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Security Changes

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I've made a few changes as a result of the recent security update, all aimed at making this forum as secure as possible from potential hackers, whilst still retaining its ease of use for our existing members. The measures outlined below are preventative. The last thing I want is for this forum to be hacked & destroyed, which would take me days to repair.


For the record I am not accusing anyone on here of doing anything malitious.


The changes I have made are as follows:

  • Over 30 .php files have been changed and uploaded following changes released by the software company in order to make the software more secure (ie to stop hackers running malitious code).
  • All passwords to all private forums have been changed - you will be notified of the new password via PM but please bear with me for a few hours.
  • New people who wish to register to use the forum will have to verify their email address (as they did before the changes) and then have to be approved by myself. There are a few things I will be looking for as I've been made aware of where most of the hacking attempts are coming from and I'm not prepared to release that data.
  • The support systems have been removed as they were a security threat and I've not figured out how to resolve that issue, therefore thought it best to remove the code altogether for now. The site / forum support topic has been renamed General Support so that any support requests for the forum, website or financial issues can be posted in there.
I hope you all understand why the forum had to be taken offline for a few hours to make these changes. They were done in the best interests of the UKDirt Official forum.
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No Problem Kev, the last thing we would want is to loose the forum for good, and everything with it!


Thanks for your continued improving and running of these great forums.


What ever you choose to do im sure will be the right thing.


Thanks for getting it back on quickly :thumbup:

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thanks kev


i think the same thing as rikard i would rather have the forum taken off line for a few hours rather than having it lost for ever with everything it has on it


Thanks for sorting the problem quick and hope all is well now '



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i see theres something new at the bottom


UKDirt 2nd Tier Administrator


What does this mean :blink:

All 2nd tier admins will be put into their own group so that when I need to tell them something or alter one of their settings, they are all in the same place and I can do whatever I need to quickly and easily. It's much the same as the full UKDirt admins group.

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