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private server


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.First up visit http://www.whatismyip.com Here you will find yer ip address, give that to yer mates or post it on the server announcements.


. In multiplayer window, click 'create' and give a name to yer server. You can also choose how many people you would like to race.


To set your server to thin or thick, go into C:\Programme Files\Hasbro Interactive\Nascar Heat\Ukdirt Bangers...now look for a file called 'options.cfg'

Right click on the .cfg file and selet open with notepad. Go down until you find something saying - svr_force_thick no. Simply change it to yes if you want it on thick or no if you don't!


hope some of that helps



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To set your server to thin or thick, go into C:\Programme Files\Hasbro Interactive\Nascar Heat\Ukdirt Bangers...now look for a file called 'options.cfg'

Right click on the .cfg file and selet open with notepad. Go down until you find something saying - svr_force_thick no. Simply change it to yes if you want it on thick or no if you don't!



You dont need to do that. In the multiplayer screen where you choose your connection type, use the bottom option for thick, and use the one above it for thin, when you use thin you can select how many people can enter.

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