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Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: H78 58 238 183 468 125 3 889 48 4 12 7 5 H184 924 399 577 Heat 2: 143 889 238 904 7 85 468 461 183 150 H75 125 532 924 62 577 58 Heat 3: H75 5 48 238 904 4 924 461 H184 114 532 3 150 777 408 Heat 4: 3 H75 H78 143 H184 904 114 532 777 461 183 408 85 399 577 874 62 Heat 5: H78 48 125 889 5 468 143 874 7 4 777 114 150 408 62 399 85 A-Final: H78 H75 5 143 777 889 238 468 48 461 125 874 85 114 3 408 H184 532 924 904 7 150 183 4 GN: H75 143 408 5 468 183 461 889 125 H184 3 874 85 904 4 777 150 7 577 114 H78 924 238 399 Points: 55 pts H75 Janbauke 53 pts H78 Jorrit 49 pts 143 Cammy 42 pts 5 Sworder 36 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 33 pts 238 Kane_M 31 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 25 pts 48 Jack Ward 18 pts 904 Owen Wareing 17 pts 125 ASHNFFC 17 pts 461 Tomdavison 16 pts 183 CharlieGuinchard 16 pts 777 HGR 14 pts 3 Rentek Jnr 11 pts H184 NielsR 10 pts 408 Rubens Miller 9 pts 58 d_dickson 8 pts 7 Winter 7 pts 4 Owen Strong 5 pts 85 Mav 5 pts 114 DannyRoss 4 pts 924 Tosh 3 pts 874 Ben McLellan 3 pts 532 Jimbo 1 pts 150 HAZARD 0 pts 62 twiggydriver 0 pts 577 Daryl Bennett 0 pts 12 James Walker 0 pts 399 Joewebbo The replays are here!
Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 162 H75 889 418 238 114 4 977 5 281 461 125 Heat 2: 889 H75 418 281 238 5 125 162 114 977 461 4 Heat 3: 889 238 281 4 977 162 114 H75 5 125 418 461 Heat 4: 889 162 4 281 114 238 H75 418 5 977 125 461 Steve Newman Memorial: 238 5 889 162 H75 281 114 977 4 418 125 Allcomers: H75 114 889 5 238 4 125 977 162 281 418 Points: 62 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 52 pts 238 Kane_M 47 pts H75 Janbauke 43 pts 162 Reece Grubb 36 pts 5 Sworder 34 pts 281 Clayton 34 pts 114 DannyRoss 28 pts 4 Owen Strong 20 pts 418 donkeyjamie 20 pts 977 James 9 pts 125 ASHNFFC 0 pts 461 Tomdavison The Replays Are Here!
We'll have 1 skinpack that get's updated throughout the season. UKDirt F2 Skinpack
Skinpack Deadline: 03/03/25 8pm Please send the skins via this thread or on the skinpack collection text chat on Discord. - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - If a replica skin is being used then the real drivers name and number (if different) must be replaced with your UKDirt number at least. - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis twice on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Received:
Information NZ Superstocks: Hall of Fame
Kane238 replied to Grasser233's topic in NZ Superstocks (rFactor)
Updated including the 2024/25 season. -
Hi folks. Disciplinary follows the same format as previous seasons. This first post contains one list that should show everyone who currently has DP (disciplinary points) against their name, and this will be kept up to date throughout the season (I will still notify by replying whenever the main list is updated). As a reminder, the ban scheme goes as follows (based on total DP): Over 5DP = 1 week ban Over 7DP = 2 week ban Over 9DP = 3 week ban Etc.. Any driver receiving 5 or more disciplinary points in one meeting will incur an additional 2 disciplinary points. Summary of UKDirt F1 disciplinary situation: Kayyyy Owwww 6 (9DP total) 9DP - to be removed 05/25 DanW 17 1DP - to be removed 11/18 Banned Samson 47 (2DP total) 2DP - to be removed 04/16 Banned for 2014 meeting 27, 28, 29 Banned for 2015 meeting 5, 6, 7, 8 Banned Jack Ward 48 (8DP total) 8DP - to be removed 05/25 d_dickson 58 (4DP total) 4DP - to be removed 04/25 Evnos 107 (2DP Total) 2DP - to be removed 05/25 ASHNFFC 125 (2DP Total) 2DP - to be removed 05/25 Rutger 131 9DP - to be removed 10/20 Banned for 2020 meeting 1, 2, 3, 4 Banned Bennyboy 182 49DP - to be removed 03/21 Banned CharlieGuinchard 183 (6DP total) 6DP - to be removed 04/25 Stuart Hodson 225 31DP - to be removed 03/21 Banned RickyJames 237 2DP - to be removed 11/18 Banned Kane_M 238 (1DP total) 1DP - to be removed 05/25 Rentek Jnr 351 (2DP total) 2DP - to be removed 04/25 BraderzzCooper 468 (15DP total) 15DP - to be removed 05/25 Travesy 478 38DP - to be removed 03/21 Banned fast track 527 (1DP total) 1DP - to be removed 05/25 Ethan Howard 546 (15DP total) 14DP - to be removed 04/25 1DP - to be removed 06/25
Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 55r 299c 7n 96b 38r 56p 56v 53a 31p 6m 16b 29b 2nz Heat 2: 38r 77p 96b 8p 299c 7n 2nz 4r 55r 53a 64p 56v 19p 56p 29b Heat 3: 87r 7n 53a 2nz 56p 96b 19p 6m 299c 77p 16b 38r 4r Heat 4: 38r 6m 16c 19p 96b 53a 299c 7n 9p 31p 2nz 64p 56v 8p 77p 87r 4r 55r 29b 16b Heat 5: 9p 2nz 299c 38r 77p 56v 7n 16c 96b 56p 53a 4r 29b 6m A-Final: 9p 96b 56p 85h 64p 19p 16c 55r 77p 299c 7n 2nz 6m Survivor: 85h Champion of Champions: 96b 87r 85h 53a 9p 8p 2nz 299c 16c 77p 64p 4r 414a 7n 55r Points: 221 pts 96b Winter 206 pts 299c Tomdavison 204 pts 7n Clayton 191 pts 2nz Kane 175 pts 56p Archie 166 pts 77p Levi 157 pts 38r Declan 156 pts 6m JanBauke 144 pts 19p Mav 142 pts 53a John Shuker 137 pts 9p Jimbo 136 pts 55r DannyRoss 119 pts 16c NielsR 111 pts 64p Charlie Guinchard 106 pts 56v James 94 pts 4r Lewis 85 pts 29b Frans 66 pts 16b Jorrit 64 pts 85h HGR 55 pts 87r Niall 54 pts 8p BraderzzCooper 53 pts 31p Mason Whittle 0 pts 414a Cameron The replays are here!
Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 94r 414a 53a 8p 16c 64p 1nz 299c 16b 19p 84gb 7n 9p 94p 2nz 38r 55r 31p 10a 56v 96b 87r 4r 56p Heat 2: 84gb 1nz 38r 8p 94r 96b 414a 56p 16c 299c 10a 53a 7n 56v 2nz 19p 55r 87r Heat 3: 64p 84gb 53a 299c 1nz 56p 38r 2nz 10a 94r 94p 16b 414a 16c 7n 8p 19p 85h 31p 56v 96b 55r 9p Heat 4: 8p 84gb 299c 96b 1nz 53a 591p 414a 7n 9p 19p 56p 16b 16c 38r 94r 10a 85h 64p 2nz 31p 55r Heat 5: 1nz 38r 16c 53a 84gb 299c 591p 85h 8p 9p 94r 7n 19p 10a 16b 96b 55r 2nz 31p Waikato Championship: 8p 94r 414a 16c 85h 96b 10a 84gb 53a 19p 1nz 7n 299c 64p 2nz 38r 56p 16b 56v 31p Survivor: 64p Points: 221 pts 8p BraderzzCooper 215 pts 84gb Fred Green 210 pts 1nz Jack Ward 206 pts 53a John Shuker 205 pts 94r Tosh 199 pts 16c NielsR 195 pts 299c Tomdavison 180 pts 414a Cameron 177 pts 38r Declan 172 pts 96b Winter 168 pts 10a Trez 167 pts 7n Clayton 165 pts 19p Mav 146 pts 2nz Kane 132 pts 56p Archie 131 pts 16b Jorrit 126 pts 64p Charlie Guinchard 126 pts 85h HGR 99 pts 31p Mason Whittle 88 pts 56v James 88 pts 9p Jimbo 85 pts 55r DannyRoss 58 pts 591p Tsjalle 47 pts 94p Archie Robinson 32 pts 87r Niall 13 pts 4r Lewis The replays are here!
Heat Points: Panthers - 93 Tigers - 91 Kings - 84 Mustangs - 57 Scrappers - 32 Eagles - 22 Lions - 10 Semi 1 - Panthers, Mustangs Semi 2 - Tigers, Kings Teams Final - Tigers, Panthers Nelson Tigers - Kane, chesterlove, DannyRoss, Tsjalle Palmerston North Panthers - BraderzzCooper, EllisR, CharlieGuinchard, Shay Kihikihi Kings - Jack Ward, Cameron, Lewis, Niall Survivor: Stratford Scrappers We return to normal racing next week for the final 2 meetings of the season at Kihikihi and Bay Park for the Champion of Champions! The replays are here!
Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 8p 96b 1nz 56p 5g 16c 414a 55r 7n 9p 2nz 53a 87r 299c 10a 31p 94r 4r 38r 6m 96m 16b 82v 19p Heat 2: 8p 1p 82v 7n 10a 53a 96b 299c 2nz 1nz 16c 94p 4r 87r 94r 19p 55r 9p 64p 96m 6m 38r Heat 3: 1p 8p 5g 414a 16b 96m 82v 10a 53a 94r 96b 299c 1nz 55r 94p 56p 64p 4r 16c 85h 6m 2nz 19p 7n Heat 4: 1p 8p 85h 7n 1nz 38r 5g 9p 16c 96m 53a 82v 96b 299c 10a 2nz 6m 94r 414a 19p 64p 4r Heat 5: 5g 1nz 414a 85h 82v 16c 9p 8p 96m 299c 10a 7n 96b 94r 53a 2nz 4r 19p 15w 16b Taranaki Championship: 299c 96m 85h 53a 1nz 5g 9p 96b 7n 2nz 64p 19p 10a 82v 1p 94r 15w Survivor: 7n Points: 209 pts 1nz Jack Ward 197 pts 299c Tomdavison 191 pts 53a John Shuker 190 pts 96b Winter 188 pts 5g Sworder 182 pts 96m Tom Holcroft 181 pts 7n Clayton 174 pts 82v Shay Murphy 172 pts 10a Trez 166 pts 8p BraderzzCooper 159 pts 9p Jimbo 158 pts 2nz Kane 157 pts 1p chesterlove 147 pts 85h HGR 146 pts 94r Tosh 129 pts 16c NielsR 127 pts 19p Mav 111 pts 414a Cameron 101 pts 64p Charlie Guinchard 92 pts 4r Lewis 69 pts 55r DannyRoss 65 pts 6m JanBauke 61 pts 16b Jorrit 61 pts 38r Declan 55 pts 15w Joelan Maynard 52 pts 56p Archie 45 pts 87r Niall 45 pts 94p Archie Robinson 20 pts 31p Mason Whittle 0 pts 591p Tsjalle 0 pts 95p HAZARD The replays are here!
Results RESULTS: World 240s - Rotorua (Thurs 16th Jan)
Kane238 posted a topic in NZ Superstocks (rFactor)
Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 8p 414a 55r 38r 16c 5g 64p 10a 2nz 42p 6m 84gb 96b 1p 53a 299c 15w 7n 4r 87r 591p 29b 19p 16b Heat 2: 5g 8p 55r 1p 64p 414a 38r 2nz 96b 84gb 53a 16c 7n 15w 42p 299c 591p 19p 16b 10a 6m 4r Heat 3: 299c 5g 8p 591p 414a 1p 16b 55r 16c 1nz 84gb 53a 85h 64p 42p 7n 56v 38r 15w 6m 10a 19p 2nz Heat 4: 299c 1p 1nz 8p 414a 85h 5g 64p 96b 55r 53a 84gb 42p 591p 38r 16c 15w 6m 10a 7n 16b 19p Heat 5: 85h 64p 38r 1p 414a 1nz 42p 10a 299c 96b 15w 56v 53a 7n 16b 6m 84gb 16c 55r 5g 19p 29b World 240s Points: 97 pts 299c Tomdavison 96 pts 1p chesterlove 93 pts 414a Cameron 89 pts 1nz Jack Ward 88 pts 85h HGR 84 pts 64p Charlie Guinchard 79 pts 5g Sworder 73 pts 42p Owen Strong 72 pts 38r Declan 72 pts 53a John Shuker 71 pts 55r DannyRoss 68 pts 84gb Fred Green 65 pts 16b Jorrit 65 pts 16c NielsR 65 pts 8p BraderzzCooper 61 pts 15w Joelan 60 pts 10a Trez 58 pts 7n Clayton 54 pts 591p Tsjalle 54 pts 6m JanBauke 53 pts 96b Winter 43 pts 19p Mav 43 pts 56v James 14 pts 29b Frans 13 pts 2nz Kane 0 pts 4r Lewis 0 pts 87r Niall A-Final: 8p 1p 84gb 96b 299c 414a 42p 10a 85h 53a 64p 15w 2nz 6m 16c 56v Survivor: 16c Points: 218 pts 1p chesterlove 217 pts 414a Cameron 209 pts 8p BraderzzCooper 199 pts 299c Tomdavison 194 pts 64p Charlie Guinchard 184 pts 84gb Fred Green 178 pts 42p Owen Strong 170 pts 53a John Shuker 167 pts 96b Winter 162 pts 16c NielsR 160 pts 10a Trez 150 pts 15w Joelan 144 pts 5g Sworder 142 pts 85h HGR 138 pts 6m JanBauke 137 pts 55r DannyRoss 133 pts 38r Declan 114 pts 2nz Kane 99 pts 7n Clayton 94 pts 16b Jorrit 89 pts 1nz Jack Ward 88 pts 591p Tsjalle 83 pts 56v James 74 pts 19p Mav 31 pts 4r Lewis 28 pts 29b Frans 16 pts 87r Niall The replays are here! -
Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 1p 2nz 55r 5g 10a 1nz 87r 8p 299c 9p 414a 82v 64p 53a 16c 591p 94p 95p 6m 29b 38r 16b 96m 861n Heat 2: 8p 1nz 5g 16c 55r 1p 87r 2nz 9p 299c 591p 38r 82v 53a 10a 96m 56p 94p 6m 16b 15w 68r 64p 96b Heat 3: 64p 1p 8p 10a 591p 16c 5g 299c 16b 2nz 82v 68r 56p 87r 96m 96b 55r 9p 29b 38r 53a 4r 23w 85h Heat 4: 64p 9p 82v 1nz 55r 8p 414a 16b 6m 299c 1p 16c 96b 56p 5g 53a 68r 15w 38r 2nz 10a 31p 861n 94p Heat 5: 414a 82v 87r 38r 68r 8p 1nz 1p 5g 9p 55r 53a 16c 96m 96b 6m 29b 861n 56p 299c 591p 85h 15w 2nz West Coast Championship: 1nz 299c 1p 9p 68r 82v 5g 8p 64p 10a 414a 55r 53a 96m 2nz 96b 591p 94r 15w 85h 38r 861n 16c 6m Survivor: 5g Points: 218 pts 1p chesterlove 212 pts 8p BraderzzCooper 200 pts 1nz Jack Ward 200 pts 5g Sworder 199 pts 82v Shay Murphy 195 pts 9p Jimbo 191 pts 299c Tomdavison 187 pts 55r DannyRoss 171 pts 64p Charlie Guinchard 158 pts 2nz Kane 156 pts 16c NielsR 151 pts 10a Trez 150 pts 414a Cameron 150 pts 68r Coby Laing 149 pts 53a John Shuker 134 pts 38r Declan 129 pts 591p Tsjalle 120 pts 96m Tom Holcroft 116 pts 96b Winter 113 pts 87r Niall 107 pts 16b Jorrit 105 pts 6m JanBauke 81 pts 56p Archie 80 pts 15w Joelan 71 pts 861n Luke Syrett-Barsby 58 pts 85h HGR 52 pts 29b Frans 49 pts 94p Archie Robinson 36 pts 94r Tosh 24 pts 23w Alex Visser 18 pts 95p HAZARD 14 pts 31p Mason Whittle 14 pts 4r Lewis 11 pts 32p PeelyJnr The replays are here!
Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 87r 1p 1nz 591p 6m 64p 96b 5g 29b 8p 53a 94p 94r 414a 38r 2nz 55r 16b 299c 61p Heat 2: 1p 38r 1nz 87r 299c 2nz 53a 96m 8p 16c 5g 12c 7n 29b 31p 96b 55r 16b 6m 591p 15w 61p 64p Heat 3: 29b 87r 299c 96m 95p 8p 5g 53a 64p 1nz 56p 55r 38r 12c 7n 414a 85h 94r 61p 1p 19p 16b 96b 16c South Island Championship Points: 101 pts 87r Niall 92 pts 1nz Jack Ward 85 pts 1p chesterlove 84 pts 29b Frans 83 pts 8p BraderzzCooper 82 pts 53a John Shuker 82 pts 5g Sworder 81 pts 299c Tomdavison 78 pts 38r Declan 70 pts 64p Charlie Guinchard 62 pts 55r DannyRoss 62 pts 96b Winter 60 pts 96m Tom Holcroft 50 pts 16b Jorrit 50 pts 2nz Kane 48 pts 591p Tsjalle 48 pts 6m JanBauke 47 pts 61p ASHNFFC 46 pts 12c James Walker 44 pts 7n Clayton 42 pts 414a Cameron 41 pts 94r Tosh 38 pts 16c NielsR 31 pts 95p HAZARD 25 pts 56p Archie 24 pts 94p Archie Robinson 21 pts 31p Mason Whittle 19 pts 85h HGR 15 pts 15w Joelan 15 pts 19p Mav 0 pts 4r Lewis 0 pts 56v James 0 pts 68r Coby Laing 0 pts 99g George Englestone Heat 4: 8p 414a 299c 38r 55r 12c 1nz 1p 5g 53a 96m 6m 95p 2nz 87r 7n 61p 96b 85h 29b Heat 5: 299c 5g 8p 1p 96m 16c 56p 1nz 7n 53a 64p 87r 55r 96b 94r 29b 6m 2nz 85h 12c 38r 414a 56v 591p A-Final: 8p 1nz 55r 96b 94p 1p 2nz 5g 7n 12c 96m 38r 53a 85h 64p 299c Survivor 1: 8p Survivor 2: 1nz Points: 226 pts 8p BraderzzCooper 217 pts 1nz Jack Ward 205 pts 1p chesterlove 199 pts 5g Sworder 189 pts 299c Tomdavison 182 pts 55r DannyRoss 180 pts 53a John Shuker 173 pts 38r Declan 166 pts 96b Winter 166 pts 96m Tom Holcroft 148 pts 2nz Kane 146 pts 87r Niall 145 pts 7n Clayton 144 pts 12c James Walker 137 pts 64p Charlie Guinchard 120 pts 29b Frans 97 pts 85h HGR 91 pts 6m JanBauke 90 pts 414a Cameron 86 pts 94p Archie Robinson 68 pts 16c NielsR 66 pts 61p ASHNFFC 62 pts 94r Tosh 61 pts 16b Jorrit 60 pts 591p Tsjalle 54 pts 56p Archie 54 pts 95p HAZARD 21 pts 31p Mason Whittle 15 pts 15w Joelan 15 pts 19p Mav 13 pts 56v James 0 pts 4r Lewis 0 pts 68r Coby Laing 0 pts 99g George Englestone The replays are here!
Heat Points: Tigers - 83 Panthers - 72 Kings - 46 Mustangs - 41 Rebels - 31 Busters - 12 Semi 1 - Tigers, Mustangs Semi 2 - Panthers, Kings Teams Final - Panthers, Tigers Palmerston North Panthers - BraderzzCooper, EllisR, Niall, CharlieGuinchard Nelson Tigers - Kane, chesterlove, DannyRoss, Tsjalle Kihikihi Kings - Jack Ward, Cameron, Lewis, John Shuker Team racing returns for the 2025 ENZED Teams Championship on the 23rd Jan from the usual Palmerston North, bookings will be on a first-come first-serve basis with a limit to EIGHT teams. Bookings will open straight after the meeting on the 16th Jan... Don't miss it! Back to now and we return to singles racing on Thursday at Greymouth for the South Island Championship! The replays are here!
Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 8p 299c 84w 591p 414a 87r 6m 1nz 16b 2nz 16c 85h 96b 5g 7n 19p 55r 9p 61p Heat 2: 8p 1nz 84w 16c 591p 5g 299c 87r 2nz 414a 96b 6m 55r 29b 7n 16b 9p 61p 19p 94r Heat 3: 591p 414a 87r 16c 84w 7n 5g 8p 96b 2nz 1nz 6m 299c 55r 29b 19p 16b Heat 4: 8p 591p 299c 84w 414a 2nz 6m 9p 7n 55r 1nz 87r 5g 19p 16c 16b 56v 96b 61p Heat 5: 299c 84w 55r 8p 5g 414a 6m 7n 87r 96b 591p 16b 61p 19p 16c 94r 2nz 1nz 56v 29b A-Final: 84w 2nz 87r 55r 16c 96b 414a 8p 591p 5g 299c 16b 6m 56v 1nz 61p Survivor: 96b Points: 238 pts 84w Jack Ward 221 pts 8p BraderzzCooper 211 pts 591p Tsjalle 210 pts 414a Cameron 208 pts 87r Niall 204 pts 299c Tomdavison 196 pts 2nz Kane 193 pts 16c NielsR 187 pts 55r DannyRoss 187 pts 5g Sworder 181 pts 6m JanBauke 179 pts 96b Winter 172 pts 1nz chesterlove 158 pts 16b Jorrit 127 pts 7n Clayton 115 pts 61p ASHNFFC 101 pts 19p Mav 80 pts 56v James 65 pts 9p Jimbo 59 pts 29b Frans 36 pts 94r Tosh 24 pts 85h HGR 0 pts 4r Lewis 0 pts 6v Kian The replays are here!