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Codename Wedgeway lol


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Looking superb GG, keep up the great work, and hopefully a real track once you've got this one done?

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Cheers guys, it makes all the difference when you can get some criticism (good or bad). As far as influences go its kind of bits and pieces from tracks i have visited in the past i.e Bradford style pits, not sure it would practical though but looks ok lol.


I will sure like to do a 'Real life' track, I will just wait and see what is underway when this is finished (providing i can get this one done ok) and take it from there, I had been considering Mildenhall but who knows.




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Looking good so far, congrats. The pits issue, here is the problem Ive delt with. Ill use Birm as an example. Pit road is not inside the track, nor does it have a proper access road (like yours). We had a wall up where the pits were, where you could drive thru the back, like Belle, but couldnt drive back thru to the pits/garages. Belle I put the pits in the infield, Birm we just left the wall out for now. Hence why those 2 tracks are V0.9. Online, the pits issue is a non-issue, offline its a huge issue. The ai will just keep trying to drive thru the wall, and will just block the track once a few of them try. I had a sim issue with Ips, I wanted the pit area in the correct spot, but the ai would not merge properly. They didnt care who was coming, they would just shoot out of the gate, so I had to move it to the infield. Belle seems to be the best option right now, 40 pit stalls are in a 10 ft area. You cant pit during a real race, so I feel this worked out great, offline and on. If you want to do a Belle type aiw, or just when you get that far, just yell at me on MSN, I will help you out, it was fairly easy after the 57th try... :banghead2:


I like the Mildenhall idea also :thumbup:


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