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Text size

davey boy

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For a few weeks now the text size changes while im on the internet, and i keep changing it back to medium but then changes into largest font :blink:


I thought it might be some sort of virus doing it but ive scanned the pc loads of times and doesnt pick anything up.... is there a way to sort this out?

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Have you got a scroll wheel mouse ? under the right circumstances(which I cant remember because Opera does not do it) that can change the font size.

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I had that before, it's a pain. Having to keep going back and forward....can't remember how i got rid of it. When you change it back again, perhaps restart your computer right after?


Have you deleted any fonts or anything when it started happening?


I'm sure there is a setting about in the control panel that sorts it out but i'm useless on computers :5:

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Found this statement while having a browse dont know ifit works :shrug:


'Apparently it has something to do with a microsoft update. How I fixed it was to change the screen resolution, and then change it back. That seems to fix the problem.'


If not then bin it and change to Opera :thumbup:

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