwork where the bonnet goes.



  2. Vinny, it seems you have a strong dislike for the admin team so why are you here bothering to slag them off??? Why dont you set up your own league and you too can have your own admin team and have people turn up for your races, be ungratefull and then slag you off when you make a decision they dont agree with. I`ve been part of Ukdirt for 7 years and over the years i haven`t always agreed with what they say BUT not one them deserve what has happened to them, these lads work hard for both theirs and your enjoyment.


    Why not instead of putting them down, try and help out to put a stop to the arseholes who seem to be hell bent on destroying things that bring enjoyment to so many, and if you cant do they that either shut up or bugger off!

  3. Taken from the Brisca F2 site


    #7 Gordon



    updated 24/09/08 Statement, issued on Wednesday 24th September 2008, from the BriSCA F2 Board of Control Technical Committee.

    Extensive checks of the carburettor used by Gordon Moodie in the BriSCA F2 World Final race at Bristol on Sunday 14th September, were made on the day by members of the BriSCA F2 Board of Control Technical Committee. This was followed by an in depth conversation with Ford Motorsport division, plus a comprehensive review of the technical data for the permitted carburettor, issued by Webcon. The suspect part was also taken for an independent engineers’ report. All inspections have confirmed that the part had been substantially reprofiled/enlarged from 26mm in the area of the choke size. Following this it was deemed that the carburettor was outside of the current rulebook, and therefore an illegal part.


    Furthermore, initial tyre checks on the day, with the official BoC Tyre Sniffer, proved conclusively that the readings from the Gordon Moodie (7) car were outside of the permitted parameters. The first six cars were checked and all except those on the Gordon Moodie (7) car returned readings of between 0 and 20. Those on the Gordon Moodie (7)car returned as follows: Two front tyres - 25: Near Side Rear – 40: Off Side Rear – 200. The readings obtained clearly indicated that the tyres had been tampered with, and were not standard Yokohama tyres, as required by the Rulebook.


    The BriSCA F2 Board of Control Technical Committee took everything into consideration and issued Gordon Moodie (7) with a ban from racing until 31st December 2009. It should be noted that in accordance with Rule 151, a driver is liable to a maximum penalty of a life ban if found with an illegal engine.


    The Committee would also like to make it clear that the infringements are a statement of fact, and not subject to appeal. The driver does, of course, have the opportunity to appeal the length of the suspension



    What a stupid thing to do, he`s obviously a very talented driver so why let it go to waste?? He`s let his fans down, his fellow drivers down and the very sport , even my Mum has said she wants her money back from the WF cos he`s spoilt the big race!


    Even the most blinkered of Moodie fan must now realise he knew what he was doing and must be ashamed of him.

  4. Martin379, do you really think the BOC would go to all these lengths of taking away the win from Gordon just cos they dont like him??? Wouldn`t it have been easier to ban him before the WF if they have such a dislike of him to save all the bother of having to do it this way and why indeed wouldn`t they like him?? Non of us have all the facts the BOC have yet so presuming it`s down to this or that is just a waste of time until we are all told the truth from the BOC. The fact remains that his carb was not standard (the other 3`s who were checked were!) so therefore he`s been removed fom the results. Has anyone thought that if the venturi issue is such a grey area as some have said Gordon thought he stood a fair chance of getting away with it!

  5. Why cant some people accept that some folk enjoy one game over the other! Both games have their good points and both have their bad points. Neither game so far this year has attracted more racers so in general neither game has the upper hand.


    Why don't people just enjoy what they are playing and stop slagging off those who don't play their preferred choice of game.


    I`ve played both and I enjoy Heat more - this doesn't make me a retard or indeed enjoying Rfactor more wouldn't make me intelligent. For me I just find Heat easier, I don't have lots of free time to set a car up on Rfactor (or on some tracks on Heat - I didn't race at Wembley for that reason) and I`d sooner go out in the garage and work on my F2 than sit in front of the pc for ages trying to shave off .10 of a second, fair play to those who do though.


    Come on lads at the end of the day we all race UkDirt, we dont have a go at people who race Rods when we race F1 so why the childish remarks about someone who races using another gaming platform, do some of you really care what someone else is playing on their computer enough to be calling them playground names?????

  6. Heres mine MC, everytime i perform a trace it always gets the same results - the highest ping is at the servers end.


    Tracing route to 1.c-servers.com []

    over a maximum of 30 hops:


    1 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms

    2 34 ms 34 ms 34 ms

    3 35 ms 35 ms 35 ms

    4 39 ms 35 ms 34 ms lonap1.enta.net

    5 37 ms 35 ms 36 ms te5-1.telehouse-north0.core.enta.net

    6 36 ms 35 ms 37 ms te5-2.global-switch.core.enta.net

    7 34 ms 37 ms 36 ms te1-1.interxion.core.enta.net

    8 37 ms 37 ms 35 ms te5-1.telehouse-metro.core.enta.net

    9 114 ms 115 ms 114 ms 1.c-servers.com


    Would you be able to do a trace from the server to me for me a some point please mate.

  7. Can I also say that, people are saying that is just UKDirt. Well this is a new game, and the time to intrduce a new culture

    Good luck with that m8, perhaps you could secure world peace and end global starvation when you have finished.


    I don't race rfactor (yet) so its not really my business, but the LEAGUE is UK Dirt, and its the people who make the league - and make it worth loading the game up 4/5 nights a week. Its not perfect by any means, but thats why we have admin and rules and bans.


    Rather than change a culture that is already (deeply embedded) here, perhaps you'd be better to create your own. This isn't meant as a dig or a sod off, just a statement of reality. This forum (and others) are full of debates about driving standards on DTSR, Heat, UK Dirt. I am not sure why you think rfactor would/ should be different? (I'd be interested to know). All the other leagues I am aware of have similar (or much worse) problems.


    The realism or beauty of the game is secondary to me (and I suspect more than a few others), I'd race a league with ZX81 graphics if it played alright, was organised well and was a good laugh. And I'd still be lap downed or taken out some nights. When in 15 years time we all have pods in the back garden to race in it will still happen, it depends whether you keep coming back. I hope you do, the strength of the league (rather than the size) depends on the quality of people at its core.


    ! V V !

    ! V V !

    Front 2 (well both) rows of the ZXDirt World Final. At the distinctive Brandon Stadium.


    ] V V [

    ] V V [

    British Champs Final - this time at Belle Vue.


    Post of the year, well said that man! :appl:

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