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After watching Roy Fuller writing Cecil's Firecracke car this afternoon it got me wondering how you guys manage to get the airbrush effects on the skins?


Is there a 'foolproof' way of doing this?




got some pics of that car ?? i saw other works of roy fuller it looked great

at my dad his place i also got an airbush set




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After watching Roy Fuller writing Cecil's Firecracke car this afternoon it got me wondering how you guys manage to get the airbrush effects on the skins?


Is there a 'foolproof' way of doing this?





There are thousands of effects achievable with an airbrush and with pixels on the various paint programs.


From my experience the only "foolproof" way of doing effects is to get a really good photo of the effect you want to achieve - ....................... then practice practice practice and um..................... practice until your happy with it.

Experience of how the effects and tools work will also help.


Just remember it's an art form and the "real signwriters have spent many years perfecting there style and tinkering with effects - to think that a computer version of the same thing will be easier is maybe a liitle nieve (no offense ment!!)


Personally i spent two years praticing on my own skins for personal use before i offered to do others skins........


I also feel there are too many people who think they can "paint offering services" - all my skins have been well recived and i only hope this is a reflection of the 100+ hours I've spent practicing.


Edited by hazy
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I use the old but easy to use Micrografx software for skinpainting and its airbrushing function is very capable and simple to use. Like Hazy says though ...it takes skill and practice to use it right to get the desired effects..in some ways more so than in real life due to the merging effects to get a real quality skin. He is also right about some of the so called "skin painting services". While some of the skins are good with signs properly merged etc some others are clearly not merged and detail is lost underneath and the sign "sticks out" rather than blending in.

No doubt people who want skins doing( through not knowing how or having the right software) are grateful to have skins painted for them but this doesnt mean the skins are top quality.

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