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downloading BH2005 skins???


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I have been trying to download some of the fantastic skins you guys have put up. but when i click on the onses that says 'download here' i just get directed back to the forums homepage for example the Tim Warick skin which would love to have. Does anyone know what i doin wrong????? :shrug:


cheers mart

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I have been trying to download some of the fantastic skins you guys have put up. but when i click on the onses that says 'download here' i just get directed back to the forums homepage for example the Tim Warick skin which would love to have. Does anyone know what i doin wrong????? :shrug:


cheers mart


might be to do with forum permissions (with that being your first post) m8.....kev149 might be able to advise better



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Tim Warwick skin can be downloaded here:




table Driver

number 307

name Tim Warwick

chassis Faldingt

rank 17

race_image 100

body_style ccar







(if there are any others you want, chances are i probably have it so just ask me).


Edited by Kruiz 136
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ok im going to push my luck now!!! :thumbup: Some of the skins such as Mal Brown and the Carlos Perez shale car only work on Uk Dirt, if i try and add them to BH 2005 it just resets the drivers in the game to the nascar ones. Any ideas please??????


Thanks alot mart

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ok im going to push my luck now!!! :thumbup: Some of the skins such as Mal Brown and the Carlos Perez shale car only work on Uk Dirt, if i try and add them to BH 2005 it just resets the drivers in the game to the nascar ones. Any ideas please??????


Thanks alot mart


Yep, ukdirt is reguarly updated meaning they get all of the chassis. BH2005 hasn't been properly updated for a long time so it is a bit out of date for the new skins such as the ones you mentioned.


There is a way around this however. You need to read the drivers.txt and find out which cars do not work. Note the name of the chassis for each car that doesn't work then go into ukdirtf1 game folder and copy and paste the '.car' file into the bh2005 folder. For example Mal Browns would be 'burns.car'. That is the file that bh2005 is missing and needs for the game to work with Mal Brown. Carlos Perez would be 'db515.car' copy and paste that file from ukdirtf1 to bh2005. Do this with all the cars that don't work in your bh2005 game and the problem should stop.



Hope that helps mate,



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At you seem to be the person to ask about skins.. is there any chance you could post up some of the ones that have been on here but are no longer downloadable, or some others you've made but not posted.


Especially tarmac ones.. not got a huge number of them!



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Ok there are about 5 cars i have done in this file although they are quite old now as i did them last year, but you can have them if you want them. If i get enough time i should be painting a few more skins in the next month or so aswell.












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