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Search Function


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Just wondering why there is a 4 words min limit on the search function, coz it can be inconvenient when searching for things like 'a60', 'bmw', 'xp', 'usb' :shrug:

Would it be possible to remove the filter, or would it cause undesired effects? :unsure:

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It's common practice to have the limit set at 4 letters. Searching for something is an intensive process (ie takes at lot of the servers power) which is the main reason for the limit being in place, considering we have nearly 100,000 posts to search through.


Can you imagine someone searching for the word 'and' or 'for' or 'we' or 'I'? There would be thousands of posts listed, not to mention the server probably grinding to a halt, which I'm sure I wouldn't be thanked for.


I understand your reasons for asking for this limit to be removed but I would be against it given what I've said above.

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