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Everything posted by kendo912

  1. Super duper late one plse Kendo912 - blue
  2. kendo912 - red please
  3. kendo912 please
  4. I'd just like to clarify something as my name is mentionned for no reason whatsoever..... My whole point in this thread and many others that I have posted on, and a point that seems to get lost, is purely that it is down to the individual to decide if they want to race with a wheel, pad, keys or any other device and with whatever view that they feel is best suited to them. Ukdirt is not a dicatatorship, nor has it ever been. I do have a wheel but I choose not to use it as i don't want to.......simples. I'm quite happy flicking between white and blue and I was extremely happy last year when I won the whites and yellows F2 title at Belle Vue - if that's the elite to me then so be it. A stockcar grid (and life for that matter) is made up of people of all different colours and abilities....the way i see your posts is that you are not happy with this hence why my posts are very aggresive to you and your ideas as they are out of date. On that grid of however many I'm sure quite a few were racing with pads or even on keys but it was a good race and that's what everyone is after irrespective of the colour of your roof. Apologies to f1 admin for my posts on this thread as it is in the F1 rf forum rather than the f2's.
  5. You and that other retard are obviously team speaking for ban the pad/keyboarders then...... Great advert to increase numbers that is son..."we really encourage people of all abilities and grades to race....apart from ones who haven't got a wheel"!!!! Good thinking that is
  6. I'm FILTERED off with all of the moaning wankers going on this FILTERED mod recently......... If you've got a complaint about standards then FILTERED complain as per the rules or get your revenge back on the FILTERED track like everyone else does and how it's been since ukdirt started in 2000. The amount of whining is rediculous. Tonight i've been accused of being a stupid driver, following someone in (twice), lap downing and rejoining in front of others. Watch the FILTERED replays before you moan Stupid driving.....battling with the leader in the final?????? Are you having a laugh - what the FILTERED are we all racing for? Following someone in......watch the replay and you'll see i was braking. Rejoining in front of others.......I half spun while in about 3rd place then built up speed again on the inside on the track so as not to get stuck on the outside of the track with about 4/5 drivers overtaking me on the inside......you want my place then your going to have to work for it cause you ain't FILTERED having it!!!!
  7. Super late one plse...if i can get the track sorted in time. kendo912 - white
  8. It says that there's a "TR/Dropper.gen" virus or unwanted program contained within the file.
  9. Avira AntiVir Personal
  10. I'm trying to download the westworld track for the meeting tomorrow and my virus checker won't allow it due to malware/virus within this download!!!!!!!! Any ideas???????
  11. kendo912 - white (rofl - not said that since 2004!!)
  12. ROFL - 3 months not long enough to sort out a skin!!!
  13. Same as last year plse son
  14. You might want to reply to him saying he'll be hammered in that car so it won't matter what experience he's got!!!
  15. Kendo 912 - Blue - requesting the Chris Cort machine 44 plse.
  16. Superkendo912 plse - blue
  17. Rolphy's 782 machine please - Kendo912 - blue Exit 1st bend and straight to the bar just like real life!!!
  18. Can I get James Neachell 322 for both please
  19. have a cracking day son
  20. kendo119r plse
  21. Absolutely 100% disagree with that Numbnuts. An F2 Head Admin once said to me that F2's are all about too many cars on too small a track and that's exactly it in a nutshell. If your in the way then it's down to the so called "faster racers" to move you with their bumpers - that's what they are there for. If you spin or crash and someone collides into you then so be it - I went from superstar for several years in the heat days of f2 and it's something you get used to and are always on the lookout for - a good superstar will miss you 95% of the time as they have fantastic racecraft being able to see the dangers ahead......how many times do Moodie/polley etc etc get wiped out by the lower graders - not many but it does happen on the odd occasion - that's stockcars!
  22. late one please son kendo912
  23. Sorry spike, got to book out kendo
  24. kendo912 super blue top plse
  25. With the greatest respect Mr Skinner, some of the lower graders are some of the most experienced racers in ukdirt so I wouldn't particulaly suggest it's the whites and yellows fault - IMO it's the inexperienced drivers in ALL grades who are at fault. If we want improvement on thoese starts perhaps it's time for all drivers to state at the end of each race if they felt it was fair or not and name those drivers who ballsed it up!
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