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hello :042:


i no theres a few wwe fans on ere or used to be i just wonderd your opinion on the chirs benoit story



i found out the news at about 00.00am monday morning so it was a wee bit of a shock so i thought i watch raw i must say after stone cold i found it boring and went to bed lol


anyway woke up tuesday to this new evidance i just wonder what everyfan fan thought of him imo he was a great technical wrestler has your opinion of him dropped in light of this?


to be coverd by british media is imo a big thing as he was only a wrestler and in light of what has been said as i say i was a bit shocked but now i have other opinions



i am intrested to no other peopeles opinions on this as tbh he lost all respect etc in my book


as a dad myself n all that.......would you?

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That is a shocking tragedy, and would be if it had been a prime minister, plumber or call centre operative, so I am not sure that I lose respect for his professional 'achievements' in the light of this. I know its not on the same level but George Best or Alex Higgins weren't regarded as a lesser footballer or snooker player because of his many off field problems


As a wrestler Benoit made me go 'you mad b'tard' probably as much as any other 1 I can think of. Having said that maddest of all Mick Foley is a successful author now, and seems like a well adjusted person, he did get out earlier.


Its an incredibly stressful life on the road pretty much all the time and basically trying to break yourself every night, so it has to have contributed. Stone Cold, Edge, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero (before his death) all had reasonably well documented personal issues.


I think WWE has to look at the pressures it puts wrestlers under. Having read the Stone Cold autobiography they basically throw anything down themselves that they think might keep them going. The career goes on much longer now as well, Benoit was one of the early ones to have neck surgery that fused together his vertebra - tbh when your body is that knackered you should be taking the hint IMO.


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What a sad, pathetic little man he was, there can be no acceptable excuses, he's taken his wifes life and then doing a choke hold on his son while he was in his bed, the little fella must of been terrifyed. r.i.p



Edited by swerve
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Alot of the wrestlers seem to 'go off the rails' to some extent, like alot of celebrity type figures do. I liked Benoit as a wrestler, although I haven't watched it since I was in primary school (probably about year 5/6/7 to you lot). You tend to get more easily angered just watching wrestling, imagine if you actually took part in it? I remember seeing on some program about Hogan and his family (my sister's choice...she guards the TV remote with her life) that he was having stuff injected into his spine so he could keep wrestling...again if your body is that knackered, surley you'd think that retiring might be an idea?


As for what Benoit has done, even given the above, they can say what they like about steroids, pressure etc, but there's still no excuse. That's insanity, and he shouldn't have been allowed anywhere near his family in that state. Imagine what that will feel like for his relatives, the shock of one of their family doing something like that?

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was shocked and saddened to hear about this having followed the wrestling scene upto a few years ago. its very true though wrestlers do lose the plot eventually. i saw a documentary on jake 'the snake' roberts a while ago, he is now a coke addict doing 100 quid a night shows in america to fund his habit.

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I dont understand how you can call pretending to hit each other an achievement ;)


Never nice to hear of someone dying... but in all honesty if it was an overdose then it was his own fault :unsure:


More informed comment from the London Renatgob - are you aware of the actual full story or did you just skim read this thread? Surely you have something crass and pointless to say about the murder of the wife & son.


Of course its pretend, they don't actually connect with each other, and the ladders they dive off are really 3 feet tall, they are all dwarves, its a a brilliant piece of illusion camera work, isn't it?

Edited by bathyboy81
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Weather you are a wrestler in the public lime lite, or under any amounts of pressure, or steroids drugs etc, doesn't give you an excuse to kill your family, if thats what he done.


If he was going mad chucking furniture around and turning violent, his poor family must have been terrified. How can someone kill their Wife? Or worse still their own child?


Hadn't he herd the WWE motto? "Don't try this at home" lol

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I dont understand how you can call pretending to hit each other an achievement ;)


Never nice to hear of someone dying... but in all honesty if it was an overdose then it was his own fault :unsure:


London Renatgob




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Fake isn't a word I would use to describe wrestling in it's entirety. We all know that the matches (most) are scripted with the outcome already decided (although a lot of matches these days the guys are told who is to win but just to go out and do what they want), but there is still a high level of skill and athleticalism in what these guys do.


To stand there and make it look like you are being punched by 300lb man (whilst actually not getting hit) isn't something most normal people could do, it would end up very messy :blink: .


The whole point of televised wrestling these days is to make it entertaining and bring in the $$$$, so much more entertainment is added to the wrestling factor to keep the casual fan interested just as much as the hardcore fan.


I mean anyone that says a man jumping off the Hammerstein Ballroom balcony through a table is fake is seriously mistaken. Ok the table isn't solid oak, but the guy has just jumped off a balcony onto another guy, there will be contact, it will hurt!


When guys like Sabu, Terry Funk and Mick Foley blade themselves, they really are blading with a real blade and the blood that it creates is actually real (hence the real scars lol).


Tbh if all people watch is wwe then thats where things go wrong, as the wwe as lost the plot over the last 6 or 7 years. Anybody will tell you, go watch the Indy promotions or live shows down the road and you will see a much more believable product.


On the note of Benoit, absolute horrific tradgedy. The man was clearly not in a stable state of mind, and although not an excuse for his action in hos own mind probably done what he thought was right at the time.


I have follwed Benoits career from ECW, through WCW and in to WWE and have always admired his commitment to the business. As with Eddie Guerrero, Benoit was one of the best allround wrestlers in the business and imo still had a lot left in him.


It does concern me though that WWE seems to be pushing the smaller guys to 'bulk up' more, just look at Benoit, Guerrero, Mysterio etc before coming to the WWE. I mean you can only train for so many hours a day and it is inevitable that Steroids would come in to play to enhance the process.


It was stated that excessive use of certain Steroids could trigger symptoms of paranoia, delusion and mood swings among other things and, whilst I am not going to speculate, it would seem this may have been the case.


My final words on the matter.


Benoit the wrestler, always will be a legend in my eyes, always gave his all and deserves no less.


Benoit the man, I cannot comment on the mans personal life away from the ring, all I will say is that whatever the problems innocent people don't deserve to die.



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Just heard more reports that he battered his wifes head in, and needle marks were found is his sons arms, so he pumped him full of the crap he was taken and overdosed him.



wish i was as depressed as he was what with all his millions of $$ big house, wife and kid. some people dont know they are born. I pity the fool ( in the words of mr T) all that and still has time to wallow in his own self pity.


big steroid induced ballet dancer is what they are


Then wwe go and throw a big ' in memory ' of benoit night on TV. lol only in america

Edited by swerve
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Just to clarify, the show that was in memory was sposed to be the live raw on monday evening, wwe had only found out he was dead that day, they knew nothing about the situation of his family at the time of putting the tribute on.


As soon as the realised they apologised and pulled the show from airing in any other country.

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I still watch the wrestling, been to see WWE for the last 3 years and i love it. I describe it to my mates as coronation street for men, so what if its not real?


Benoit always seemed like a genuine guy, he gave an interview in the metro newspaper only a month ago so i was shocked and quite saddened when the news was released. When you watch these people wrestle on TV for years you feel like you know them, especially if you have seen them live. I've never seen Chris Benoit but i did see Eddie Guerrero live and that was a shock too.


It's not surprise that this sort of things happen due to all the steroids and the immense pressure these guys are under with their soul destroying schedules. These guys are heroes for the work they put in, especially when they go over to Iraq and put a show on for the troops.


I would love to know if there was a reason that pushed Benoit over the edge or if it was just the steroids but i can safely say i've lost no respect for his career achievements and dedication to the business at all. As for what he done to his family, you can't make judgements without knowing all the facts, it just wouldn't be fair.

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Personally, I thought he was great in the ring. Its a shame that what has happened has happened.


Not sure if anyone else had heard this, but on the news they are now saying that something was posted on the internet saying that Mrs Benoit was dead before the bodies had even been discovered :o

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Sorry if this sounds stupid but obviously she was dead before she was discovered? Otherwise she would have been discovered alive?


:rofl: Absolutely true!


BUT... how come it was posted on the Internet BEFORE the bodies were discovered? :eusa_think: Someone knew she was dead before she was found

Edited by Crazy Craig
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Wasn't made by me, sent to me through msn


To the tune of Fresh Prince of Bel Air



Now this is the story all about how

My life got flipped-turned upside down

And I'd like to take a minute to talk off-stage

And tell you how I became the victim of a thing called roid-rage.


In the pro wrestling industry, born and raised,

Choking other men is how I spent most of my days.

Headbuttin', cross-facin', as a technical king,

All while shootin' some steroids outside of the ring.

When I got an iPhone, I was up to no good.

Skipped a match and flew back to my neighborhood.

I took one too many roids, my wife gasped for breath,

I said "Stop moving your little ass while I choke you to death!"


I whistled for my son and when he came near,

He still had "Fragile-X" and the physique of a queer.

If anything I could say that this kid was rare,

But I thought "Nah, forget it" and deprived him of air!


I went down to the gym around 7 or 8,

And I yelled to myself "Yo Chris, smell ya latah!"

Hung myself to death, at a very young age,

Now I'm burning in hell, all because of roid-rage.

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