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  mcrew said:

:rofl: at the thought of James Cagney relaying through a medium, his intet to make a model. :scared15:


I reckon I would get more sense out of him as well!!!! Than some of the you lot :thumbup: (That was a joke you bunch of miserable people)



  AndyH 148 said:

Very interesting thread this one!!


  swindy said:

Reg i think you will find many of the cars and tracks that are use in the (ukdirt league) have faults with them, and people and still like them and are not to bothered and are still enjoyed them online


Some may have the odd fault but I beleive that you can see ALL of them coming at you from a distance.


  reg126 said:

I have only recorded a few results of my observations from swaffham tests...mainly on more recently released cars..most cars have not been checked ..

PASSED(damage retained and no dissappearing parts)........ROVER P5BC (coupe), vx490,mk10 jaguar.


PARTS GO MISSING(invisible bits)....A35,A60E,sierra estate.


REVERTS TO UNDAMAGED STATE....Nomad,saab,Monach,Volvo264,Hunter,mk3cavalier,Lincoln Limo,Crown hearse,mondeo,fx4taxi,peugeot 404,P5B,fury hearse, Buick limo.




When so much work goes into building a model..its a shame really that the extra work is often missed out or done wrongly thus spoiling what otherwise could be a good model.


Well said Reg! I was part of the testing team that went through most of the new models prior to this season. A lot of the new models were rejected due to the lods(?) problem ie they are only a chassis and wheels riding round in the distance and only appear when you get close. This happens in a race as well as replay mode. The A60 estate was one of the worst for it. Other things that let the models down were too low/too small/too fast/too strong etc but the first thing that was checked was the ability to see it coming at you.


If you don't think it is a problem fair enough but the person using one of the chassis has a major advantage as they cant be seen on oppo until the last second and the same the other way round, someone waiting for them on oppo cant see them until the last second, especially at a dark track like Wimbledon, it is basically a set of wheels riding round the track! What's the good in that?! That's why several were rejected straight away and not used in UK Dirt. You may think that is being fussy but we dont.



  swindy said:


I don't mined anyone post what they thick of my models approving or disapproving after all that's why i post them up to get feedback before i release them.



Really sounds like you dont mind when you jump down the throats of anyone that has some constructive criticism of your models.


  swindy said:

Nick i don't take as criticism^^^i take that as a dig at my work form reg who as made all but 1 model and made mistakes on that :coffee: ,


If you put post's on like that you got expect a negative reaction post back!



But i just feel that modelers come on to tell me how to make them,i don't wish to no as all my models are fine great damage right in scale and look as reel as possible work fine in the game no warp etc....





  swindy said:

I think reg i would be the last person ukdirt would ask to use my car's so that's why the are for free leagues

but in the same vain,i think imo maybe some of my models are better than what ukdirt is using now


Not sure what you mean about you being the last person UK Dirt would use, yeah you have pissed off quite a few people in one way or another but I am sure it is just a few. From the way you talk you are anti UK Dirt so if your cars are for the free leagues why post them on here?!


The above are my own opinions so if you cop one then cop one with me and not UK Dirt, I thank you.


All I can see is people trying to help you make your models spot on but you aren't having any of it.







Well good rant that told me ! will not be posting on here again as my online banger racing as come to an end

not though you mind as you only p.i.s.s in the dark m8,


Think its time to end what i do online here and in free leagues making cars/running bangers teams ,hosting banger heats /helping many many people with modeling skin painting and the rest...


like to think i put something in to the league but many mite say thank god he's gone but i always said what i feel as a true person i am not fake


Having seen people trying to stop free leagues by hacking them and the constant attacks at my models...to reg/ models need detail the old way/nicks tut old skool ps's better now put more ploys in makes better damage shape of model/ to nick get rid of the old basic models in the game start all over



As for Team V andy-675 will run it form now on and hope he does well and beat trash ;)


The morris will not be finished so open to anyone who wants to make it



I enjoyed racing online was fun think a made a bad name for myself but that was my own boing not the the game so hope ukdirt goes on and on....





Signing out :042:





Swindy, youve only got the hump with online racing as your missus was doing better than you where! :scared15::rofl:

Whatever happens, good luck with the new arrival when it gets here. ;)

Cya mate. :thumbup:

Posted (edited)
  reg126 said:



I have only recorded a few results of my observations from swaffham tests...mainly on more recently released cars..most cars have not been checked ..

PASSED(damage retained and no dissappearing parts)........ROVER P5BC (coupe), vx490,mk10 jaguar.


PARTS GO MISSING(invisible bits)....A35,A60E,sierra estate.


REVERTS TO UNDAMAGED STATE....Nomad,saab,Monach,Volvo264,Hunter,mk3cavalier,Lincoln Limo,Crown hearse,mondeo,fx4taxi,peugeot 404,P5B,fury hearse, Buick limo.



When so much work goes into building a model..its a shame really that the extra work is often missed out or done wrongly thus spoiling what otherwise could be a good model.


u say that but tthe granny hearse dissapears other than the wheels


any way

pitty uve left swindy cya m8

Edited by stig817
  stig817 said:

  reg126 said:



I have only recorded a few results of my observations from swaffham tests...mainly on more recently released cars..most cars have not been checked ..

PASSED(damage retained and no dissappearing parts)........ROVER P5BC (coupe), vx490,mk10 jaguar.


PARTS GO MISSING(invisible bits)....A35,A60E,sierra estate.


REVERTS TO UNDAMAGED STATE....Nomad,saab,Monach,Volvo264,Hunter,mk3cavalier,Lincoln Limo,Crown hearse,mondeo,fx4taxi,peugeot 404,P5B,fury hearse, Buick limo.



When so much work goes into building a model..its a shame really that the extra work is often missed out or done wrongly thus spoiling what otherwise could be a good model.


u say that but tthe granny hearse dissapears other than the wheels


any way

pitty uve left swindy cya m8


so does the a60e is that not why ukdirt don't use them fella?




swindy mate dont just quit over a few doubters who are being left in the shadows because of your incredable talent to model cars into the game with what i can only geuss in the ammount of cars youve modelled with relative ease!




I also dont know the full ins and outs to the topic. But surely anyone who is dedicated to the cause of modelling cars be it f1,f2,saloon,hot rods or a bangers for the game. Surely deserves the credit. Yer maybe he has got off on wrong foot with some people. BUT TO ME THAT DOS'NT ENTITLE THEM TO SLAG/DISRESPECT THE GUYS MODELS. After all were all in it for the same reasons. If they have s,all teething problems getting them into game, or problems when in the game ie dissapearin or damage slightly out. Would'nt it be better if someone who has the knowledge of the modelling side of the game. Help and advice him over pm's. This preventing folk from jumping on there cause and making it not worth his time. This is not only based towards anyone in particular. Just in general. :shrug:



Your post is full of good information and common sense Jock. In regards to dedicated to the cause of modelling ..well this is very true. To model well wether its a plastic airfix kit ,scratch built model aircraft ,model railways of computer models a person has to have the right approach and be dedicated in trying to produce good quality models within the limitations of the media they are using. Skills and knowledge can be learned however ultimately patience and and determination to do a job right are paramount. Models which are rushed or have short cuts on them will inevitably fail to perform as well. I have built radio control aircraft and seen too many cases where shoddy built models worth £500 plus have become scrap due to poor construction.

It is good advice for modellers to share information and advise as well as get comments from others . Most concerned with UK Dirt's mods would like to see them be as good as possible and continually improving so certain standards need to be met for new models to be accepted.Where models fail to meet it for some reason they can often be adjusted and parts remodelled accordingly to meet the required standards but only if the desire of the modeller is there. As the mods are for online competitive use then poly counts are the biggest limitation on levels of detail that can be put into a model. Additional limits on how the model is made is down to the way the game is designed . My interest is Bangers, so when making a new model it must be based on a real car type and the initial model before damage or anything else should have a good likeness to the subject being modelled while bearing in mind the scale and poly limits. If a car looks wrong to start with then however good anything else is its just not going to stand up to scrutiny. Good modellers research there subjects well and should get the main elements of a cars design correct. Additionally early samples of the base model may get passed to others to check over for feedback on wether the basic car looks right. If a car is just a few per cent wider or narrower (hard to tell) than it should be that it doesnt get noticed then thats fine. Cars which are obviously too wide/narrow/tall or short etc will look out of sorts as would poor shaping of parts. (Plastic kits can vary massively in scale and accuracy).

Many of the modellers do PM each other or use MSN to share opinion or give advice. Indeed I actually sent a PM to Swindy advising him about 2 things on one of his models in a friendly helpful way. Briefly, the reply

was abusive and that he didnt want any advice at all while at the same time being negative about my own efforts and those of 2 other modellers without any foundation. At the same time he did highlight several small errors in one of my models. Some of these I was aware of and a few I was not. The issues were addressed and most errors fixed. You can never be 100% sure a model is perfect as some errors may not get noticed for some considerable amount of time or be so negligible that they are not really needing a fix. As long as the cars basically good and not too error ridden then its fit for the game and goes on release. If we waited for perfection ...then we wouldnt have a game to play.


I agree with everything u say reg. And the model i have saw off yours is also IMO excellent. As i said as well i dont know the full ins and outs and was just statin my opinions. But if this was the case where you had sent a pm. Highlightin a few errors and were then giving a mouthful for your troubles. This might be why people are takin certain stances against people. But surely if someone who was intrested in joinin ukdirt and came on here reading what each of the modellers are sayin regardin prejects/models they are carrying out. This would put people of if it was only racers having a dispute over skins. Never mind modellers slating one and others work. U's ALL IMO do a great job(and long may it continue) cause without your time and hard work the game we ALL enjoy playing would'nt be at the standard it is today :appl:


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