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R'n'B and Hip Hop Music...

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Anyone into it like me, a great website for the new tunes just released on radio, mixtapes and just on the internet....a good website that allows you to listen to them all.


Probably the best website i've came across for that sorta' music.


Yeah....i'll get in the 'yeah, what up dog' and all that pish that sends you to sleep after hearing it so many times, a bit like Albz's 'jokes (term used loosley..)...




Happy listening :thumbup:


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Im more into Punk Rock myself, Green Day, Blink 182, anything that like that really.


(I AM NOT A GOUGH!) I am wearing a Liverpool top at the moment so far from that state of human life. lol




Going to see Anti-Flag & Rancid next month, i'm a huge Pennywise, Strung Out, NOFX, Pulley, Face To Face etc etc etc fan!


Also a Springsteen, AC/DC, Metallica kinda guy.....along with cheesy 80s disco pop and electric :D

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Yeah....i'll get in the 'yeah, what up dog' and all that pish that sends you to sleep after hearing it so many times, a bit like Albz's 'jokes (term used loosley..)...




I never joke where your concerned WAN KAH I say it cos I can

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Not interested in your pishy rock and heavy metal nonsense... :coffee:


:rofl: i daresay (from the replies in this thread) that the majority here aren't interested in 'down wid da kroo, bitch-slappin mofo' blah blah gang-culture crap that tends to dominate hip-hop & r'n'b these days but they've replied to your first post reasonably enough and probably didnt deserve to be slagged off.


do i get to call you wigga without causing offence? or just foo?

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I never joke where your concerned WAN KAH I say it cos I can



:rofl: Is that a new group out Albz? It will only be to his liking if it has a hit once every 2 or 3 years then fades back into miniscurity. Apparently they do spend a lot of time rehearsing in the studio but very little chart success to show for it.




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Not interested in your pishy rock and heavy metal nonsense...


Likewise, their probably not interested in pishy RnB and Hip Hop nonsense.....

Edited by erik
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Not afraid to mix it up :thumbup: As i said before, everyone enjoys something different....but some had to bite :thumbup: I like everything, and have a very wide genre of music from Tupac, Cara Dillion, Guns 'N' Roses, Black Sabbath, Slipknot, Usher, The Kooks, Lifehouse...etc etc. so 'being down with the hood' i don't get...i'm not ignorant to music like some are to be fair :042:


Call me whatever you want Wrighty my old boy! :thumbup: Just, make sure you change the record now and again, Albertz tends to say the same things every day. Don't be scared to be different :thumbup:

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