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First ya get yourself a version of 3dsmax, it doesent really matter which one as everyone seems to have different versions.


I personally use 3ds max 7


Then once you have that installed, you need the 3d model of the car you want to render...


put in it a scene (can be jsut a floor) drag you TGA'ed skin onto the car and then render it, if you look in Rikards signature it has a very good tutorial how to get shadows and a generall better look.


Hope that helps

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First ya get yourself a version of 3dsmax, it doesent really matter which one as everyone seems to have different versions.


I personally use 3ds max 7


Then once you have that installed, you need the 3d model of the car you want to render...


put in it a scene (can be jsut a floor) drag you TGA'ed skin onto the car and then render it, if you look in Rikards signature it has a very good tutorial how to get shadows and a generall better look.


Hope that helps


erm, where do i get the 3d models?



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