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Everything posted by n1tr089

  1. Really sorry for bringing up an old topic, wanted to show this but didnt know where else to post it. 2500 lines
  2. the lad who wanted it not going to say thank you or anything then....lool Looking good aswell!
  3. n1tr089

    new skins

    Mint skins Kane, Ryano n Dode as always!! top stuff! BWS Checker Cab ...
  4. Very Smart Skin Mate. No Problem
  5. 5spoke 240rim 300cwheel bcarlton bvaux capri capwheel carlton chevy chrome cosmicgt cweller datsun dolly dsrim escort fdsport fordalloy gran1 granada2 grani jag1 jag2green jag2 jag3 jagblack jaggreen ladaw minilite mk2alloy mk2black mk2green mk2red mk3alloy mkI revblack revblue revgreen revred rosblack rosblue rosgreen rosred rs rs2000 rsescort scorpio silversw stag standardmk3 steel tina triumph vauxhall The one's for TNB that i know of
  6. It would be quicker, if i did want to do that capri, to start from scratch. vert placement could be better to help damage and to reduce poly's later on, also needs to be remapped. But after i finish my bluey loon, then I'll be having a crack at a High Poly model for BRTG/N.O.B.S
  7. n1tr089

    new skins

    Mint leech, keep it up. Mine for tnb
  8. n1tr089

    new skins

    Mine From SNB Teams:
  9. n1tr089

    new skins

  10. n1tr089

    new skins

    Mk2 Estate for SNB: Ta Weasel for making me a Unionjack
  11. n1tr089

    new skins

    Photo of the bonnet for you spud, courtesy of Stuart Bishop Photos.
  12. n1tr089

    new skins

    Magnum for BWS if I race: Ashley Riley Majestic Replica:
  13. n1tr089

    new skins

    nice skin, as i said on msn mate. Isit me or does that template not fit the 3ds properly...looked ok at first lol
  14. i could have a crack at making a fresh supra template for you if you want at whatever resolution you need.
  15. take square on screenshots of an unpainted supra ingame
  16. ive tried google plus its not for heat errmm...yes it is:
  17. Any luck with getting it in game mate?? Not sure what xform is but if its got a few 'Layers' try collapsing them all into 1. I think the best way for you to try getting it ingame would be to find a version of 3ds max 3...always had probs getting ingame using max 8 then using another prog to convert to .mod...but 3ds max 3 exports directly as a .mod file excluding any problems. edit~ just noticed Collapsing them has already been mentioned so forget that bit lol
  18. n1tr089

    new skins

    I painted it for him last minute for WNB and he wanted it rendered. so thought I'd wack it up here...More showing the render rather than the skin
  19. Happy Birthday
  20. n1tr089

    new skins

    Hardcore Bluey for Mace#520
  21. n1tr089

    new skins

    Nice sibbs
  22. not bad, rear pillars look like they have two faces that you forgot to select whilst mapping, and will look better if you line the front door line up to the front pillars. Also can see a few black edges where you havn't made the template body panals fit the model properly. Sorry to be the one naming problems as rest of it is looking good, cover those few things i just mention and will make a bit of differance mate
  23. looking gd so far
  24. n1tr089

    new skins

    How I do it in Max9. Before you render it press F10 and will bring up a render setup window, options to alter resolution are in there mate Also quality skin and scene mate
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