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Everything posted by n1tr089

  1. elo peeps, how can i get these into the actual game? or cant i? i dont have 3ds anymore so i cant open the 3ds file , onli the .tga templates in psp! many thanks, n1tr089
  2. right ive just completely blanked my comp after it was f**kin around at the mildo championships , and ive got my game set up fine, and my steering wheel configured correctly but there is no sound??? ive asked my dad about the soundcard but he said 'that it aint got a soundcard coz the comp use's on board sound', or summink?? please help!!! many thanks, n1tr089
  3. ive got deffinatly got smallfield fig. 8, but dunno bout swaffam fig. 8????
  4. ok i done that and it still sayin there is nothing in the .zip folder?? [attachmentid=6287]
  5. cheers m8, nice 1 when i go to open the zip, it says invalid, or corrupt file, could you post it again please?? mate
  6. cheers m8, nice 1
  7. does anyone know where i can get the sint maarten track from, i was told i can get it on the ukdirt site under banger downloads in anti-clockwise tracks, but i cant find an anti-clockwise tracks area anywhere?? many thanks, n1tr089
  8. would some one be able to post a download link for MKTEX please!! as i stupidly, accidently deleted it the other day!! many thanks, n1tr089
  9. ok cheers peepz. for some reason, after about an hour of it being down, i went back on it and it was ok, but then i went to test the tracks out and when i exited the game to get another track it was down again. i thought it was summink to do with the game untill you two posted as well ????
  10. does any1 know why the ukdirt website is down, i need to get some new tracks, the ones i got at the moment are getting boring, lol!!!! many thanks, n1tr089 [attachmentid=6257]
  11. i assume it is but i never actually done it myself, the good thing bout them is they use aluminium shells so they dent and stuff like a real banger!!
  12. erm, nah it is uncompressed, and now ive deleted MKTEX cud u send it to me please??
  13. n1tr089


    on top of that does any 1 know how i can get my painted templates (which are .tga files) into the offline ukdirt banger game?? ive tried many different techniques that people have suggested but they aint workin LOL. n1tr089
  14. n1tr089


    just keep searching google for the free trial download, ok you only get like 30 days or summink, but better than nothink!! dats how i got 3ds max, but i only got like 10 days left hope dis helps, n1tr089
  15. i have downloaded the yellow jacket driver, martwisely,how do i get it in my game, where do i have to copy it to?? all help appreciated, n1tr089
  16. say for example i wanted to install my own skins onto my game, how would i do it, and what do i need to doo to my carxxx.tga files. some ppl say i gotta use MKTEX to get them into . tex format but that doesnt work, uless some one is willing to explain it to me in very deep detail so i know what im doing. im a bit thick sumtimes many thanks, n1tr089
  17. ohh... its a pic from a game called STREET LEGAL. it lets you paint your car in the game but it is a bit crappy. say i painted letters TOP JOB on one side, sometimes bits of the letters will print on different places on the other side. and the you gotta start all agen!!!!LOL [attachmentid=6165]
  18. it is a pic from rc banger racing, i found them HERE [attachmentid=6158] [attachmentid=6159] [attachmentid=6160] [attachmentid=6161]
  19. cheers m8. has anyone else done any themed skins that they want to post on here??
  20. allright ppl, what do ya think of my 'Looney Tunes' theme. I was really bored when i was readin this topic and thought, might aswell make a themed skin myself!! many thanks, n1tr089 [attachmentid=6154]
  21. elo calum, would you be able to get me a plain sierra template that i can paint my self plz, and if its possible, i need a sierra model for 3ds max so i have something to put the template on, lol!!!! many thanks, n1tr089
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