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Dragon 428

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  1. If I find some time to race these than it'll be with these 2 cars.
  2. Well done to all involved for making the mod as it looks brilliant. It's without a doubt that rFactor's mod and model abilities is another step upwards compared to the DTR days. It's great to see a lot of detail in the models. Things which make it stand out so much like: - the protection hoop on the LF shocker on the Mick Harris car and Ian Noden cars - the extra trailing arms for the brake caliper on the FWJ shale and tarmac car - the difference in wing style for the Mark Woodhull car (not a Taylormade) - the difference you can create be deleting or adding side panels - the different positions of the wings The above all adds up to an almost "real" look of the cars. Also well done to the skin painters (not blowing my own trumpet here as I have done zilch compared to others) and in particular Demonstone. He has created some very realistically looking signs and at times I get the idea that he has nicked them straight away from Brian Evans, lol. I know that it takes a lot of time to create them. Superb intro video, it looks like your watching a professional edited TV/Movie trailer. As for the realism for driving them. Now I got me a gamepad it seems that they are much easier to control (though still a pain to learn them, lol) which only underlines my opinion that it's not a keyboard friendly game. Have to say that it does feel good once you get the hang of it when throwing a car through a bend sideways. Great to see that all the work is done for us free to download and I hope that the replies in this thread give the developers some kind of satisfaction. Dragon
  3. Could someone point out which folders/files need to be deleted from the previous Beta versions? Or are the folders pointed out in the 1st post the only folders that need deleting? Can I just whipe out all what's in those folders or are selections needed? I havent got a clue where all these files are stacked and so I might delete things that have nothing to do with it. Lets say a stupid mans guide to deleting the other Beta versions, lol Thanks in advance Dragon
  4. Great looking bike from days gone by. Love the exhausts
  5. Thanks for the info guys. Got myself a Logitech Rumblepad 2 today. Just done a few laps around Xbierum, Brum and the Vue. First time I managed to do some laps without spinning around. It will take some time untill I am used to it but already notice the difference with the steering and throttle sensibility. The braking is a bit tough though as I use the same cotroller for braking and throttle (is this wise?). The set-up needs some working on as the car is now pushing on like a lunatic, lol. Once again thanks for the advice, look forward for some assistance in a server. Dragon
  6. As the topic says I am in need for some advice. As a die-hard keyboard user it seems impossible to use this rFactor game. This comes more down to the way that it's impossible to controll the throttle while entering and exiting the bends. Therefor I might give it a go with a controller but I don't want a steering wheel. What type of controller would you recomend? It needs to be easy to plug into the computer and works a treat for rFactor. Dragon
  7. Both are Microgramma (like Sparky says). The top text is more stretched while the lower one is narrowed.
  8. Sorry to ask, but where does it say that promotor Harry Maessen asked us to sign this petition?
  9. Quite happy with these ones. A bit too much grain due to the ISO settings but not a bad shot from through the fence [attachmentid=19789] Nothing beats the 4 a breast salute to the fans [attachmentid=19790] Little did we know back in May [attachmentid=19791]
  10. Please don't help this waster!!! I have opened up the 3D file that he has uploaded and the car he has "made" is a ripp off from the BriscaN chassis (made by myself). He has deleted a few pannels and moved things around. I have put both cars next to each other and for about 95-98% they are exactly the same. This is THE reason why I am not a firm beleiver in sharing 3D files or even worse, extruding them from the Heat .car files. There will be a couple of modelers and people on here whom I have spoken to about this and they'll know what I mean. Attached is a screenshot and I'll leave it up to you what you think about it. This is the saddest way of creating your "own" models. Yeah right just rip them off!!! Guys like these are certainly the ones who are able to spoil it for the rest of you good folk. Dragon p.s. the car with the wheels on it is the original BriscaN model p.p.s. I might be wrong but I think the exhausts come from one of MOR's made models
  11. Still need to get in a server for some advice etc. But it's a little diappointing that you'll need a wheel to get the proper controll from this game. That rules those out that aint going to buy one.
  12. Lol your right Yorick, it looks more like Galic to me. Sad to see people post like this, maybe the forum Admin team can do something about it please?
  13. The way I do the pinstriping is like followed as it's all done more or less automatically, no need to draw them by hand. - make sure you activate the layer from the panel you want to pinstripe (just click on it) - select the magic wand tool; - select the panel(s); - now you'll have all the panels selected or just the one you want to use. - then the top menu -> select - now comes the tricky part as I have the Dutch version installed. In the menu there is a sub menu where you can shrink the selecting by a certain amount of pixels. Choose this option and normaly a setting from about 7 pixels will do. Though this depends on how the template is projected on the car (mapped). - when the selection is shrunk, right click with the mouse and select -> outline - Job done Dragon
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