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Banger templates


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Im looking for a few banger templates....


Granada Coupe Limo




Granada Mk3


If someone could post them up or point me in the right direction that would be great :thumbs_up:



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i said creator because i didnt want every one asking and annoying him for it when he doesnt want to give it out.. if he wants to let you no who made it i spect he will post and say.


just doesnt feel like my place.



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not too sure how legitimate this is but I've made my own template for this model - took about 30 mins :scared15:


now is it a no no to start dishing this out to peeeps?????????? :shrug:


Apparently the reason for not releasing the temp is that it's a rare car in real life so it's a real car in the "virtual world" ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????



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i spoke to the creator of the coupe limo and the template isnt being realeased it was a 1 off project for him to use a couple of times in free leagues.... as far as i no.




Fair enough m8 thanks for pointing that out :thumbs_up: the .car file is in a update for download on one of the free league websites so I just thought it would be ok for us to use :shrug:


Thanks for the other templates, I'll make sure these are ok to use by the creators.

Edited by Munster
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If the vreator doesent want the template released then you have no right to make / use one, especially dish it out in my opinion



ok cool - i've made it and I'll keep it for my own personal use only until it's released officially.


- seems a little bit weird though -


spend hours making a new car - and keep it for your own personal use in a free league!!?? thought the whole point of this was to make the whole online racing more enjoyable for everyone - if everyone made cars for themselves then only 8 or 9 people racing LOL.

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theres was only like 12 made real life so why have loads online ;)


Even if it was released there probably wouldn't be many raced online, although i haven’t done many tnb meetings i have done a few, and i can't remember anyone using a mk1 limo, so if the limo coupe was released after a few weeks people probably wouldn’t use it either, but would make a welcomed change if someone did.


I know its the "creators" choice and everything, but it is kinda pointless spending hours and hours making a car only to race for one meeting? faire enough if he wants to race it himself for a while, but then release the template later. Maybe the car isn't high enough quality or isn't totally finished enough yet to be released?


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theres was only like 12 made real life so why have loads online ;)



Whatever the reason it's cool and his decision - i respect that ...... but..............................


why make it then - plenty of other cars that are raced week in - week out to be made and wrecked!!

Edited by hazy
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