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Tonight's meeting will be held at Cowdenbeath for the World Championship Final! We currently have 23 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 1) World Championship Final: Qualifiers only (server 1) A-Final: ALL IN (server 1) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting - Drivers must race to a reasonable standard at all times. Any driver not taking the racing seriously and showing no intention to race will be punished. Meeting Information: Heats 1-2 (16 laps) World Championship Final (25 laps) Heats 3-4 (16 laps) A-Final (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps)
Heat 1: 4, 303, 5, 6, 210, 58, 183, 527, 80, 114 server 40297 ( steward 527 ) Heat 2: 4, 303, 5, 6, 210, 58, 183, 527, 80, 114 server 40297 ( steward 527 ) Heat 3: 4, 303, 5, 6, 210, 58, 183, 527, 80, 114 server 40297 ( steward 527 ) Final: All In GN: All In You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting
World Championship: 238, 143, 889, 58, 355, 468, 183, 114, 924, 777, 910, 5, 546, 210, 461, 527, 107, 184, 399, 12, 47, 127, 48, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 1: 150, 520, 5, 12, 399, 107, 127, 184, 924, 47, 58, 143, 183, 468, 777, 114, 238, 355, 461, server 1 - 40297 ( steward ) Heat 2: 150, 520, 12, 399, 546, 127, 210, 924, 48, 58, 143, 468, 527, 777, 114, 238, 355, 889, 910, server 1 - 40297 ( steward ) Heat 3: 150, 5, 12, 546, 107, 127, 184, 210, 47, 48, 183, 468, 527, 777, 238, 355, 461, 889, 910, server 1 - 40297 ( steward ) Heat 4: 520, 5, 399, 546, 107, 184, 210, 924, 47, 48, 58, 143, 183, 527, 114, 461, 889, 910, server 1 - 40297 ( steward ) Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 40297 There will be enough GN's for everyone. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting
World Consolation Semi Final: 6, 127, 48, 47, 551, 621, 139, 22, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 1: 22, 139, 5, 6, 551, 127, 621, 47, 114, 355, 48, 238, 461 ,468, 889, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 2: 22, 139, 5, 6, 551, 127, 621, 47, 114, 355, 48, 238, 461 ,468, 889, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 3: 22, 139, 5, 6, 551, 127, 621, 47, 114, 355, 48, 238, 461 ,468, 889, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 238 ) Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 40297 There will be enough GN's for everyone. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting
Heat 1: 4, 5, 6, 12, 399, 532, 924, 184, 210, 527, 114, 143, 183, 525, 777, 238, 461, 468, 889, 910, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 2: 4, 5, 6, 12, 399, 532, 924, 184, 210, 527, 114, 143, 183, 525, 777, 238, 461, 468, 889, 910, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 3: 4, 5, 6, 12, 399, 532, 924, 184, 210, 527, 114, 143, 183, 525, 777, 238, 461, 468, 889, 910, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 238 ) Semi Final 2: 889, 461, 525, 468, 777, 183, 184, 910, 6, 143, 4, 399, 210, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 238 ) Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 40297 There will be enough GN's for everyone. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting
Heat 1: ALL IN server 1 - 40297 ( steward 527 ) Heat 2: ALL IN server 1 - 40297 ( steward 527 ) Heat 3: ALL IN server 1 - 40297 ( steward 527 ) Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 40297 GN: ALL IN - server 1 - 40297 Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting
Tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Semi Final 1: 889 238 468 461 80 399 418 172 58 107 659 183 5 210 984 281 992 24 520 12 578 4 251 628 Semi Final 2: 910 114 777 48 3 355 462 981 924 47 546 245 551 589 127 926 125 143 90 484 6 150 152 139 Heat 1: 12, 127, 210, 262, 578, 959, 5, 90, 125, 399, 551, 628, 58, 183, 463, 924, 984, 48, 107, 461, 468, 777, 114, 238, 910 Heat 2: 127, 210, 251, 281, 578, 959, 5, 125, 399, 520, 532, 551, 58, 183, 463, 589, 924, 143, 355, 461, 468, 777, 114, 238, 889 Heat 3: 12, 127, 251, 262, 281, 959, 90, 399, 520, 532, 551, 628, 463, 589, 924, 984, 48, 107, 143, 355, 461, 468, 114, 889, 910 Heat 4: 12, 210, 251, 262, 281, 578, 5, 90, 125, 520, 532, 628, 58, 183, 589, 984, 48, 107, 143, 355, 777, 238, 889, 910 A-Final: Top 22 Point Scorers (Server 1) There will be enough GN's for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
Heat 1: 254, 620, 4, 5, 6, 551, 924, 391, 210, 463, 527, 47, 58, 114, 525, 238, 468, 889, server 1 - 34297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 2: 254, 620, 4, 5, 6, 551, 391, 924, 210, 463, 527, 47, 58, 114, 525, 238, 468, 889, server 1 - 34297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 3: 254, 620, 4, 5, 6, 551, 391, 924, 210, 463, 527, 47, 58, 114, 525, 238, 468, 889, server 1 - 34297 ( steward 238 ) Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 40297 There will be enough GN's for everyone. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting
Heat 1: 22, 620, 713, 4, 5, 6, 12, 125, 546, 107, 184, 924, 58, 114, 183, 525, 777, 48, 461, 468, 889, server 1 - 34297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 2: 22, 254, 399, 620, 5, 12, 125, 546, 926, 107, 184, 527, 924, 47, 114, 183, 355, 525, 238, 461, 468, server 1 - 34297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 3: 254, 399, 620, 713, 4, 6, 125, 546, 926, 184, 527, 924, 47, 58, 114, 183, 355, 777, 48, 238, 468, 889, server 1 - 34297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 4: 22, 254, 399, 713, 4, 5, 6, 12, 926, 107, 527, 47, 58, 355, 525, 777, 48, 238, 461, 889, server 1 - 34297 ( steward 238 ) World Semi Final 1: 238, 48, 114, 58, 355, 546, 527, 924, 107, 926, 12, 5, 125, 22, 713, (server 1) Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 40297 There will be enough GN's for everyone. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting
Meeting Info MEETING INFO: Skegness - UK Championship - 30/07/24
Kane238 posted a topic in SSC (rFactor)
Tonight's meeting will be held at Skegness for the UK Championship! We currently have 15 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 1) UK Championship: ALL IN (server 1) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting Meeting Information: Heats 1-4 (16 laps) UK Championship (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps) -
Tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. European Championship will be randomised 17 times as current IRL champion is #647 Chris Burgoyne and his number adds up to 17. Any drivers banned or not racing will free up another spot in the Last Chance. European Championship: 889, 910, 238, 114, 461, 468, 3, 777, 48, 80, 107, 58, 463, 399, 183, 659, 546, 5, 551, 210, 589, 12, 265, ( server 1 ) Heat 1: 12, 251, 262, 265, 5, 210, 551, 399, 463, 546, 589, 659, 3, 48, 80, 143, 468, 777, 114, 238, 910 server 1 Heat 2: 251, 262, 265, 959, 5, 210, 532, 107, 399, 463, 659, 48, 58, 80, 143, 183, 461, 468, 238, 889, 910 server 1 Heat 3: 12, 251, 265, 959, 5, 532, 551, 107, 546, 589, 659, 3, 58, 80, 143, 183, 461, 777, 114, 238, 889 server 1 Heat 4: 12, 262, 959, 210, 532, 551, 107, 399, 463, 546, 589, 3, 48, 58, 183, 461, 468, 777, 114, 889, 910 server 1 A-Final: Top 22 Point Scorers (Server 1) There will be enough GN's for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
Meeting Info MEETING INFO: Coventry - WQR 15 + W&Y 12 - 25/07/24
Kane238 posted a topic in F1 (rFactor)
Heat 1: 12, 251 ,959, 4, 6, 399, 546, 924, 47, 58, 107, 127, 174, 183, 184, 461, 525, 527, 48, 238, 889, - server 1 - 40297 Heat 2: 12, 251 ,959, 4, 6, 399, 546, 924, 47, 58, 107, 127, 174, 183, 184, 461, 525, 527, 48, 238, 889, - server 1 - 40297 Heat 3: 12, 251 ,959, 4, 6, 399, 546, 924, 47, 58, 107, 127, 174, 183, 184, 461, 525, 527, 48, 238, 889, - server 1 - 40297 Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 40297 There will be enough GN's for everyone. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting -
Meeting Info MEETING INFO: Arena Essex - WR 5 + W&Y 6 - 23/07/24
Kane238 posted a topic in SSC (rFactor)
Tonight's meeting will be held at Arena Essex for WR 5 + W&Y 6! We currently have 13 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 1) A-Final: ALL IN (server 1) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting Meeting Information: Heats 1-4 (16 laps) A-Final (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps) -
Tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Heats 1-3: ALL IN (Server 1) UK OPEN: ALL IN (Server 1) There will be enough GN's for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
Meeting Info MEETING INFO: Wimbledon - Golden Helmet - 16/07/24
Kane238 posted a topic in SSC (rFactor)
Tonight's meeting will be held at Wimbledon for the Golden Helmet! We currently have 17 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 1) Golden Helmet: ALL IN (server 1) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting Meeting Information: Heats 1-4 (16 laps) Golden Helmet (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps) -
Tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Heats 1-3: ALL IN (Server 1) A Final: ALL IN (Server 1) There will be enough GN's for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
Heat 1: 12, 150, 659, 4, 351, 399, 494, 47, 58, 127, 184, 992, 355, 461, 525, 527, 114, 238, 468, 889, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 2: 12, 150, 659, 125, 351, 399, 494, 58, 127, 174, 184, 992, 461, 525, 527, 777, 48, 114, 468, 889, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 3: 12, 150, 659, 4, 125, 351, 399, 47, 127, 174, 184, 992, 355, 461, 527, 777, 48, 238, 468, 889, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 4: 150, 659, 4, 125, 351, 399, 494, 47, 58, 174, 184, 992, 355, 525, 527, 777, 48, 114, 238, 889, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 5: 12, 150, 4, 125, 351, 494, 47, 58, 127, 174, 992, 355, 461, 525, 527, 777, 48, 114, 238, 468, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 6: 12, 659, 4, 125, 399, 494, 47, 58, 127, 174, 184, 355, 461, 525, 777, 48, 114, 238, 468, 889, server 1 - 40297 ( steward 527 ) British Championship: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 40297 There will be no GN's tonight. You each should have 5 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 5 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting
Tonight's meeting will be held at Kings Lynn for the European Championship! We currently have 15 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 1) European Championship: ALL IN (server 1) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting Meeting Information: Heats 1-4 (16 laps) European Championship (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps)
Tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. English Championship: ALL IN (Server 1) Heats 1-3: ALL IN (Server 1) A Final: ALL IN (Server 1) There will be enough GN's for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
Tonight's meeting will be held at Coventry! We currently have 13 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 1) A-Final: ALL IN (server 1) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting Meeting Information: Heats 1-4 (16 laps) A-Final (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps)
Tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Heats 1-3: ALL IN (Server 1) British Championship: ALL IN (Server 1) There will be enough GN's for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
Tonight's meeting will be held at Bradford (Tarmac)! We currently have 14 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 1) A-Final: ALL IN (server 1) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting Meeting Information: Heats 1-4 (16 laps) A-Final (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps)
Tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Heats 1-5: ALL IN (Server 1) Irish Championship: ALL IN (Server 1) Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for aprompt start to the meeting!
Heat 1: 12, 120, 520, 926, 4, 127, 484, 924, 5, 58, 90, 107, 463, 992, 143, 183, 525, 48, 114, 238, 355, 910, server 1 - 40297 Heat 2: 12, 120, 150, 926, 127, 351, 399, 484, 532, 5, 47, 58, 107, 463, 183, 461, 525, 777, 48, 114, 238, 910, server 1 - 40297 Heat 3: 12, 120, 150, 620, 4, 127, 399, 484, 532, 924, 47, 90, 107, 463, 992, 143, 461, 525, 777, 48, 114, 238, 889, server 1 - 40297 Heat 4: 120, 150, 520, 620, 127, 351, 399, 484, 532, 924, 5, 47, 58, 90, 143, 183, 525, 777, 114, 238, 355, 889, server 1 - 40297 Heat 5: 120, 150, 520, 620, 926, 4, 351, 399, 532, 924, 5, 90, 107, 463, 992, 183, 461, 525, 777, 355, 889, 910, server 1 - 40297 Heat 6: 12, 150, 520, 620, 926, 4, 127, 351, 924, 5, 47, 58, 107, 992, 143, 461, 777, 48, 238, 355, 889, 910, server 1 - 40297 Heat 7: 12, 520, 620, 926, 4, 351, 399, 484, 532, 47, 58, 90, 463, 992, 143, 183, 461, 48, 114, 355, 889, 910, server 1 - 40297 Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 40297 There will be no GN's tonight. You each should have 5 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 5 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting
Tonight's meeting will be held at Northampton Shaleway for WR4 + W&Y5! We currently have 21 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 1) A-Final: ALL IN (server 1) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting Meeting Information: Heats 1-4 (16 laps) A-Final (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps)